Ballard High School

High School
Student Check Lists By Grade 9, 10, 11 & 12

Grade 12 Senior

Welcome Class of 2025

Class Spirit Color is Black


Senior Mandatory Meeting Oct 9

Wed, Oct 9: Senior Mandatory Meeting – Early Dismissal from 4th period at 11:40 a.m. Come to the Performing Arts Center (PAC). Admin, Counselors and National Achievers will be there with information on Graduation and where to get cap and gowns and more!

Senior Yearbook Photos TBD

Senior Portraits have typically been due in October for the School Yearbook. If you do not submit a senior photo to the yearbook staff, they will use your Student ID photo instead. Rowland Studios has been in partnership with Ballard HS for many years and will take pictures of all our students for ID cards and for the yearbook. It is not required that your Senior Portrait be taken at this studio. Stay tuned for senior portrait due date and submission information.

Graduation Date: June 13, 2025!

3students on stage in cap and gown in front of audience of students at Memorial Stadium

Ballard High School: June 13, 2025, 8 p.m.
Location: Memorial Stadium

All SPS High School Graduation dates.

Class of 2025 News!

SAT and Collegeboard logo

Seniors! Grade 12 SAT At BHS Details: Oct. 16 & 17

Grade 12 SAT. Must have SPS-issued laptop.

Laptops, Notebooks, Photo, Mug and Images of students

BHS Students: Stay Connected

All the ways for students to stay in the know with Club events and updates for Ballard HS!

Senior Resources

Senior Year Career and College Planning Checklist


  • Review your course schedule–take the most challenging and appropriate classes for your abilities.
  • Stay involved in extracurricular activities—balance fun with academics.
  • Plan and register for any final ACT or SAT tests, if needed.
  • Finalize college list with names of schools and begin completing applications.
  • Still researching post high school options, use the following websites to help in your career and college search:
  • Attend presentations by college representatives with virtual visits.
  • Watch for virtual College Fairs and Events.
  • Letters of Recommendation.
  • Make a calendar and organize important activities and tasks for the semester and year.


  • Keep your grades up–use any resources available to help you get the most out of your classes.
  • Take the SAT
  • Start working on FAFSA, WASFA and CSS Profile, if planning to attend college after high school
  • Continue completing applications.


  • Keep your grades up–use any resources available to help you get the most out of your classes.
  • Watch for AP Exam registration if interested. Must be registered and paid to take AP Exam(s) in May.
  • Continue completing applications.
  • Review your calendar and activities/tasks list and adjust as needed.


  • Continuing completing applications.
  • Check grades and seek help for academic areas you may be struggling with now.  


  • Keep focused with classes, finish out 1st semester strong
  • Scholarship research and application completion continues.


  • New semester—review what went well and what did not from 1st semester—adjust as needed.
  • Still researching post high school options, use all resources to help move toward your goal.
  • Scholarship research and application completion continues
  • Complete Seattle Promise Application as a post high school college option.


  • Scholarship research and application completion continues


  • Check grades and keep working hard.
  • Finalize college acceptance process.
  • Scholarship research and application completion continues


  • Still researching post high school options, use all resources to help move toward your goal.
  • Prepare to take your AP Exams (if applicable).
  • Scholarship research and application completion continues.
  • Start researching summer opportunities including internships, jobs, volunteer work, summer programs, etc.


Finish out your classes and high school career on a positive note.

-> Pick up a Senior Year Career and College Planning Checklist PDF in the Counseling Office.

Blog Article for Collage Application Process

Rick Clark’s “The College Application is NOT a form. It’s YOUR STORY!” blog is fantastic if you’re going through the college application process.

Stay Informed!

Reading the PTSA Weekly Newsletter is one of the best ways to stay informed of upcoming events and deadlines. If you are not getting the PTSA Weekly Newsletter you can sign up on the Sign Up Form

Senior parents watch and follow the FB PTSA Parents Class of 2024 for updates and as well as the Student Instagram @ballardhsclassof2024 for Associated Student Body (ASB) and students updates.

Questions for a Ballard HS Counselor or School Social Worker? Schedule an appointment

Student & Family Helpful Information

Washington Student Achievement Council offers many resources for families as they prepare for life after graduation.

It’s common for graduating seniors to lose momentum during Summer Break. The last years have been particularly challenging, but don’t let that derail your hopes and dreams for the future. Take time this summer to reflect on what you want life to look like down the road.

Once graduation is behind you (Congratulations!), set yourself up for success in life after high school:

  • Have a plan for college or career training. It’s not too late!
  • Check out the Graduate Handbook, which provides next steps for recent high school graduates. The handbook includes a to-do list, info about college course types, financial aid tips, and more.
  • Don’t forget to prepare a budget, and make sure you know how to access health care.
  • Need help? Have questions? Identify supportive people and places in your community or on your future college campus.

Parents and families can help! Ask the adults in your life to review the Family Guide: Supporting Your Child After High School, which helps family members support graduates as they prepare for and complete their first year in college. The family guide is available in eight languages.

Life is changing, but you are ready—you can do this! Stay on track and plan your future on the Washington Student Achievement Council website.

Applying to College & Post High School

If you are looking for help with a college list, log into your Naviance account. Use the SuperMatch tool to search for colleges that would be a good fit. The Ballard HS Counseling Center pages: Applying to College and Post High School Options have a considerable amount of resources and helpful information posted that the Counselors have put together for your reference, so check them out!

Applying to College

Refer to this page for answers to commonly asked questions about applying to college – both 4 year and 2 year as well as upcoming events and opportunities. Explore the sections on the Applying to College page for helpful information for Ballard Seniors and their families. Check back regularly, as new content is being added.

Post High School Options

Refer to this page for answers to commonly asked questions about post high school options and resources. Explore the sections on the Post High School Options page for helpful information for Ballard Seniors and their families. Check back regularly, as new content is being added.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

Email me with tips on information you would like located here or better ways to support your searches on the Ballard HS website. Diane Taylor, BHS Website Editor at Thank you!