Ballard High School

High School

Assessments Overview

Assessments at Ballard HS

Assessment News

Graphic of a camera

Student Photo ID/ASB Card & Laptop Distribution Sept. 6

Student Photo ID.

PSAT/NMSQT. CollegeBoard.

Grade 11 PSAT/NMSQT At BHS: Date TBD

Grade 11 PSAT/NMSQT. Date TBD. Must have SPS-issued laptop.

SAT and Collegeboard logo

Grade 12 SAT At BHS: Date TBD

Grade 12 SAT. Date TBD. Must have SPS-issued laptop.

Types of Assessments

On the corresponding individual test specific pages you will find helpful dates and detailed information about the different kinds of testing that happen for students over the course of their four years at Ballard High School.

Please visit the SPS Testing and Assessments page for updates and news on how assessments are used and their requirements in Seattle Public Schools. Note: SPS contracts with the College Board for the School-Day PSAT and SAT only. The district—as a single entity—does not contract with the College Board for any Saturday testing or for the ACT exam.

SAT: School Year 2024-25

  • The District has confirmed offering a School-Day Digital SAT for the 24-25 School Year
    • All Seniors will be registered to take the School-Day SAT at no cost to families.
      • Testing Window: Oct 1 – 31. Ballard HS Date TBD.
    • The College Board provides a Digital SAT.
      • IMPORTANT: All Grade 12 students will be required to use their SPS devices for the Digital SAT. This will ensure that technical assistance can be provided on-site by SPS staff on the day of testing.
    • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is the most widely used college admission test in the country. The test can be used as a substitute graduation requirement if the student didn’t meet passing scores on other assessments in ELA or math. Learn more on the district Assessments page.
      • SPS administers the SAT assessments free of charge during a regular school day.

PSAT/NMSQT School Year 2024-25

  • The District has confirmed offering a School-Day Digital PSAT/NMSQT for the 24-25 School Year
    • All Juniors will be registered to take the School-Day PSAT/NMSQT at no cost to families.
    • Testing Window: Oct 1 – 31. Ballard HS Date TBD.
  • IMPORTANT: All Grade 11 students will be required to use their SPS devices for the Digital PSAT/NMSQT. This will ensure that technical assistance can be provided on-site by SPS staff on the day of testing.
    • The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT/NMSQT) helps Juniors prepare for the SAT and is used to qualify students for scholarships and advanced learning opportunities. Learn more on the district Assessments page.
      • SPS administers the PSAT/NMSQT assessments free of charge during a regular school day.

AP Exams

School Year 23-24

AP Exam Scores were released by College Board on July 8, 2024.

State Assessments

Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA): ELA, Math, WCAS
WIDA: Assessment for Multilingual Students

All students are required to meet State Standards in English Language Arts and Math in order to earn a diploma from Ballard High School. The most efficient way to demonstrate proficiency is by taking and passing the state exams given to students the spring of their sophomore year.


The ACT, is an entrance exam used by some colleges to make admissions decisions. It is administered by ACT, Inc to measure a student’s readiness for college.

How important ACT scores are varies from school to school. Students and families need to register and pay for these exams as they are not offered at SPS or Ballard High School.

Overall, the higher you score on the ACT and/or SAT, the more options for attending and paying for college in the US will be available. Refer to the ACT website for more information on ACT dates, locations and fees.