Ballard High School

High School

Prospective Students & Families

Prospective Family Night Recap

Little Ballard Beaver with B on shirt and cap

Ballard HS Prospective Student & Family Night was held on campus on Feb. 12, 2025 at Ballard HS. Explore the information posted on the school website.

Find copies of Ballard’s student newspaper, The Talisman, in news bins throughout the school! The 2024 student-made “Day in the Life” lip-dub video will be screened in the PAC throughout the evening, starting at 6:30 p.m.!

Prospective Family Night Agenda

  • Entertainment: Ballard Marching Band
  • Welcome: Abby Hunt, Principal
  • Counselor Welcome: Sonja Peterson, School Counselor
  • Parent/Guardian Involvement: Kim Flin, BHS PTSA President
    • Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA)
  • Student Welcome: Associated Student Body (ASB) and LINK Crew Leader Representatives
  • Closing Remarks: Abby Hunt, Principal

Academy and Special Program Information

  • Academy of Finance:
  • ASB Student Leaders / Link Crew
  • Health, Medical, and Biotech Pathway
  • DECA
  • Digital Filmmaking Program
  • Engineering/Project Lead the Way, Robotics, Graphic Design
  • GAINS (Intervention Support Team)
  • Music & Theatre Programs
  • Special Education Programs – Resource
  • Special Education Programs – Extended Resource
  • Counseling Center: Ballard High School Counselors in the 2nd Floor Foyer
  • Athletics: Athletic Program Information in the Commons (1st Floor)
  • Performing Arts: Performances throughout the school by Jazz Combo, Vocal Jazz, Chamber Choir, String Quartet, and Tenor Bass Ensemble!

Ballard HS Shadowing Information

Ballard HS allows shadowing for prospective students during certain dates in February. Prospective students need to find a current Ballard student to host their visit and a Shadowing Permission Form must be completed. The current BHS student should have the completed paperwork turned into the Main Office at least 3 days ahead of the proposed visit. Students interested in Music, may contact Directors: Jay Gillespie (Band), Courtney Rowley (Choir) or Dan Valdez (Orchestra)  who may be able to arrange for a shadow with a current music student.

Prospective Student & Family Information

Abby Hunt: Principal
James Leutzinger (A-F): Assistant Principal
David Fort (G-N): Assistant Principal
Jody Shuman (O-Z): Assistant Principal

School Counselors
Sonja Petersen: A-Deg
Maya McKenzie: Deh-Kar
Tom Kramer: Kas-Pes
Gail Olson Laing: Pet-Wat
Katie Huguenin: Wau-Z (Testing Coordinator AP, PSAT, SAT)

Carol Bristol: Counseling Secretary
Erin Hayes: Registrar
Mackenzie Fee: Social Worker

Support Staff

Cal Hartmann: Administrative Secretary
Laura Lehni: ASB Advisor/Activity Coordinator
Eric Ensign: Athletic Director, Testing Coordinator (State Testing)
Bethany Nielcen: Athletic Secretary
Alice March: Attendance Specialist
Jana Pitman: Fiscal Specialist
TuesD Chambers: Librarian
Elizabeth Guynes: Nurse
Lan Dang: Ballard Beaver Café Manager
Young Wong: Custodial Engineer
Dwayne Mattis: Security
Leo White: Security
Graham Foster: Occupational Therapist
Jen McLuen: Physical Therapist
Melissa Hoang: Psychologist
Amy Begley, Kimberly Merryman: Speech and Language Pathology
Heleine Tu’ihalamaka: Teen Health Center

Email addresses for all of our staff are on online Staff Directory.

As of Feb, 8, 2025

Information and Resources for Students

Refer to the BHS Freshman webpage for information and resources for Ballard HS Freshman students and families. Transfer students can also refer to their grade level resource page.

What makes Ballard High standout above the rest?

There are lots of great options for high schools in Seattle Public Schools, but of course we think that Ballard is the best place for your student to flourish. A fundamental component that we emphasize from the first day of school is becoming involved and engaged at Ballard. We know what 1600 students can seem daunting, so we are committed to providing endless opportunities for students to make the big feel small. This can be through joining a Program or Pathway, it can be through Sports, our Performing Arts or one of our more than 75+ student run clubs.

The most important thing that your Freshman can do is to find their community through one or more of these options and this will only be more important as we return to in-person instruction. We know that students that are involved at Ballard High School do better at Ballard academically, socially, mentally and physically. Make sure this is part of the conversations that you are having with your student as the school year approaches.

Registration Timeline New Students

Registration for new or incoming students begins mid-April after school assignments have been released by the district. Refer to the Course Registration page as well as take a look at our Online Course Catalog for more information.

Do you have a Course Catalog?

Yes, the Ballard HS Online Course Catalog lists courses and descriptions arranged by department. The district Registration Guide includes Graduation Requirements, Pathways, High School & Beyond Planning and more. The purpose of the Ballard HS Online Course Catalog and the District Course Registration Guide are to familiarize students and parents with information about school procedures, curriculum, graduation requirements, and post-secondary planning. Courses offered at Ballard HS are aimed at challenging students; we encourage all students to pick an area to push themselves by opting into courses that will help prepare them for the rigors of career and college. Our counselors meet with students annually to track progress towards graduation requirements

Do You Have a Student Handbook?

Yes! Refer to our Online Student Handbook for more information about Ballard HS. The handbook is intended to support the success of each student at Ballard High School. The information included in the online handbook is useful over the course of the coming school year. Of most immediate importance will be the information regarding academic expectations for graduation, student behavior at school and the requirements governing attendance. Policies and procedures are subject to change. Notification of any changes will be communicated to students, parents, and guardians.

How do I request that my student be assigned to Ballard High School for next year?

All student assignments are done centrally at the Seattle Public Schools’ John Stanford Center for Education Excellence. The most up-to-date enrollment information can be found at the district website.

Understanding SPS School Choice and Assignment

Students are assigned to their attendance area school based on where they live. Families may request a different school through School Choice. Refer to the district Enrollment and School Choice pages for more complete details.

Once we are assigned to Ballard HS, when will my student choose their Freshman classes?

In April the Seattle School District will give Ballard High School the names of all students assigned to us for next year. We will then email registration information to all incoming new students/families. Students at SPS middle schools will choose courses online via their Source page. Out of district students will complete a Course Selection Form.

My student receives Special Education Services. What is the registration process for my student?

Once students have been assigned to Ballard High School in April, we will reach out to all incoming families. We host an Open House in the BHS Library for parents who would like to meet with the Special Education Department regarding their student’s schedule and options for 9th grade.

What are the required 9th grade classes?

Typical Freshman Schedule at Ballard HS

  1. Intro to Literature and Composition
  2. World 1 (semester)
  3. Math: based on student’s 8th grade course
  4. Science: Biology. All 9th graders will be taking Biology or Biotech Biology
  5. Health* and PE, or Music, or elective course such as Digital Film, Intro to Engineering
  6. World Language or other elective

* Health is a required, one-semester 9th grade course. If you are taking music or another year-long course and therefore do not have room in your schedule, you may delay taking health until a later year if necessary.

What Honors or AP courses are available?

Please refer to the Course Catalog in the Academics section of our website for all current course offerings. In addition, our School Profile, located under the About Our School tab, lists this year’s AP, Honors and College courses in the High School course offerings.

How is placement in grade 9 math or world language determined?

Students should consult with their current Grade 8 teachers regarding the appropriate next level in these subjects. Students should meet any course progression recommendations as stated in the Course Catalog, but a placement test or specific letter grade is not required. Students select the courses they think are appropriate for them in consultation with their families. If you have questions regarding course placement, please contact the World Language Dept. Chair: Eileen Yardley, or the Math Dept. Chair: Janine Logsdon

Is World Language required?

World Language is required for admission to most four-year colleges and universities. Students planning to go to a four- year college or university after high school should take at least two years of a single world language (for instance, Spanish 1 and Spanish 2; French 1 and French 2; Japanese 1 and Japanese 2).

Summer Service Learning Hours for Freshman

Summer hours that students complete that meet the service-learning requirement can be counted toward the 60-hour graduation requirement, except for incoming freshman who can claim only 15 service learning hours in the summer before they start at Ballard HS.   

Do you have a Counseling Center?

Students are assigned to BHS Counselors by the first letter of their last name. Our Counselors work with students to help them develop strategies for success in academics, social skills, and in considering their post-high school plans and career options. BHS Counselors encourage students to become aware of their individual strengths, develop methods for dealing with difficulties, setting goals, and to make good choices. 

Counselors also help students deal with social and emotional issues. Please visit the Counselor Schoology page for more information as well as the additional family resources on the Counseling Dashboard: Applying to College, as well as, Post HS Options, posted College Visits & Events, as well as Counseling News, and more!

Do you have a Course Catalog?

Yes, the Ballard HS Online Course Catalog lists courses and descriptions arranged by department. The district Registration Guide includes Graduation Requirements, Pathways, High School & Beyond Planning and more. The purpose of the Ballard HS Online Course Catalog and the District Course Registration Guide are to familiarize students and parents with information about school procedures, curriculum, graduation requirements, and post-secondary planning. 

Courses offered at Ballard HS are aimed at challenging students; we encourage all students to pick an area to push themselves by opting into courses that will help prepare them for the rigors of career and college. Our counselors meet with students annually to track progress towards graduation requirements

Do you have a Health Center?

In addition, to our BHS School Nurse, Ballard HS has a Teen Health Center operated by Swedish and is staffed full time by a Nurse Practitioner, Mental Health Counselor, and a Chemical Dependency Counselor who all provide the services (and more) that your family doctor provides in a teen-friendly setting including vaccinations and sports physicals! For more information about the Ballard Teen Health center visit Teen Health Center page. 

Do you offer any Performing Arts?

Yes! The Ballard Performing Arts (BPA) Music and Theatre Department is lauded throughout the Northwest and beyond for its high level of musical and performance excellence and supported by the parent run Booster Club. Ballard HS provides one of the most complete high school music programs in Seattle – offering instruction in voice, wind and string instruments spanning jazz to classical. The Theatre Program consistently presents best-in-class and now virtual plays and musicals.

The Ballard HS Music Program has gained regional and national acclaim for its outstanding ensembles and inspired performances. The Music Program includes over 300 students who participate in three concert bands, three concert orchestras, one concert choir, two treble choirs, percussion ensemble, three jazz bands, one jazz choir, string folk ensemble and multiple chamber ensembles. We also offer piano and guitar classes and AP Music Theory. Performances are held in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center. Learn more on our Ballard Performing Arts page and watch our Winter Concert Series that happens each year!

What music classes are available to Freshman, and are auditions required?

Please refer to our Course Catalog for all of the course offerings in the Music Department. Please visit the BHS Performing Arts website for more information or the Performing Arts page on the school website. Below are the specific musical groups available to Freshman, including information regarding auditions. To schedule an audition, please e-mail the Director listed under Contacts. Auditions begin in late April.

Courses Available to Grade 9:

  • Concert Band: Open to all incoming 9th grade band students. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Symphonic Band: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required.
  • Wind Ensemble: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required.
  • Jazz Bands: Audition required for both jazz bands. This is an additional before-school class. Concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble class is required.
  • Percussion: Open to all incoming 9th graders with middle school band percussion experience, or by audition. Symphonic Orchestra: Open to all 9th grade string players. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Chamber Orchestra:  Advanced ensemble. Audition required for incoming 9th graders.
  • Symphonic Orchestra: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required.
  • Concert Orchestra: Open to all 9th grade string players. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Treble Choir: Open to upper soprano and alto voices all in grades 9-12. No Audition required.
  • Concert Choir: Open to lower tenor and bass voices in grades 9-12 (see Ms. Rowley for voice placement). Open to upper soprano and alto voices in grades 10-12 by audition.

Contacts: Mr. Jay Gillespie, Director of Bands;, Mr. Dan Valdez, Director of Orchestras;, Ms. Courtney Rowley, Director of Choirs;

What Athletics and Club Sports are offered at Ballard HS?

Ballard HS 3A Metro League: Ballard HS has part of the 3A Metro League. The purpose of the Metro League organization is to maintain and conduct a program of amateur sports competition and to promote and preserve a wholesome atmosphere of good fair play among its participating and member schools. Learn more on the Official Metro League WA Website Note: BHS Football is in the Metro Tier 1 – Mountain Division. Also get updates on the MaxPreps site.

Club SportsBoys LacrosseGirls LacrosseUltimate Frisbee BUF, and also Ballard Unified Basketball (a partnership between Ballard High School and Special Olympics of WA.) are a valuable part of Ballard HS but are not WA Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) sanctioned sports. Team funding comes from players, families, and donors, instead of SPS and WIAA. Scholarships are available. Club sports signups are not via FinalForms, but on team websites.

View additional Ballard HS Athletic and Club Sport information is available on our Ballard HS Athletics page.

What ASB Clubs are available?

Ballard HS Associated Student Body (ASB) Clubs are a great way to get involved. Ballard HS has over 70 clubs available for students! If you can’t find a Club that fits your interests, start your own! More information is available on our BHS Clubs page. In addition, follow updates on Instagram: @ballardstudentlife and @ballardhighasb

Do You Have a PTSA?

We have a robust Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA). Consider becoming a BHS PTSA member, an advocate, or volunteer. Visit the Volunteer Opportunities to see how you can help out at Ballard HS no matter how big or small. The BHS PTSA is run by volunteers that donate their time to help promote and support the social, emotional, and academic well-being of all students. You can make a difference! Learn more about our Ballard HS PTSA.

What is LINK Crew?

Ballard High School’s LINK Crew Program is dedicated to welcoming and supporting 9th grade and new to Ballard students as they navigate a new school and environment. This program is led by a group of staff and students that train over 150 LINK Leaders every year to share their experience, insight, offer guidance, and create a positive community here at Ballard.  

Our program contains diverse leaders from all areas at Ballard High School to ensure that every new student feels included. Leaders serve as mentors and role models, helping freshmen build confidence and find success as they transition into a new school.

Ballard High School Performing Arts

The Ballard Performing Arts (BPA) Music and Theatre Department is lauded throughout the Northwest and beyond for its high level of musical and performance excellence and supported by the parent run Booster Club. 

Ballard HS provides one of the most complete high school music programs in Seattle – offering instruction in voice, wind and string instruments spanning jazz to classical. The Theatre Program consistently presents best-in-class and now virtual plays and musicals.

The Ballard HS Music Program has gained regional and national acclaim for its outstanding ensembles and inspired performances. The Music Program includes over 300 students who participate in three concert bands, three concert orchestras, one concert choir, two treble choirs, percussion ensemble, three jazz bands, one jazz choir, string folk ensemble and multiple chamber ensembles. We also offer piano and guitar classes and AP Music Theory. Performances are held in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center. Performances are held in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center.

What music classes are available to Freshman, and are auditions required?

Please refer to our Course Catalog for all of the course offerings in the Music Department. Please visit the BHS Performing Arts website for more information or the Performing Arts page on the school website. Below are the specific musical groups available to Freshman, including information regarding auditions. To schedule an audition, please e-mail the Director listed under Contacts. Auditions begin in late April.

Courses Available to Grade 9:

  • Concert Band: Open to all incoming 9th grade band students. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Symphonic Band: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required.
  • Wind Ensemble: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school band experience or instructor permission required.
  • Jazz Bands: Audition required for both jazz bands. This is an additional before-school class. Concurrent enrollment in a large ensemble class is required.
  • Percussion: Open to all incoming 9th graders with middle school band percussion experience, or by audition. Symphonic Orchestra: Open to all 9th grade string players. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Chamber Orchestra:  Advanced ensemble. Audition required for incoming 9th graders.
  • Symphonic Orchestra: Audition required for incoming 9th graders. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required.
  • Concert Orchestra: Open to all 9th grade string players. Middle school orchestra experience or instructor permission required. No audition required.
  • Treble Choir: Open to upper soprano and alto voices all in grades 9-12. No Audition required.
  • Concert Choir: Open to lower tenor and bass voices in grades 9-12 (see Ms. Rowley for voice placement). Open to upper soprano and alto voices in grades 10-12 by audition.

Contacts: Mr. Jay Gillespie, Director of Bands;, Mr. Dan Valdez, Director of Orchestras;, Ms. Courtney Rowley, Director of Choirs;

Watch Previous Winter Concert Performances

All Ballard Performing Arts concerts are recorded and posted on the BPA YouTube channel. For an example of what another large-scale Choral and Orchestra Concert is like at Ballard HS, watch our Winter Series 2024 of Handel’s Messiah or the School Year 2019 selections from Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana or the Leonard Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms from the School Year 2023.

Ballard HS Choirs

Learn more about all the things that happen in and around the BHS Library with Teacher-Librarian TuesD Chambers.

Virtual Tour of the BHS Library

Explore Our Website

Explore our Prospective/Incoming Families page as well as the rest of our school website for information about Ballard HS. Families and Students, learn more about how Ballard HS keeps families in the know on our How We Communicate with Families page and all the ways our BHS Students can informed on the Stay Connected page. For a listing of our staff visit our Online Staff Directory. To learn more about our school visit our About page and for ways to know how you can get involved refer to our Get Involved page too! Information for Incoming Freshman students is also available on the Freshman Overview page.

Ballard HS Families Stay Connected & Informed

How we Communicate with Ballard Students & Families Refer to the Communication to Families page for all the ways Ballard HS communicates with students and families to keep everyone connected and informed.

Ballard HS Quick Links

Ballard HS Lip Dub 2024!

Feb. 6, 2025: The 2024 student-made “Day in the Life” lip-dub video will be screened in the Performing Arts Center throughout the evening, starting at 6:30 p.m.!

After 10 years, we are excited to present the 2024 BHS Lip Dub Music Video! Filmed June 3rd, 2024.

SPS Enrollment Process

Seattle Public Schools logo

Students are assigned to their attendance area school based on where they live. Families may request a different school through School Choice. Refer to the district Student School Assignment for more information. Visit the district School Choice and Open Enrollment page for district enrollment information.

Enrollment Key Dates

Key Dates

  • January 6 New registrations for 2025-26 school year begins.
  • February 1 Admissions Fair will be held at the John Stanford Center.
  • February 1 – February 28 Open Enrollment School Choice priority applications will be accepted (tiebreakers apply).
  • March 1 – May 31 School Choice late applications will be accepted (NOT eligible for tiebreakers).
  • April 22 Open Enrollment results will be available online.
  • June 3 – August 31 Non-resident applications will be accepted.
  • August 31 Waitlists for the 2025-26 school year will dissolve.

Not Attending Ballard HS?  Let Us Know

Complete these steps. Step One: Email Erin Hayes at Include the parent/guardian’s name, student’s full name and date of birth, your phone number, and the name of the school your student will attend instead of BHS. Step Two: To withdraw your student from the SPS District, please visit Not Attending and complete the online form. Thank you.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

Email me with tips on information you would like located here or better ways to support your searches on the Ballard HS website. Diane Taylor, BHS Website Editor at Thank you!

As of Jan. 16, 2025