Clubs and Organizations
Clubs at Ballard High School
BHS Clubs For School Year 2024-25
We at Ballard HS and the Associated Student Body (ASB) feel that participation in student-oriented activities is a vital part of a student’s connection.
We offer a wide range of 70+ clubs & activities. Follow Instagram: @ballardstudentlife and @ballardhighasb
All About Bass
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Jereczek;
Student: Jackson Bean;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | N101
This club will be specific to Bass fishing and where bass live and how to catch them. It will also go in depth on the Bass life cycle and habits. It will also focus on being open and inclusive for the BLM and LGBTQ+ community.
American Sign Language Club
Teacher Advisor: Madame Sturgeon;
Student: Ella Heverley;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S207
To teach and share American Sign Language to anyone interested in the form of communication.
Anthropology Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Holmgren;
Student: Abigail Bekele;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Mr Holmgren Room
Anthropology Club will be an introduction to anthropology; the science of human beings. We will be mostly focusing on its social and cultural aspects.
Anything Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Coe;
Student: Janna Rose;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW107
A club where anyone and everyone can join! This club features tons of possible topics to talk about, all you have to do is bring them up! In this club we meet, talk and share. We talk in pairs, in groups, or however you prefer. My aim is to help students be themselves and get out whatever they’ve been holding in. Talking about what you love is the best, after all! Thank you!
Architecture Club
Teacher Advisor: Mx. Fox;
Student: Willow Milstein;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW207
We will learn the basics and history of architecture as well as engaging in activities related to architectural design.
Art Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Harkleroad;
Students: Faryn Ernst;
and Lucia Kelley
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: After School | Art Classroom
Learn art techniques and history, while creating a community of people passionate about art.
Art Leadership Council Club
Teacher Advisors: Mr. Harkleroad;
and Ms. Rowley;
and Mr. Valdez;
and Ms. Yardley;
Student: Lucia Kelley;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Art Room
We are a student led organization working to expand the reach of the visual and performing arts in our school community through events and support of art class.
Asian Student Union
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Ager;
Student: Phoenix Hagen;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S203
Creating a community for AAPI at BHS. Meetings include potlucks, movies, celebrations of holidays and traditions, cultural discussions, and more.
Astronomy Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Banholzer;
Student: Ruby Madden;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ms. Banholzer Room
We are a club to talk about, and learn about astronomy and other space related topics.
Ballard Girls Lacrosse
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Ensign;
Student: Hadley Brewster;
Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time & Location: After School | Ballard Field
Ballard Girls Lacrosse is technically not a school sport, instead it is considered a club! The team here at Ballard strives for a fun community where players are engaged in play and are interested in furthering their athletic potential. We have practices five days a week in the spring, and the season runs though the spring. We are always looking for new players!
Ballard Mens Lacrosse
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Ensign;
Student: Davis Brewster;
Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time & Location: After School | Ballard Field
A spring no cut mens sport, practicing the sport of lacrosse in an attempt to go back to back to back metro champs and go further in the state playoffs. We are always looking for new players.
B.E.A.C.H. Club: Building Equity and Challenging Hate
Teacher Advisors: Mr. Fort;
and Ms. Dowdy;
Student: Brandy Williams-Gurian;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ms. Dowdy Room
B.E.A.C.H. Club is dedicated to fostering equity and challenging hate throughout our school community. By creating inclusive spaces and promoting understanding, we strive to build a stronger, more compassionate community for everyone.
Beaver Readers
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Chambers;
Student: Lulu Gregg;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Before School | Maker Space in the Library
We read and spend time with elementary schoolers.
Bible Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Sturgeon;
Student: Robert (Jackson) Maestas;
Meetings: Friday
Time & Location: Lunch | S207
Learn more about stories from the Bible and how it might apply to our lives today.
Black and Brown Student Union
Teacher Advisor: Coach Prince;
Student: Vaneece Rushing;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | S217
As Black and Brown Student Union, we aim to curate a community in which we can teach, learn, and grow from the Black American Experience and support Black and Brown students through collaborations, lessons, and discussions.
B.O.A.T. Club: Ballard Outdoor Adventure Team
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Gundle;
Student: Brynn Cziesla;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Mr Gundle Room
BOAT Club or Ballard Outdoor Adventure Team is a group of people who love spending their free time outdoors. We go on hikes on the weekends and have so much fun!
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Card Game Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Carlson;
Students: Joey Thee;
and Simon Colleran;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW203
We will get to know new people and build community while playing card games.
Chess Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Franz-Knight;
Student: Liam Doten;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | History Pod in Ms. Franz-Knight Room
The Ballard Chess club aims to provide a space for students to learn and play chess in casual and competitive way. We play various different games and everyone is welcome.
Comic Book Club
Teacher Advisors: Mr. Lee;
and Ms. Chambers;
Student: Ryan Sander;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Library Book Club Room
A place for anyone with interest in comic books, Marvel, DC or Star Wars!
Computer Science Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Krowkower;
President: Camila Yoo
Vice Presidents: Cerise Rubenstein;
and Kekoa Mayachar
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW201
The Computer Science Club aims to teach students who are interested in coding basic python.
Craft Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Franz-Knight;
Students: Lena Cogan;
and Charlotte Wenrick;
and Claire Spinosa;
Meetings: Tuesday and Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S102
Join us to make a variety of crafts, have fun, and unwind! All are welcome, follow our Instagram (@bhs.craftclub) for updates!
Create For Kids
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Reinelt;
Students: Robyn Wykes;
and Sophie Poole
Meetings: Tuesday:
Time & Location: After School | NW218
This a club through the organization Create For Kids. It fundraises money and creates crafts/cards for kids with cancer. We donate the money and send the crafts to local hospitals. We will do donations/fundraisers every 1-2 months.
Creative Writing Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Brayman;
Presidents: Monet Meier;
and Harper Gagnes
Meetings: Tuesday & Wednesday
Time & Location: After School | SW106
For anyone who wants to pursue writing of any sorts. Writing a book, poems, etc.
D & D and Board Games Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Gross;
Student: Dylan Jackson;
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday
Time & Location: After School | S105
To provide people who want to play tabletop games a space to not only play but to meet other people who also like tabletop games.
DECA-Distributive Education Clubs of America
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Jereczek;
Student: Luke Lysene;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | N101
DECA is a marketing, business, hospitality, finance, and entrepreneurship organization that prepares students for the world through competition, community service, and other activities.
Debate Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Morean;
Student: Ruby Madden;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | S101
We are a club for all levels to learn the fundamentals of debate. We will debate each other, play games and have a lot of fun!
Disability Student Union
Teacher Advisors: Ms. Yardley;
Ms. Fee;
Student: Amelia Laing;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Profe Yardley’s Room
Provides a community for students with disabilities at Ballard to hang out, and make changes at the school. Students without disabilities are welcome to come and learn and help out as well.
Earth Service Corps-YMCA
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Gundle;
Student: Ruby Mundy;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW217
Earth Service Corps is a great way to get involved in improving the environment and school community through doing fun eco-friendly activities and volunteering for service hours.
Entomology Club-Ballard HS
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Kaija Reinelt;
Student: Penelope Jamison;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | S218
A club dedicated to the study and appreciation of bugs of all sorts. Whether you consider yourself adverse or amicable to arthropods, all are welcome!
Female Financial Leaders (FFL) Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Blazevic;
Students: Vivian Cruikshank;
and Quinn Crowe
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Room N108
Teaching women and girls how to manage their personal finances, and make the most of their money when they become adults.
Feminist Alliance
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Franz-Knight;
Student: Nina Ando;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Room S102
The Feminist Alliance will be meeting on Thursdays at lunch to discuss general concepts of feminism and also how it appears in a local level. We hope to work with feminist organizations and organize local events for student empowerment.
Film Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Bradford;
Students: Lake Neill;
and Hazel Hartman
Meetings: Friday
Time & Location: After School (4 p.m.) | Film Room in Library
Watch fun movies every Friday and help plan the Ballard High Film Festival.
Financing Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Blazevic;
Student: Olin Brinkley;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | N108 & SW103
As the Financing Club stands, fiscal competence is vital for all avenues in life—and we aim to assist in achieving such a thing.
French Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Sturgeon;
Student: Solenne Daout;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S207
We meet every second Tuesday of the month during lunch to learn about France and the French language. We do this through games, activities and more!
GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance)
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Paredes;
and Alex Roche;
President: Amelia Curran;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S200
To create a safe space for all students to feel loved in their most authentic selves.
Game Dev Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Krokower;
Student: Griffyn Braly;
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | N112
To create a publishable as a group.
Garment Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Carlson;
Student: Ronan Manning;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW203
We will teach people about Clothes, fashion history, how to produce garments.
German Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Villegas;
Student: Julia Darringer;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW206
Learn about the German language & culture, hang out, and eat German foods! We will also be connecting with Lincoln HS German Club.
Go Club
Teacher Advisor: Thomas Ager;
Student: Evan Clauer;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: After School | S203
Welcome to the Go Club! Go is a very popular game in Japan where players use black and white stones to control territory on a grid. We hope that you will come and try out this wonderful game. We welcome everyone and are willing to teach new players.
HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America)
Future Health Professionals
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Howsmon;
Student: Carina Mazzola;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW200
A club focusing on developing students skills and knowledge within the Healthcare field and an opportunity to compete in nation wide competition of health science related skills!
Helping Hand For Homeless
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Morean;
Student: Nadia Gorohoff;
Meetings: Friday
Time & Location: Lunch | Mr. Morean Room
We want to do what ever we can to help the homeless community around Ballard, making care packages, raising money and coming up with solutions to help people who are in need.
Improv Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Pentecost;
Student: Cayden Bagley;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: After School | SW200
A drama related club that focuses on improv games and competitive improv shows.
INK Club – Supports the BHS Ink Journal of Literature and Art
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Burton;
Student: Kyle Brown;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW105
We’re Ink Club, a club dedicated to collecting and showcasing student art, finding like minded individuals, and having a good time! Near the end of the year, we assemble the collected work into a journal, called the Ink Journal.
Investment Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Blazevic;
Student: Maxwell Alves;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Mr. Blazevic Room
To learn all about investment and smart financial choices to be well prepared later in life.
Japanese Language Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Ager;
Student: Neve Takahashi;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: After School | S203
Provide a study time for Japanese language class students by playing fun games and doing fun activities. JLC will provide people who enjoy learning Japanese to socialize with one another and practice their language skills. It will also provide AP Japanese students a chance to study and ask peers for help.
Jewish Student Union
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Cachopo;
Student President: Tansy Velush
and Vice President: Larry Orlov;
Meetings: Every Other Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW111
Our vision for Jewish Student Union (JSU) is to create a fun and supportive environment where students can learn about Jewish culture through engaging activities such as trivia games and cultural celebrations. You don’t need to be Jewish to join – everyone is welcome!
Knitting and Crochet Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Spencer;
Students: Lillian Hethcote;
and Audrey Rasmuss
and Katherine Wenrick;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW101
Host a community of people who want to crochet and knit together. Teach those who want to learn. Have fun!
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Latinx Student Union (LSU)
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Subido;
Student: William Souza Ponce;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: After School (3:45 p.m.) | S100
Our goal is to build community with all students identifying as Latino/a/e/x and/or Chicano/a/x and/or Xicano/a/x. We hope to help amplify the voices of our historically marginalized Latinx students, along with the voices of other students of color attending BHS. We look forward to having an amazing year filled with joy and community.
Library Leaders
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Chambers;
Students: Aidan Carr;
and Abby Paulsen;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | The Book Club Room N206
As Library Leaders we work to make the library more inviting and interesting. We do crafts, put together book displays, run events and activities, and so much more! This is a Club for people who want to help with various tasks around the library in an organized manner.
Magic Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Bushek;
Student: Alex Todd;
Meetings: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Time & Location: Lunch | History Pod
Magic Club will be a place for people who like to play the card game magic the gathering to play against fellow students.
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Dhatt;
Student: Alyosha Adams;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW223
We compete in math olympiad!
Mock Trial Team
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Dowdy;
Student: Sabi Yoon;
Meetings: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
Time & Location: Before & After School | Ms. Dowdy Room
The mock trial team aims to give students hands-on experience with legal proceedings, due process and boosting their understanding of the legal system, critical thinking, and public speaking skills. It prepares members for potential careers in law while fostering teamwork and confidence.
Multicultural Student Union
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Dowdy;
Student: Violet Vargas;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S103
We are a club that is a safe space for all cultures to come together! We plan events and talk about how we can represent ourselves and our club at Ballard.
National Honor Society-NHS
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Faust;
Student: Alyson Chew;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S106
Give students opportunities to earn service learning hours. Serves as an environment that recognizes and encourages academic achievement.
Nintendo Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Holmgren;
Student: Mia Mozgovaya;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | S116
Come play games with us! We hope to try a wide range of games and have fun building a community together. Not just Nintendo, all games are welcome!
Nutrition Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Reinelt;
Student: Mae Piercy;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW218
The purpose of Nutrition Club is to learn the importance of nutrition, and everything along those lines together as a community. We will have fun activities, trivia, build posters, and learn more about nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and how everything functions overall as a group once a week.
Paddle Boarding Club-Ballad HS
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Foster;
Student: Evan Bursell;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW205 – The Woodshop Room
We are a student-directed club at Ballard High School with the goal of introducing BHS students to paddling Puget Sound. Open to all BHS students, absolutely no experience required.
Philosophy and Ethics Club-Ballard HS
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Faust;
Student: Kaia Hofsass;
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday
Time & Location: After School | S106
We learn about different philosophers and ways they’ve impacted the world, and we discuss different topics through the lens of different philosophies.
Photography Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. O’Neill;
President: Lake Neill;
Co-Presidents: Callum Martinson, Jasper Worrall,
and Alisha McDowell Rauniyar
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Photography Room
Photography Club is a place for students to come together and share their love of photography. We occasionally organize photo-walks outside of school, complete scavenger hunts and challenges, give each other critiques, and just share cool photos. All are welcome!
Picnic Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. McKenna;
Student: Rachel Berry;
Meetings: Friday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ms. McKenna’s Room
Our mission for Picnic Club is to foster a safe and welcoming space for any student to join. We want you to feel like you can join anytime in the year. Low stakes, high reward.
Plant Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Carlson;
Students: Sara Policar;
and Terri DeLeon;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: After School | NW203
Plant club is a safe and welcoming space for anyone and everyone who wants to gain more hands-on knowledge of plants & agriculture, while earning service hours for fun activities. We educate and inspire others to explore agriculture and the development plants in their day to day lives.
Pokémon Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Sturgeon;
Student: Max Haldimann;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch & Outside of School | S207
The Pokémon© Club is a club for playing TCG. We also trade cards and have tournaments. Anyone is allowed to join. You don’t need cards or any knowledge to play. Playing mats, cards, dice and coins will be provided if you don’t have any. We will also play online championships, plus, championships at the MOX. Happy to see you there.
Polar Plunge Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Russell;
Students: Genevieve Danskin;
and Mel Redmond;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ms. Russell’s Room
Our goal of polar plunge club is to help Ballard students connect with the environment as well as theirselves through the PMW water! We’ll also be learning about various important safety topics.
PRIDE Book Club
Teacher Advisors: Ms. Chambers;
Student: Ruby James Madden;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | Book Club Room in the Library
In our book club we will read and talk about books with queer and LGBTQIA+ themes. Open to all and lots of fun!
Psychology Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Dowdy;
Student: Charlotte Harader;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch/After School (TBD) | Ms. Dowdy Room
In Psychology Club we discuss numerous topics that involve human psychology, everyone has the opportunity to share and bring a subject to talk about at our weekly meetings!
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Radio Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Gillespie;
Students: Matthew Arthur;
and Duncan Blair;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: After School | Band Room
Learn about the technical, musical, and social aspects of radio while helping to maintain a running radio station.
Red Cross Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Burton;
Student: Brianna Estocapio;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW105
The Red Cross Clubs is a great opportunity to address your community’s needs, gain leadership experience, and earn service learning hours! We’ll be focusing on 3 humanitarian or healthcare projects throughout the year. Stop by to join our strong network of volunteers.
Robotics: Viking Robotics Team
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Connolly;
Student: Gianna Goldyn;
Meetings: Monday and Wednesday
Time & Location: After School 6 – 8 p.m. | NW205
Robotics is a club for the Viking Robotics Team, in which no experience is needed! We learn and use coding, mechanical engineering, electrical, design, and so much more. We compete in FRC, look up to find videos and more, but essentially robot sports with a new game each year that is released in January that we build a robot for. We have mentors and students that will teach you all you need to know so join us at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays in NW205!
Rock Climbing Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Holmgren;
Student: Sebastien Calhoun;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: After School | S116
We are a club that heads down to the local climbing gym after school and sometimes we give people trials at the gym to see if they would enjoy going there more often. We accept all people within our club and our main focus is to have fun and introduce a fun way of exercise.
Sailing Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Foster;
Student: Isadora Ford;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Practice | Corinthian Yacht Club
This is a club where you either can practice your sailing skills or learn to sail we dial at CYC (Corinthian Yacht Club) at Golden Gardens. We compete in regattas in the fall spring and summer and have a JV and Varsity team that is combined with other high schools. Check out our Instagram Ballard sailing team on Instagram.
Service Project Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Cachopo;
Student: Zoe Thompson;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ceramics Classroom
A club to bring together students with the similar interests of helping the Ballard and Seattle community and finding new ways to contribute.
Slavic Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Russell;
Students: Milana Vasilieva;
and Nika Zinchenko
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | S204
The Slavic Club celebrates the cultures, languages, and traditions of Slavic countries, fostering community and cultural understanding through events and activities.
Social Justice Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Faust;
Student: Carmensofia;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | History Pod
Creating positive change is in our hands! Each month, club members will choose a new topic to advocate for. During our meetings, we’ll engage in open discussions about the roots of injustices and how we can fight these challenges together.
Spanish Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Yardley;
President: Bianca Maurer;
and Co-Presidents Coco Otto and Julia Distler
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | Ms. Yardley’s Room
Spanish Club is for students to learn about Spanish culture, practice their speaking abilities with students from different Spanish classes, and participate in Spanish related community service projects.
Special Interest Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Decoy;
Students: Charlie Hultman
and Brick Hammond;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | N220
We want a space were someone can have a captive audience, so that they can talk about something that means a lot to them, that could be anything from a video game to a type of bug, it’s meant to be a judgment free learning space were you can find others that share the same interests, find new interests or talk about your own interests. Most of the time the presentation is done via power point.
Sports Debate Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Smith;
Student: Amare Srinivasan;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | LA Pod Mr. Smith’s Room
We are welcome to include anyone who wants to discuss or learn more about sports & athletics. Our goal is to create a space where we create friendships among people with common interests, and can discuss sports topics, take sports quizzes, play sports jeopardy games, and potentially watch sports games, highlights & films.
SuperCell Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Brott;
Student: Linus Nielsen-Mathews;
Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | S104
We will talk about updates and play games in the supercell universe.
Teen Health Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Boudour;
President; Bianca Maurer
Co-President: Kaia Hofsass;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | Teen Health Center.
Improve the health of Ballard high school students via community outreach.
That Dam Book Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Chambers;
Student: Rowan Harper;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Maker Space in the Library
The purpose is to build a community to share and discuss books of one’s own enjoyment and to promote reading to others.
The Dam Bakers
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Povey;
Student: Mandi Laube;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW213
Discussing tips, tricks, and ideas on any baked goods that you’ve wanted or have made. There will be baked goods and if time permits we can bake!
Theoretical Physics Club
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Howsmon;
President: Ethan Nudleman and
Co-Presidents: Skye Christopher and
Declan McGrath;
Meetings: Thursday
Time & Location: Lunch | NW200
Think and learn about theoretical physics.
Too Many RPG’s
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Gross;
Student: Matilda Senik-Puckett;
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: After School | S105 from 4 – 5 p.m.
Too many RPG’s is a club for people who are interested in table-top gaming but not necessarily interested in sword and sorcery fantasy like D&D. We will explore a variety of alternative systems that encompass diverse interests, themes, and play styles.
Violin Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Valdez;
Students: Kieran Horowitz;
and Ethan Li;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch | Black Box
Violin Club is a collaborative space where we teach the violin to all students interested in learning (beginner-advanced.) We encourage you to join and explore thrilling music on the violin!
Volleyball Club Ballard HS
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Omar;
Students: Luke Lysene;
and Vivian Gregory;
and Ruth Tinker
Meetings: TBD
Time & Location: Lunch | Main Gym
We play Volleyball and hangout!
World Building Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr. Morean;
and Mr. Subido;
Student: Jayden Rice;
Meetings: Tuesday
Time & Location: Lunch & After School | S101
We will be creating a fictional world as a group.
Writers Club
Teacher Advisor: Mr Smith;
Student: Madeleine Clark;
Meetings: Wednesday
Time & Location: Lunch | SW122
This club aims at connecting students with a shared love of literature and writing. During meetings we focus primarily on reading, creating, and analyzing short stories & poetry. Our club believes writing not only a valuable skill, but a means to experiment with language and convey intense emotion. We also participate in service projects and provide our members with resources for youth writing programs and competitions!
Yapping Club (Podcast)
Teacher Advisor: Ms. Chambers;
Students: LakeNeill;
and Gianna Goldyn
Meetings: Monday
Time & Location: Lunch | Library Study Room
We are a club dedicated to the making of our student-run podcast. Featuring re-occurring student guests, we discuss anything from TV shows, to pop culture, ethics, and to being addicted to redbull. Email us at to be a guest on an episode.
As of March 26, 2025
Want to Start a ASB Club?
Complete the Online BHS Clubs Form for your Club to be considered for this school year!
Complete Online Clubs FormASB Fundraising
All forms are available in the main office or from Ms. Lehni.