Ballard High School

High School

Principal Hunt: Archive of the 23-24 School Year

Summary: Special Announcement for March 14, 2024.

Ballard HS Information for Students and Families

June 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

It’s hard to believe the year has come to an end. I am so proud of our students and staff for all that they have done this year, and I am incredibly grateful for all of your engagement and support. 

If you are a family returning next fall, know that I will send a communication out next week to inform you of summer building and program information and then again in August with start of school information.  

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information can be found on our website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

For Reference
Previous Principal Letters & Important Topics

Friday, June 21, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

It’s hard to believe the year has come to an end. I am so proud of our students and staff for all that they have done this year, and I am incredibly grateful for all of your engagement and support. 

If you are a family returning next fall, know that I will send a communication out next week to inform you of summer building and program information and then again in August with start of school information.  

For now, though, I sincerely wish you and your family a wonderful summer break. And if you are around later this month, please join Seattle Public Schools at the Seattle Pride Parade! 

Seattle Public Schools has marched in the Seattle Pride Parade for over 25 years with students, staff, and families. This year, we are proud to be part of an intergenerational group of Grand Marshals, spearheaded by LGBTQ+ athletes Sue Bird and Megan Rapinoe!  All are welcome to join. Find us at the front of the parade staging area, prior to 11 a.m. on Sunday, June 30, along 4th Ave. downtown. Look for the big yellow school bus! We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information can be found on our website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

Friday, June 14, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

It is truly an exciting day as we prepare to head down to Memorial Stadium (SPS Graduation Ceremony Video) to celebrate the graduating class of 2024. I look forward to seeing many of you in just a few hours! 

For this week’s Friday Message, I want to celebrate the incredible work of our BHS Digital Film Program and our entire school community. Earlier this month we came together and filmed the 2024 BHS Lip Dub video. This video puts such a smile on my face as it showcases many of the amazing offerings and student groups at Ballard. Further, it captures the essence of community that fills our halls. I hope you enjoy.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

June 7, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

This week’s Friday Message comes with a heavy heart. I am including below 1) a communication that I shared with the school community this morning regarding the incident at Garfield HS, and 2) a communication from Mackenzie Fee, our school social worker that was sent as a follow-up to all students and staff.

Communication Shared with Students In Morning Announcements

Dear Ballard High School Students and Staff,

As many of you have heard, yesterday afternoon the Garfield HS community was tragically impacted, and I am deeply saddened to share that a senseless act of gun violence claimed the life of a Garfield student. This tragedy greatly affects our entire SPS community and resonates all too close to the deaths of a student from Chief Sealth earlier this year and the death of a student at Ingraham last school year.
As we keep the victim’s family and friends and the Garfield community in our thoughts, know that the well-being and safety of Ballard students and staff is also a priority. Please know that our social worker, counseling, admin, security, and GAINS teams are all here as additional layers of support should students need it.

Please hold your loved ones close and seek comfort in one another. And I thank you for each doing your part to keep Ballard safe by reporting any incidents or concerns to security and admin should you have them. ~ Principal Hunt

Communication Shared From BHS Social Worker Mackenzie Fee

Hi all, 

My name is Mackenzie Fee, the school social worker at Ballard. I am reaching out in coordination with the counseling and admin team as a follow up to Principal Hunt’s message this morning over the intercom.

We want to ensure our students have direct access to supports to process the tragedy that took place in our community at Garfield High School yesterday. It is a devastating experience to see a loved one lost in our community and to hear/see violence in places that should be safe. 

At Ballard, we are very lucky to have layers of support, all of which are readily available to you all. Please see the linked documents (available in the original email sent to families) for “tips for copying with community violence” and “helping youth after community trauma” and read below for further resources.  

In-Building Supports:

  • Mackenzie Fee: School social worker (located in counseling hallway)
  • Sonja Peterson: last names A – DEG counselor
  • Maya McKenzie: last names Deh – Kar counselor
  • Tom Kramer: last names Kas – Pes counselor
  • Gail Olson-Laing: last names Pet – Wat counselor
  • Katie Huguenin: last names Wau – Z counselor
  • GAINS Coaches Prince and Griffith
  • Teen Health Center staff
  • Admin Team
  • Security: Dwayne and Mr. Beckwith

Out of Building Supports: Refer to the district Mental Health Services page for more information. Please reach out for any support navigating these resources.

Please seek out care for yourself and loved ones. We are here to heal as a community and our team is available to offer support as needed. 

Take care, Mackenzie Fee; School Social Worker

Thank you for your support and partnership as we provide love and care for our students and for one another. 

May 10, 2024

Collaboration on the 24-25 Bell Schedule

Below is a communication that was sent to all students about the 2024-25 Bell Schedule that I want make sure you are also aware of:

Dear Ballard Student Community,

As many of you have heard, Seattle Public Schools is directing all high schools to make changes to our bell schedules for the 2024-2025 school year. With this, we completely recognize that these changes bring many questions, concerns, and potential frustrations. It is important to us that you are aware of what the required changes are and what our building’s decision-making process is in making these changes.

Who is involved in the decision-making? This is ultimately an SPS decision; however, Ballard HS is asked to submit a bell schedule proposal to district leadership for approval.

At Ballard, the Bell Schedule we propose is decided by our collaborative decision-making body the Building Leadership Team (BLT), which is comprised of students, families, and educators from multiple job types. These are elected positions, and the following individuals are responsible for representing the students and staff.

If you wish to share questions, thoughts, ideas about the bell schedule for 2024-2025, please be sure to let one of the following BLT members know so that your input can be a part of the conversation.

Building Leadership Team Members include:

  • Kira Franz-Knight (chair, S102)
  • Jeff Hanson (vice chair, SW205)
  • David Furman (secretary, SW205)
  • Addy W. (ASB president)
  • Taiya F. (ASB vice president)
  • Mirabel P. (ASB racial justice advocate)
  • Karen Morse (PTSA parent representative)
  • Dan Valdez (BLT member, NE221)
  • Sophie Banholzer (BLT member, NW221)
  • Annaick Sturgeon (BLT member, S207)
  • Jana Pitman (BLT member, SE130)
  • and Abby Hunt (principal, second floor admin area)

What are the Requirements For the 24-25 Bell Schedule?

  • Ultimately, we need to meet the state requirement of at least 1,080 instructional hours. Our current Bell Schedule does not meet this requirement due to the 20 minutes of “SEL” time attached to our 30-minute lunch and our Wednesday morning break.
  • Per RCW 28A.150.205, “Instructional Hours,” means “those hours students are provided the opportunity to engage in educational activity planned by and under the direction of school district staff.”
  • We currently have a 30-minute lunch, and for 2024-2025, we are limited to a 30-minute lunch (40-minutes with passing period before and after).
  • Passing periods are limited to no more than 5-minutes.
  • 1st period must run from 8:50-9:50 a.m. and 2nd period must run from 9:55-10:53 a.m. in order to support district-wide courses. (Subject to slight adjustments.)
  • Meetings to discuss our Bell Schedule options will take place during lunch in NW211 on Monday, May 13 and Tuesday, May 14. All students are welcome to attend, to share ideas, ask questions, and help draft possible options for the 2024-2025 Bell Schedule (taking into consideration the above-mentioned requirements).

Sincerely, Principal Hunt, Ms. Franz-Knight (Chair BLT), and Taiya Fletcher (ASB Vice President Student BLT)

May 31, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

We have quite the exciting week ahead of us! Next week is Beaver Week (June 3 – 7). This means that we have student organized spirit days and activities planned throughout the week.

Assembly Schedule Monday, June 3

Of note is the schedule for Monday, June 3: We will have an adjusted assembly schedule with the school community participating in the filming of a video portraying “A Day in the Life of a Ballard Student” (see schedule below). Students are highly encouraged to participate; however, if they do not wish to, there will be a supervised space in the Commons where they can work until 1st period. 

Here is a note from our BHS film students who are leading this amazing work: “We are so excited to remake the Day at Ballard High School Lip Dub video to finish the school year! This video aims to show off our school’s different programs, clubs, and activities for us to look back on and future students to learn about how awesome our school can be.”

Monday, June 3 Schedule

  • 8:50-9:40: Filming!
  • 9:50-10:35: 1st period
  • 10:40-11:25: 2nd period
  • 11:30-12:15: 3rd period
  • 12:20-1:10: Lunch/SEL
  • 1:15-2:00: 4th period
  • 2:05-2:50: 5th period
  • 2:55-3:40: 6th period

Other highlights of the week include a field day, yearbook distribution, and an assembly. It should be a great time. As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information can be found on our HS Ballard HS website. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

May 24, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

We are having quite the spring season for Ballard athletics! If you are around this Memorial Day weekend, head out to catch one of our several programs competing at state. 

Track and field is competing at Mount Tahoma HS, the boys soccer team is down in Puyallup, and fastpitch softball is down in Lacey.  In addition to being so proud of all of our student athletes, I also want to recognize softball coach Dale Griffith for being named the Metro Coach of the Year! 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

May 17, 2024

Dear Ballard Families,

I really hope that you are able to join us at next Wednesday’s Restorative Practice Workshop that the Ballard HS PTSA DEI subcommittee and BHS administration and Racial Equity Team have been partnering on. This is a vision months in the making, and I am so grateful for the partnership of our families, students, and educators, and I am excited about our continued growth as we come together in community.

During the Wednesday, 5/22, early release time from 2:45-5:00 p.m., Ballard educators will be engaging in a Restorative Practice Workshop with national leaders RJOY (Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth). Then, that same evening from 6 – 8 p.m., RJOY will hold a Restorative Practice Workshop for the entire community. We’d love to see you there! Refreshments and snacks will be available from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Learn more about RJOY and restorative practices

RSVP is encouraged to help us with planning.

And for those of you attending the Syttende Mai Parade, keep an eye (or an ear) out for the Ballard HS Band!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

May 3, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

This week, we want to celebrate the wonderful accomplishment of our Ballard DECA competitors Violet P. and Kate H. who just returned from the DECA International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, CA. Violet and Kate competed in a 100-question Marketing Exam, 10-Page Promotional Plan Paper, and a 15-minute presentation to beat out 160 competitors and earn Top 10 in the World in the Integrated Marketing Campaign-Service Event. Wow! Congratulations, Violet and Kate. We are very proud of you.

As we look to next week, I want to highlight that it will be Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week! Formally, Tuesday is National Teacher Appreciation Day. We are fortunate at Ballard to have such an amazing team of educators, and I hope you will join me in recognizing them.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

April 26, 2024

Dear Ballard Families,

Today was a great day at Ballard HS as our community came together for our annual Multicultural Assembly, which was organized by students in the BHS Multicultural Student Union.

The mission of the Multicultural Student Union is: We, as the Multicultural Union want to provide a safe, comfortable space for all Ballard High School students, allowing for unique individuals with extraordinary cultural backgrounds, to work together as a proud, diverse community.

The assembly featured dances, musical performances, and speeches representing multiple cultures and countries from around the world. The students did an amazing job organizing and putting on the event!

And to top it off, this evening is the Multicultural Festival. I am so proud of the students for their vision and commitment to seeing both events through to action.

April 19, 2024

Dear Ballard Families,

Next week, April 22-26, we will be celebrating Multicultural Week at Ballard HS. With this, I want to extend a warm invitation to the Multicultural Festival Potluck, which will take place on Friday, April 26, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. I truly hope you can make it to this event.

To support this event, the Multicultural Student Union is asking for volunteers to sign up to bring a dish, perform a piece from your culture, host a game, and talk about your culture. Further, the MSU is inviting all to attend and help celebrate!

Additional information containing two links—one to RSVP and one to sign up to volunteer to help lift this event can be found on the MSU student’s Featured News post.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

Dear Ballard Families, 

I hope you enjoy a wonderful spring break with your student(s).

Safe and Welcoming Environment: As we return on Monday, April 15, I am excited to share that our school community will be engaging in daily activities focused on supporting a safe and welcoming environment at Ballard HS. With this, we will have daily lessons on student rights and responsibilities as well as how to be an upstander as opposed to a bystander should one observe harm being caused to another. I am incredibly proud and appreciative of the student and staff leadership that has helped put this work together and I am hopeful that together we can continue to work toward making Ballard a place where every student has a sense of belonging and feels known, seen, welcome, and heard.

Multicultural Festival Potluck April 26: I am also excited to share that the following week, April 22-26, we will be celebrating Multicultural Week at Ballard. With this, I want to extend a warm invitation to the Multicultural Festival Potluck, which will take place on Friday, April 26, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. 

To support this event the Multicultural Student Union is asking for volunteers to sign up to bring a dish, perform a piece from your culture, or host a game, and talk about your culture. Further, the MSU is inviting all to attend and help celebrate! 

Additional information containing two links—one to RSVP and one to sign up to volunteer to help lift this event can be found on our Multicultural Festival page.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

March 29, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

Thank you to all of you who were able to attend the Running of the Beavers and/or the PTSA Gala!  The following information has been shared with students, but I want to flag it for you as well in case this comes up in conversation at home: Elections for 22 positions with Associated Student Body (ASB) are coming up. Learn more about the BHS ASB on our webpage. Students currently in grades 9-11 who are interested in one of these leadership opportunities are encouraged to apply! Packets are available in the main office, in English Language Arts classrooms, or in SW100. Contacts are Ms. Lehni or Taiya Fletcher;

ASB Elected Position Packets are due: April 5

ASB Appointed Position Packets are due: April 22

I am always inspired by our student leaders. And while there are many different types of leadership opportunities at BHS, ASB is a powerful way to support the continued growth of our school culture. If your student is at all interested, please encourage them to learn more. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

March 22, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

It’s that time of year when the cherry blossoms are out, and it has been a wonderful week watching students enjoy their lunch break amidst the lovely outdoor spaces of our campus! 

In the building this week, our school community has implemented a new hall pass system that I want to ensure you are aware of. With a focus on students being present and engaged in their learning and in maintaining campus safety, we have instituted a hall pass system that requires students sign in and out of a classroom should they leave to use the restroom. With this, students are required to carry a school hall pass that indicates to admin and security which class the student is coming from. Additionally, students are not to leave class during the final ten minutes of the period. Please note that there are always unique circumstances that fall beyond this general practice, but these steps are intended to provide a baseline to improve student attendance in class and improve hallway and campus safety. And I am very happy to say that in our first week things have been noticeably better! I am grateful to our amazing educators who helped share the information and to students for their cooperation with this mid-year refinement. Further, I appreciate your support with these efforts. 

In looking to the weekend, I hope that you can make it out to both the Running of the Beavers tomorrow morning or to the PTSA Gala on Sunday evening. Both should be exciting events! And if you haven’t seen The Addams Family yet, it’s running again this weekend and is not one to miss.

March 15, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

The reviews are in–The Addams Family is a hit! I am so proud of the students and educators who have put in countless hours to lift this production. And thank you to all the families who have provided so much support along the way. 

With so many amazing activities taking place within the Ballard HS community, I want to call special attention the Ballard HS Foundation’s annual Running of the Beavers and the PTSA’s Gala. Not only do these fundraising events make a significant impact in helping the school, but they are also great ways to connect with other families.

Please see the following messages from the PTSA and the Ballard HS Foundation regarding these events:

PTSA Fundraising Gala: Looking forward to the Fundraising Gala next weekend! “Day of” Volunteers are still needed to help make it a smashing success. If you are able to lend a hand, head to our sign up genius. Students are welcome to join in as volunteers and are able to earn service hours. 

If you’d planned to purchase a ticket, but haven’t gotten it done yet, we have a few seats left to fill up.  Be sure to act quickly as they won’t last! Purchase your last minute ticket

Ballard HS Foundation Running of the Beavers 5K Run/Walk: Please join our student community at the 5th Annual Running of the Beavers, a 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, March 23 at Golden Gardens Park. We’ll enjoy performances from our band and cheer squad, a journey at your own pace along the scenic views on a flat, fast 5K course and a great morning of fellowship with Ballard families and supporters. 

Register today, and choose which Ballard High School program/activity will earn 70% of your registration fee. There’s a class competition with the winning year receiving a $500 donation, if you have a favorite, make a choice. Each registration comes with a RED “Running of the Beavers” custom performance tech shirt. We’ll have packets available for pick up in advance on Friday after school from 4-7 p.m., we’re asking participants to bring donations for the Ballard Food Bank when you come to pick up race bib, timer & shirt. 

Thanks to the Ballard High School Foundation, ASB & Athletic Booster Club for presenting and supporting Running of the Beavers, see you at Golden Gardens!   

Abby Hunt (she/her)

March 14, 2024 8:50 a.m.

Dear Ballard Families,

This morning, some of you may have seen or heard about a highly concerning social media post that references a severe safety threat to “BHS.” Please know that this was quickly investigated by law enforcement and SPS safety and security, and that a suspect in Bremerton has been taken into custody.

Both law enforcement and SPS security state that there is no security threat to Ballard HS related to this post.  

Thank you,
Abby Hunt (she/her)

March 8, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

As many of you know, Ballard has an amazing theater program and I am excited to share that performances for our spring musical begin next week. Please read below for additional information about this year’s musical, and I hope to see you at one of the shows! 

The Ballard High School Playmakers are pleased to present The Addams Family Musical, March 14, 15, 16, and March 22, 23 at 7:30 and March 24 at 2:00 p.m., with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa and book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice. The Addams Family musical is based on the quirky characters created by Charles Addams in his darkly humorous cartoons published in the New Yorker from 1937 through the 1980s. These kooky characters, with their gleeful obsession with the macabre, represent the offbeat, weird and loving sides of us all. In this story, wild child Wednesday, the now 18-year-old daughter, falls in love with a normal boy, Lucas, and invites him and his painfully prosaic family to dinner at her house. Chaos ensues, secrets are revealed and family bonds are tested. The musical is campy and funny, and is ultimately an affirming story about family, acceptance and joy. The Ballard High School’s production of The Addams Family is directed by Miller Shor with musical direction by the BHS choir director, Courtney Rowley, and choreography by Megan Moore. Daniel Valdez, Ballard HS orchestra director, will conduct the pit orchestra.

Students involved in the show are selling ads for the program. We’d love to feature your business in our program and we’ll be so grateful for your support. Please email for more information.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and $10 for students and staff. Tickets may be ordered online at ShowTix4U.

Performances will take place at Ballard High School’s Earl Kelly Center for the Performing Arts at 1418 NW 65th St. in Seattle.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

March 1, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

I hope that you were able to enjoy some quality time with your student(s) over the mid-winter break. As you may have heard, many of our students were busy over the week with our Cheer team winning two events at nationals and our Gymnastics team finishing 3rd in state! Congratulations to these student-athletes on these major accomplishments.

As we transition into March we have some exciting events coming up with the Spring Musical, and the Annual Running of the Beavers, and the Ballard PTSA Fundraising Gala all fast approaching.

While I am excited to see you at these amazing events, I also want to specifically invite you to join me at the PTSA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee’s upcoming meeting next Tuesday, March 5. We will be at the Fish Ladder Lounge from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and we’d love to see you! The PTSA DEI Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month. Please reach out with any questions to:

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information can be found on our school website.

February 16, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

Graphic of winter sports includes a swimmer, a gymnast, wrestlers, a bowling ball and pin, and a basketball hoop

I hope that you and your students enjoy your time together during the upcoming mid-winter break. If you are looking for a great way to kick off the week, please come out to support some of our student-athletes who are competing at state. Our boys’ and girls’ wrestling teams are sending 7 wrestlers to state down in Tacoma. And Swimming continues tomorrow at the King County Aquatic Center. Or, if you happen to be down in Anaheim, then perhaps you will see our Cheer Team as they compete in Nationals. Additional information about these events and our other school programs can be found on our school website.

And as we return from break, I hope to see you at the Latino Night of Celebration on March 1 here at Ballard HS. Below is a message from the student leaders about this event:

Colorful Banner. Text: BHS Latinx Student Union Presents Latino Night of Celebration

We, the BHS Latinx Student Union, invite the Ballard community (and beyond!) to join us in celebrating our first-ever Latino Night of Celebration!

We are so excited to bring in: 

  • Award-winning folklórico dance group Bailadores de Bronce
  • Authentic Mexican cuisine (tacos al pastor, barbacoa, and more!), provided by Maya’s Fiesta Catering
  • Latino/e/x vendors from local organizations (including the University of Washington!) to share the intricacies and richness of our Latino cultures!

This celebration will take place in the Ballard HS Performing Arts Center (PAC) on March 1. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the performance starts at 6:30 p.m. Tickets required for entrance and include catered dinner and performance! 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

February 9, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

It has been a great week as we had our first full week of the second semester. As I shared in last week’s Friday Message, in recognition of Black Lives Matter at School Week classes focused on projects and lessons that explore Black experiences, contributions, and history.

We also had our Prospective Families Night last night. Thank you to those of you who were here helping to showcase the many wonderful programs that Ballard has to offer. 

Looking ahead, I want to feature an upcoming event that the Ballard Latinx Student Union is planning for March 1. Below is a message from the student leaders about this event: 

We, the BHS Latinx Student Union, invite the Ballard community (and beyond!) to join us in celebrating our first-ever Latino Night of Celebration!

We are so excited to bring in: 

  • Award-winning folklórico dance group Bailadores de Bronce
  • Authentic Mexican cuisine (tacos al pastor, barbacoa, and more!), provided by Maya’s Fiesta Catering
  • Latino/e/x vendors from local organizations (including the University of Washington!) to share the intricacies and richness of our Latino cultures!

This celebration will take place in the Ballard HS Performing Arts Center (PAC) on March 1. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the performance starts at 6:30 p.m. Tickets required for entrance and include catered dinner and performance! 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

February 2, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

We are two days into the second semester and off to a strong start! If you are looking for something to do this weekend, I hope you can join us Saturday at 5:30 p.m. for the 65th annual Spaghetti Dinner. This is a great way to support the Ballard Performing Arts while enjoying a wonderful evening of food, community, and performances. 

Additional information is available on the Ballard Performing Arts Dinner FAQ.

And as we enter Black History Month, I want to reflect on the fact that five years ago, SPS began a journey to make education in SPS more equitable and just. Our focus was on improving outcomes for Black/African American boys. Students and teachers have been at the forefront of this education and change, organizing a week of action to demonstrate inclusive instruction and further efforts toward positive, systemic transformation. 

This year, Ballard staff in collaboration with students have created projects and lessons that explore Black experiences, contributions, and history. Throughout next week, February 5-9, our school community will engage in these lessons as we seek to equip all students with excellent 21st century skills and achieve our goal of a just and equitable society.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

January 26, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

As we near the change in semesters I am thinking about many of the exciting events coming up for our school community. One event that is both incredibly fun and that greatly benefits the school is the PTSA Fundraising Gala. If you haven’t purchased your ticket(s) yet, do so before this Saturday at midnight, which is when early-bird pricing ends.

Thank you to all who serve on the PTSA for the many amazing ways that you support the students and staff at Ballard and to those of you who support the Gala by donating items. This really is a wonderful community event and I look forward to seeing you there. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

January 19, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

I hope that you were able to stay warm during the recent cold snap. Perhaps the frigid temps prompted you to think about warmer days ahead, or maybe you are the parent or guardian of a senior and you are thinking about your student’s plans for next year. Whichever the case, and whichever grade your student is in, I want to highlight an important resource that all students and families should be aware as students consider their post-high school plans. 

On the BHS website, our counseling team maintains a robust list of scholarship opportunities that support a wide range of post-secondary options. Among the number of scholarship opportunities listed, I want to specifically call attention to the Hughbanks Family Scholarship, which is available thanks to the generous donation from the estate of Ballard High School Foundation Co-Founder C. David Hughbanks, class of ’54. The Hughbanks Family Scholarship is specifically for Ballard HS graduating students pursuing further academic or trade education in Washington State. The scholarship prioritizes students with situational and/or financial need, and awards are $5,000 for two years.

Please refer to the Ballard HS Counseling page for more information about this and other scholarship opportunities. As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information, can be found on our website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

January 12, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

This has been an eventful week. With it, I want to express how grateful and proud I am of the students in Ballard’s Black Student Union (BSU). As I noted last week, BSU prepared daily lessons for the school community to engage in as we spent the week celebrating and honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Then this afternoon we came together as a school community for our annual MLK Assembly, which was led by BSU. 

I hope that with the weekend you and your student(s) are able to engage in opportunities taking place throughout the city to continue to live out King’s vision of community and justice.

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information, can be found on our website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

January 5, 2024

Dear Ballard Families, 

I hope that you were all able to enjoy some quality time with your student(s) over the break. This week it has been truly heartwarming to see the students again and to welcome everyone back into the building. 

As we look to next week, I want to call attention to two important events taking place at Ballard HS.

  1. The first is that throughout the week our school community will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in preparation for MLK day (January 15).
    • Each day, we have a Special Bell Schedule to ensure that we have dedicated time during which students will be participating in activities prepared by the Ballard HS Black Student Union (BSU). These activities will take place adjacent to students’ 3rd period classes.
    • Then on Friday, we will come together as a whole school community for a special MLK Assembly.
    • I am grateful to the students in BSU for the time and effort that they have put in to preparing these activities.
  2. Also taking place next week is the start of course registration for the 2024-2025 school year for current 9, 10, and 11 graders.
    • The counseling team will be visiting language arts and social studies classes to support students with this process. Information about course offerings can be found in the Ballard HS Online Course Catalog.

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information, can be found on our website.

Happy New Year!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

December 15, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

As we begin winter break, it’s with immense gratitude that I send this final Friday message of 2023. Your commitment to students and the Ballard community has been truly inspiring. I hope that during this break your student is able to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy time with friends and family.

As always, thank you for your support, and a reminder that additional Ballard HS news and information, can be found on our website.

Happy New Year!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

December 8, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

I hope that you are all doing well. This week, I want to highlight Jam the Dam, which is one of our most important and exciting sporting and community events of the year. This event is a celebration of the Ballard Unified basketball team and is taking place on Thursday, December 14. Our student athletes will be taking on Lincoln Unified. Festivities begin at 4:30 p.m. with a 5 p.m. tip-off in the Ballard Main Gym

Unified Programs are partnerships between Seattle Public Schools and Special Olympics of Washington that partner students with and without disabilities together to practice and compete. Unified is dedicated to promoting social inclusion through activities, shared sports training, and competition experiences.  

This will be a great event—I look forward to seeing you all there!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

December 1, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

Tomorrow, the Ballard High School Dance Team will be hosting its annual Winter Showcase, and we hope you will join us in the audience! The dancers have been hard at work for the past month putting this show together, and they will be featuring over 20 individual dance pieces in many styles of dance including jazz, tap, lyrical, contemporary, pom, and hip-hop. Impressively, the majority of the show is comprised of student-created choreography. And this year, we will also have some special appearances from the Lincoln High School Dance Team and the Ballard Academy of Music & Dance. 

The Showcase will be held at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, 12/2, in the BHS Performing Arts Center. Tickets will be available at the door, or online

Thank you, and as always, for additional Ballard HS news and information, please take a moment to visit our website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

November 17, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and Native American Heritage Day, I want to thank each of you for the ways that you support the students and staff at Ballard HS. I hope that you are all able to enjoy some quality downtime this weekend with your families and that your student(s) can get some much-deserved rest. 

And as we consider the multiple ways that we are a community, I want to highlight Bucky’s Home for the Holidays, which is a partnership between the Ballard High School PTSA, Ballard High School Foundation, Ballard Teen Health Center, and Ballard High School Staff.

Affectionately known as “Bucky’s”, the intent of this partnership is to provide donated gift cards to Ballard High School community families in need of financial assistance to help with food and household essentials during the two-week Winter Break. The gift cards help ease holiday stress by allowing families to choose culturally appropriate food and gifts however they celebrate the season.

Here’s how Bucky’s Home for the Holidays works:

  • The BHS PTSA is kindly asking for donations of gift cards! Families and staff are asked to purchase and donate a variety of gift cards to Fred Meyer, Target, Starbucks, Town & Country, Safeway or other local businesses in the amount of $10 or more (by Friday, Dec. 8, 2023). Be sure to note how much is on the gift card!
  • Gift cards will be distributed equitably in festive Bucky gift bags and handed out to families before winter break. All information about the families will remain anonymous to the community except for a few program leads.

It’s easy to give!

  • Simply drop off gift cards in the Main Office with Cal Hartmann or Bethany Nielsen. Be sure to note the amount on the gift card.
  • Donate monetary gifts through the Ballard High School Foundation (a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization; Tax ID #91-1811275), which will be converted into gift cards

Your gift will help ensure that Ballard High School families who need a little help have a wonderful holiday season!

For more information about Bucky’s Home for the Holidays, or if your family could use some assistance this holiday season, contact BHS PTSA Family & Community Engagement Chair Victoria Watson at or Ross Humphries at

Abby Hunt (she/her)


November 10, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

What a week it has been for Ballard HS! 

On Saturday November 11 at the 3A State Swim & Dive Championships Sr. Claudia Y. won 1st place Gold in the 50-yard freestyle! She is the 3A state champion and earned the honor as the fastest female swimmer in the state of Washington for 2023! Claudia swam a time of 23.40 which bettered her previous Ballard High School record and earned her an All-American Consideration. Claudia’s time was the fastest freestyle sprint in all divisions: 2A, 3A and 4A girls swimming by MORE than .70 seconds. This is a huge margin in the sprint. Claudia also competed in the 100-yard backstroke where she earned a 3rd place bronze in the meet less than an hour later. Claudia is off to swim and study at UCLA in Fall 2024. Let’s all congratulate this remarkable hard work, accomplishment, and talent in our community!

I also want to note that Amelia L. and Kaya S. came in 6th and 7th respectively in state in the Adaptive 50 Backstroke and 7th and 8th in state in the Adaptive 50 Freestyle. Congratulations, Amelia and Kaya! 

And this coming Monday, 11/20, Ballard’s GSA (Genders and Sexualities Alliance)will be screening a documentary called “Changing the Game” at 4 p.m. in the library in recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance and Resilience. The documentary follows trans high school athletes struggling for inclusion in sports. All members of the BHS community are welcome!

In other celebrations, I want to congratulate the Concert Choir who won top honors at the CWU Fall Choral Classic this past week they were awarded the Linda Marra Award, given by the adjudicators to the choir which most vividly connects with a piece and communicates its meaning in an honest, sincere, thoughtful, heartfelt and effective manner. This was one of only two awards given at the festival, so we are extremely proud of our Ballard students for their wonderfully committed performance and for representing Ballard High School and Ballard Performing Arts so well at the state level!

So much to celebrate—and we are just getting started with the second quarter. 

As always, I truly appreciate your support of Ballard HS.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

November 3, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

As our community continues to be alert amidst the ongoing safety concerns that have been occurring throughout our city and particularly within Ballard, I remain grateful for your support and advocacy. We have seen an increase in law enforcement presence on the blocks surrounding campus, which has been helpful. 

And on campus, our students continue to show their strength both in the classroom and beyond. It’s hard to believe, but next Wednesday, November 8, marks the end of the first quarter. If you haven’t already, this is a great time to sit down and review how your student is doing in their classes. Helping your student name the positive moves that have helped them find success in their studies is equally as powerful as setting goals for growth or improvement where needed. 

Beyond the classroom, we have had an exciting fall sports season! We have multiple sports programs continuing on to state starting this weekend. Please be sure to check out this overview of our programs, and if possible, head out to support our student-athletes at one of these upcoming events posted on the Fall Athletics page!

Thank you and go Ballard! 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

Safety Follow Up

October 27, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,Thank you for your care and communication this past week. As we continue to work with local city partners to ensure that our students are safe in our community, I want to ensure that you saw the communication sent out earlier this week from Seattle Public Schools about this ongoing regional issue that has impacted our Ballard community. Thank you for all of your support as we work together to support our students. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

Below is the communication sent from Seattle Public Schools on Thursday, October 26, 2023:

Dear SPS families and staff,

There have been several reports to the Seattle Police Department (SPD) about incidents involving Seattle Public Schools (SPS) students who have been accosted or mugged while walking in the community.

These incidents and those involving gun violence in our larger metro community have understandably raised concerns. While these incidents did not occur on SPS campuses, our school and district staff take the safety of our students and school staff very seriously.

SPS principals, district leaders, and the district’s Safety and Security team are working with SPD and city officials to support the safety and well-being of our school communities.

The police department has responded and deployed detectives to handle the investigation.

Safety Tips for Students, Families, and Staff

We encourage you to talk with your family about personal safety. Here are some resources that may be useful for these conversations:

  • If you see or experience a crime, call 911 immediately.
  • Stay alert to your surroundings. Encourage students to plan their route, travel together on well-traveled roads and avoid low-traffic side streets when possible.
  • Encourage students to put away their cell phones while walking. Electronics should be out of sight, and jewelry worn discreetly.
  • Develop a plan before trouble occurs
    • Crossing a street or entering a store may get you out of a potentially bad situation.
    • If a car follows you or beckons you while you are walking, do not approach it. Instead, turn and quickly walk in the opposite direction.
  • Consider wearing clothing and shoes that allow free and quick movement.
Community Resources
District Campus Safety Updates

While the reported incidents happened off school grounds, SPS continues work on safety improvements in all schools. We launched a mobile phone app that provides easy access for our community to report safety concerns. We updated signage for all our schools to help students, staff, and visitors remember and follow safety procedures.

Our staff participated in training to promote safety practices and de-escalation techniques. We are working with our school principals to increase support for our campus or building safety teams. We are providing additional mental health resources in our middle and high schools and partnering with the City of Seattle for Reach Out Seattle, a youth mental health wellness initiative.

We have gathered more information about Safe and Welcoming Schools on our district website.

We all play a role in our community and school campus safety.

The SPD has requested anyone with information about the SPD cases related to student safety in the community to please call the Violent Crimes Tip Line at 206-233-5000.

You can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline at 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS campus. This phone number is managed year-round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

October 20, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

I need to update you about a safety concern that is impacting the Ballard community.

There have been several incidents recently where people have been robbed while walking in the neighborhood. Many of these incidents involved a weapon. Additionally, gun violence in our larger metro community has understandably raised concerns. 

I share this information not to evoke fear or panic, but rather to help you consider how you and your family can stay safe when you are out in the community.

Please know that student safety and well-being at Ballard High School is our top priority. I am working closely with regional school leaders and the district’s Safety and Security team on best practices in keeping our campuses safe.

While the Seattle Police Department (SPD) is investigating these incidents, I encourage you to talk with your student about personal safety. 

I am including some resources that may be useful. 

As a precaution, today I reminded students about safety tips for walking to and from school.  

Safety Tips for Students, Families, and Staff 

  • If you see or experience a crime, call 911 immediately. 
  • Stay alert to your surroundings. Always plan your route. 
  • Avoid uninhabited locations. Stick to well-lit areas.
  • Avoid going into “automatic pilot” when walking or riding the bus. Consider putting away cell phones while walking. 
  • Develop a plan before you see trouble.
    • Crossing a street or entering a store may get you out of a potentially bad situation. 
    • If a car follows you or beckons you while you are walking, do not approach it. Instead, turn and quickly walk in the opposite direction. 
  • Consider wearing clothing and shoes that allow you to move freely and quickly, especially when walking or waiting for the bus. Make sure all electronic gear is out of sight, and jewelry is worn discreetly.

Students may be feeling sad, scared, confused or angry. Students are encouraged to reach out to their counselor or a trusted adult on campus if they need to talk.

We all play a role in school campus safety. If you see something, say something. I want to thank everyone who alerted police or sent messages out of concern. You can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline at 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS schools. This phone number is managed year-round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

October 13, 2023

Dear Ballard Families, 

Over the past several weeks we have highlighted numerous celebrations within our school community. We all know, however, that much like how the sun quickly turns to rain, there are times when challenges can arise. Therefore, it is also important that as we work together as educators and families to support students, you are aware of school resources available to your student(s) and to you should assistance be needed or your student is looking for further connections. 

These are just a few resources available for students: 

  • Academic: SEL time. Each day, we have an hour break in the middle of our school day. 30-minutes of this time is for lunch; the other 30-minutes is time for students to see their teachers for extra help.
  • Social: Clubs!  See our current club offerings
  • Athletics: as we approach the winter sports season, wrestling and unified are no cut sports and a great way to be involved. And sports that typically don’t see cuts based on turnout include: girls’ gymnastics, girls’ bowling, co-ed ultimate frisbee, and boys’ swimming.
  • Social Emotional/Mental Health: Our Counseling Team is an amazing resource as is our Teen Health Center.

Additional resources and information related to Ballard High School can be found on our website.

Thank you and I hope you have a great weekend. 

Abby Hunt (she/her)

October 6, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

This week has been packed with festive Homecoming events including hallway decorating, club rush, and a pep assembly. Tonight our school spirit takes us to Memorial Stadium as our band, choir, cheer team, dance team, and football team all represent BHS for our Homecoming game. It should be a great event!

And the fun continues as tomorrow morning the Ballard Foundation is holding its annual Breakfast of Champions Pancake Breakfast and then in the evening the Ballard ASB leadership students are sponsoring the Homecoming dance (a friendly reminder that bags are not allowed into the dance).  

As we look to next week, please remember that on Wednesday, Oct. 11, students in grade 12 will be taking the SAT. It is advised that students arrive early. Students in grades 9-11 will have a regular school day.

Additional information about the SAT and all things Ballard can be found on our school website.

Abby Hunt (she/her)

September 29, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

Thank you so much to those of you who were able to attend last night’s curriculum night. It was such a wonderful experience to have so many members of our community in the building—all here for the common purpose of supporting our students. For those unable to attend, please know that we always value our communication with you and we want to support you with any questions you may have about your student(s)’s coursework, so please do not hesitate to reach out directly to your student(s)’s teachers if you wish to connect.

And as always, please remember that we maintain a robust website which is a great hub of information for all things Ballard, so please be sure to take a moment and check it out for additional information.

Thank you and go Ballard! And go M’s! I see that many of you made it home last night to cheer for them in the 9th. What a finish!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

September 22, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

I hope that you all enjoy the last few moments of summer as we prepare to officially welcome in fall this weekend. And as the sun is setting earlier and earlier each day, I want to highlight the importance of staying safe when walking around our community. Unfortunately, throughout the Seattle region we have seen an uptick in random assaults, some including weapons. While we are fortunate in that our campus has remained safe from these attacks, it is important that we are all—school and families—working to remind students to walk in groups whenever possible and to be attentive to surroundings. Additionally, if students see something or experience something that is a crime or a safety concern, they should call 911. We shared this message with students today and I appreciate your reinforcement of these important safety reminders with your student(s) at home. Thank you.

Now looking ahead to some upcoming events at Ballard HS, I want to be sure that you have the following dates on your calendars.

Thursday, September 28, is our Curriculum Night. This is an important event where parents and guardians can meet their student’s teachers and learn more about the curriculum. To prepare for this evening, it is important that you know key details about your student’s schedule.

Specific details you will need include:

  • Class name and period
  • Teacher
  • Room number

The easiest way to obtain this information is to ask your student to send a screenshot of their schedule off of The Source. Or you can log onto The Source as a parent or guardian and look at the schedule.  Alternatively, we will have the main office open and we can look up and print schedules as needed.

We will welcome everyone in the main gym starting at 6:30 p.m. and parents and guardians will begin visiting classrooms starting at 7:00 p.m.  Additional details, including a college admissions info session hosted by the counseling department, which will begin at 5:45 p.m.

And looking ahead to another key Ballard event, On October 7, Ballard High School Foundation & Athletics Booster Club presents “Breakfast of Champions – Empowering Women Through Sports” in support of BHS Athletics, Performing Arts, Cheer and Dance Teams. Fill a Breakfast of Champions table of six with your friends ($500 VIP*, includes reception; or $300 table) or buy individual tickets ($75 VIP*, includes reception; $35 adult; and $15 student) and direct your ticket sales proceeds to the team or program of your choice. 

The family-style pancake breakfast will feature a program of memorable and inspiring speakers, including current and alumni athletes, Softball Coach Dale Griffith, and a special presentation by Shaney Fink, Director of Athletics at Seattle University. In attendance will be students and coaches who can talk about their experiences on and off the track, field, stage and court. We’ll unveil the inaugural Sue Stimac Verduin ’78 Woman of Impact Award and celebrate the many accomplishments of amazing Beavers.  We’ll close the event with a fundraising request to support BHS’s resources devoted to strengthening our students’ mental health resilience.

Please join your BHS community for breakfast as we honor accomplishments and generously support our students’ successes. Reserve your Breakfast of Champions Seats Today!

In addition to what’s been shared above, please remember that we maintain a robust website which is a great hub of information for all things Ballard, so please be sure to take a moment and check it out for additional information. 

Thank you go Ballard!
Abby Hunt (she/her)

September 15, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

It was wonderful to have a full five-day week to settle into our routines. Students now have their laptops, their pictures have been taken, and learning is taking place throughout the building. Our admin team has been actively visiting classrooms and observing the many ways that educators are thoughtfully working to build relationships and community.

As your student looks to access course materials from home, please know that all our teachers have committed to using Schoology as a common learning management system. Our intent behind this is to support students’ ability to stay connected to their coursework while increasing accessibility with a commonly used resource. We look forward to sharing more information with you about your student’s coursework at our upcoming Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 28.

In addition to what’s been shared above, please remember that we maintain a robust website which is a great hub of information for all things Ballard, so please be sure to take a moment and check it out for additional information. 

Thank you for a great start to the year. Go Ballard!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

September 8, 2023

Dear Ballard Families,

Welcome to the new school year! What an exciting first few days we had at Ballard High School. It was so wonderful to see students return and to be able to welcome the class of 2027. Our student leaders, family volunteers, and educators all did an amazing job ensuring that our first few days were positive and welcoming.  Thank you to everyone for contributing to a successful start. 

This year, we were particularly excited to bring back our LINK Leadership program, which has an intentional focus on building student leadership and fostering community and positive relationships for 9th grade students. We held an official LINK Crew event on our first day of school and will continue to have LINK specific events throughout the year to support 9th graders. 

Also, on a practical note, students received their SPS laptops yesterday and today. If your student needs support with their laptop or missed laptop distribution, they can go to the Technology Room located at N110. Throughout the year, the hours for Tech Support are: Mondays and Fridays: 8 – 8:50 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. and Wednesdays: 8 – 8:50 a.m., 12 – 1 p.m., and 2:25 – 3:30 p.m.

In addition to what’s been shared above, please remember that we maintain a robust website which is a great hub of information for all things Ballard, so please be sure to take a moment and check it out for additional information.

Thank you for a great start to the year. Go Ballard!

Abby Hunt (she/her)

Email messages are sent via SchoolMessenger from the email address: (Abby Hunt to Families. All Ballard HS families are automatically on the distribution list. If you are not receiving these messages, please check your profile in SchoolMessenger as well as your spam email folder. Call the Main Office at 206-252-1000 if you have any questions at all.

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