What Does The PTSA Do?
All the Ways the PTSA
Supports Ballard High School
Look at all the ways your Parent, Student, Teachers Association (PTSA) supports our school! Want to get involved? We need you! Read the PTSA News for volunteer needs and more! Refer to the PTSA School Topics page for current events and updates.
Check out all the current community events and support the BHS PTSA is doing for Ballard High School students and families! Get involved in a small or large way and help us build community.
View BHS PTSA Events & SupportBHS PTSA Winter General Meeting
Filmmaker Della Chen & PTSA Speaker Update & Ways to Support the Family
The Ballard HS PTSA would like to share our deepest condolences to the Chen-Gilchrist family. Della passed suddenly on February 23rd in a tragic car accident. Della was a gifted storyteller, artist community leader full of love, light and joy. Della was also extremely generous with her time and resources providing FREE film and lesson plan access to all SPS K-12 schools through the Ethnic Studies section on Schoology. We are grateful to have had Della and daughter Georgia at the February PTSA General meeting and screening of her documentary film: “She Marches In Chinatown.”
Many have reached out asking how they can assist Della’s family. If you would like to contribute there is a Go Fund Me honoring Della and supporting the Chen-Gilchrist Family.
~ Your Ballard High School PTSA
Thank You All For Attending The Feb. PTSA General Meeting
Thank you for all those who braved the snowy weather to attend the PTSA General Meeting and screening of “She Marches in Chinatown”. This moving and educational documentary showcases the Seattle Chinese Community Girls Drill Team – their unique history in Seattle and how they have made a difference in the lives of generations of Asian-American girls. A highlight in Seattle’s parades, the drill team is now in it’s 73rd year. The film was so rich and full, it left our audience wanting more! A huge THANK YOU to Filmmaker, Della Chen and BHS Senior and Drill Team Captain, Georgia for taking the time to answer questions from students during the daytime showing and again for our evening guests!
Thank You BHS Families For Your Staff Appreciation Contributions!
Thanks so much for all that donated time, money and goodies to pull of hosting breakfast for the BHS Educators this morning. Quotes heard around the staff lounge: “This is JUST what I needed after a long day and night yesterday at the Open House!” “Sweet, savory, cold brews?! You all thought of it all!” “BHS Families are the best, you have no idea what this does to morale.”
Special thanks to Seattle Scone Co Their attention to detail with so many sweet and thoughtful touches made a big impact to make this an extra special treat!
The BHS PTSA Heard You!
Ongoing: In lieu of individual teacher asks, class by class, we have teamed up with Department Heads for the hopes, wants and needs and we have created a BHS Educators Amazon Wish List for ease of purchase and delivery straight to BHS to be received, sorted and organized by ASB students. We’d like to give a big launch to gift the educators biggest asks and fill the closet! Thank You! Donate on Amazon.
BHS Staff Party Hosted by the BHS PTSA!
The BHS PTSA helped coordinate and support a BHS Staff Party in December 2024. Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered, donated and made it so much fun! There were cookies (including a gluten free option) and some charcuterie and veggies.
PTSA Staff Appreciation Volunteer: Ali Schlameus and the PTSA coordinated the food from Mainstay Provisions (who are BHS alum!).
Thanks again to Mainstay Provisions for a generous discount allowing the BHS PTSA to cater the Educator Holiday Party!
Senior SPREE
Ongoing: Senior SPREE has been a Beaver tradition for more than 30 years! SPREE is an all-night party hosted and chaperoned by BHS PTSA Parents, in collaboration with the professional graduation party company, Grad Nights.
SPREE Tickets On Sale NOW. All expenses are fully covered with the purchase of a ticket! We want every senior to attend, regardless of financial ability. Scholarships are available. Questions? Please email PTSA SPREE Chair Shelby Reynolds at SPREE@BallardHighPTSA.org.
Thank You for Cards for BHS Educators Dec. 2024
Thank you to all that dropped off a BHS Educators Appreciation Cards and included a note on a card, sticky or even a napkin can help to spread the holiday cheer! Questions? StaffAppreciation@ballardhighptsa.org
Bucky’s Home For the Holidays Dec. 2024

THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this year’s Bucky’s Home for the Holidays promotion. This year we made 56 gift bags, supporting 67 current Ballard students. Your support of our gift card program makes such a difference for families so they can make choices that are right for their holiday celebrations and needs of their family.
Bucky’s Ballard High School Home for the Holidays is a partnership between the Ballard HS PTSA, the Ballard High School Foundation, the BHS Teen Health Center, BHS Counseling Staff, Social Worker, Front Office and Graduation Success Staff for all their time, energy and resources that made this program a success!

Thank for your donations supporting the Ballard High PTSA Academics Fund for the 24-25 School Year!
Thank you so very much! Over 229 parents, grandparents, students, friends, and neighbors have given over $65,503 to Ballard High PTSA Academics Fund. I say “over” because that total does not reflect all of the employer match we’re anticipating. Thank you for connecting us with matching funds and thank you to your employers. These funds will allow the PTSA Grants Committee to award additional academic programming grants in the spring.
Thank you for your care and commitment. We couldn’t do it without you. Kristin Anderson, Direct Appeal Chair – Ballard High School PTSA
Thank you for Signing the Staff Appreciation Kudoboard
From out PTSA Staff Appreciation Crew! Nov. 2024
We shared with all and printed as a poster to live in the Staff Lounge. Never pass the chance to pass along a compliment… .
”I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain
PTSA General Meeting Speaker Oct. 2024
Raising Successful Students in the Digital Age: At our first General PTSA meeting on Oct. 17, 2024 we welcomed Greg Smith from Northwest Educational Services, a longtime area educator and owner to discuss how to best raise our kids in this digital age.
- Should Phones Be Allowed in Schools? Read more on the Screen Time consultant.
First he mentioned biology, reminding us that our children’s brains are still developing and how that affects their decision making. As new technology will continue to be a part of our everyday lives, the best solutions are to model good behavior, communicate with our kids and be vulnerable about how we’re feeling, and educate ourselves about resources to help manage technology.
Thank you to Greg for an insightful and engaging talk. Northwest Educational Services has been helping students and families since 1995. For more information visit Northwest Educational Services. Greg is married with two teenage daughters and understands the challenges of parenting from both a professional and personal perspective. Email BHS PTSA Family & Community Engagement (FACE): Victoria Watson; bhs.ptsa.face@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Thank You BHS Families For Contributions To Curriculum Night! Sept. 2024
Special thanks to BHS family owned Plaza Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant & Bar too!

Thanks to all that donated their time & their chilled beverages to help us feed all 120 educators lunch on what was a long day for some as they stayed through Curriculum Night.
And special thanks to Ballard High School family owned Plaza Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant & Bar on Queen Anne for donating dessert and giving us a generous discount to help us feed our crew incredible food!
Welcome Message From PTSA President Kim Flin Sept. 2024
September 7, 2024: Dear BHS Families & Friends: Welcome to Ballard High School’s 2024-2025 school year. On behalf of the BHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) I’m honored to share a few of the great things we do to support BHS and build community:
- Weekly newsletter. BHS is the largest high school in the city and we’re here to assist you updated, informed and engaged in our school community.
- Senior SPREE. Sponsor the all-night chaperoned, alcohol and drug free celebration held the evening of graduation.
- Staff Appreciation: Many events throughout the year to demonstrate our gratitude and support for teachers, administrators and staff.
- Scholarships: PTSA historically has provided 3-6 students with $2,000 scholarships towards college admissions of their choice.
- Reflections: Students create and submit original works of art in response to a theme. The theme for 2024-2025 is “Accepting Imperfection.” Click here for more info WA State Reflections Art Contest
- Volunteers: PTSA coordinates the general school volunteer opportunities. Visit this site to apply or renew your volunteer application
- Bi-annual $10-$50,000 teacher/staff grants. Science supplies, library books, professional writers working with your students in their language arts classroom, instruments and more!
- FUNdraising. Winter Direct Appeal and Spring Bash (save the date: Saturday April 26, 2025, at the Ballard Elks). These events generate the much-needed funds to support grants, staff appreciation, scholarships, speakers, and more.
- Advocacy. During the Washington state legislative session WSPTA will share information on bills related to PTA’s positions.
JOIN or renew your 2024-25, school year PTSA membership today. All are welcome and highly encouraged. Please know you do not need to volunteer to join. Membership fees and numbers support local and state PTSA resources and a paid membership allows you to vote!
Get involved today. There’s nothing like the look on your high schoolers face when you first share that you’re on a first name basis with Principal Hunt. Seriously, it sends a message that school and your child are important. And bonus, the work is incredibly rewarding. Check out BHS PTSA Site for information and open positions (Vice President, SPREE, Social Media, Membership and Advocacy). All are encouraged to partner by co-chairing!
Join us at a PTSA Board Meeting and mark your calendars for the General Meetings too!
- Thurs, Sept. 12, 6 p.m. Board and Members Staff Lounge
- Thurs, Oct. 17, 7 p.m. General Meeting held in BHS Library
If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to reach out at President@BallardHighPTSA.org I look forward to meeting and working with you continuing the PTSA community goodness.
Kind regards, Kim Flin, PTSA President | Reminder! If you registered/joined in prior years, you will still need to renew your membership for every school year.
BHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Team Welcomes Back Teachers & Staff Sept. 2024
The Ballard HS PTSA welcomed our teaching staff back into the building!
Thank you to our Staff Appreciation Coordinators and Ali S. Kim Flin, Tamara W. Jay C. Dawon L. Martha L. Megan D. Becky A. Cara H. Cynthia K. Missy H. Kimberley M. Wendy M. Tyler V. Victoria V. Catherine M for all supporting and organizing amazing treats for the BHS Staff.
Follow updates and read all about it on the BHS PTSA Instagram at @bhs.ptsa.
Thank You to ALL the Parents That Helped Out During the First Week Of School. We Could Not have Done it Without YOU! Sept. 2024
We had a fantastic volunteer turnout for the first week of school, with parents/guardians checking out more than 1500 laptops, plus helping with picture days, the lunch payment system and assigning lockers! Thank you so much!
Thanks again to all of the Parents/Guardians who assisted with library needs, photo days, laptop distribution, lunch support and general needs during the start of school! Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community. Thank you to all that signed up so fast when the PTSA Volunteer Coordinator posted the Sign Up Genius too! Email PTSA Volunteer Coordinator Joy Das Gupta if you would like to be on an On Call As Needed List at volunteer.ballardhs@gmail.com.
PTSA Weekly Newsletter & Communication

BHS PTSA Communication: Diane Taylor with PTSA support helps get information out in various ways to the BHS Community via the PTSA Newsletter, Instagram, Facebook Accounts, and information posted on the BHS Website and PTSA Webpages. The BHS PTSA Weekly Newsletter is a PTSA member volunteer-run informational newsletter that is emailed to subscribed families with important information for families and students as well, including sports, clubs, performing arts, community news and more! View current & past PTSA Newsletters. If you are not receiving the newsletter or want to add a 2nd email or a student (Personal email NOT student SPS email) Subscribe via the online sign up form or email ballardhighnews@gmail.com (include your students grade & name).
New Student Orientation & BHS PTSA Membership Aug. 2024

Become a Member of the BHS PTSA, and become a partner in your student’s education.
The PTSA is you, me and all of the parents/guardians, students and staff dedicated to the educational development and success of all students. The PTSA membership is open to anyone concerned about the education, health, and welfare of our youth and is a way to show your commitment to working with teachers and the school administration to build a better future for the next generation.
- We help families stay informed and connected to the school community.
- We plan school-wide celebrations, parent education and staff appreciation events.
- We raise much needed grant money for academic, enrichment and extracurricular activities.