Ballard High School

High School

What Does The PTSA Do?


All the Ways the PTSA
Supports Ballard High School

Look at all the ways your Parent, Student, Teachers Association (PTSA) supports our school! Want to get involved? We need you! Read the PTSA News for volunteer needs and more! Refer to the PTSA School Topics page for current events and updates.

BHS PTSA: Sign the Online Staff Appreciation Kudoboard

From out PTSA Staff Appreciation Crew!

Please share some love for the educators at Ballard High School by quickly signing our Kudoboard which will be shared with all and printed as a poster to live in the Staff Lounge. Never pass the chance to pass along a compliment… .”I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain

More details coming about how to support Ballard High School Educators during the week of Thanksgiving.

Thank You BHS Families For Contributions To Curriculum Night!

Special thanks to BHS family owned Plaza Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant & Bar too!

Abby and Staff in Lunchroom with Staff Appreciation Items.
Food Items in Staff Lounge

Thanks to all that donated their time & their chilled beverages to help us feed all 120 educators lunch on what was a long day for some as they stayed through Curriculum Night.

And special thanks to Ballard High School family owned Plaza Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant & Bar on Queen Anne for donating dessert and giving us a generous discount to help us feed our crew incredible food! 

Welcome Message From PTSA President Kim Flin

September 7, 2024: Dear BHS Families & Friends: Welcome to Ballard High School’s 2024-2025 school year.  On behalf of the BHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) I’m honored to share a few of the great things we do to support BHS and build community: 

  • Weekly newsletter. BHS is the largest high school in the city and we’re here to assist you updated, informed and engaged in our school community.  
  • Senior SPREE.  Sponsor the all-night chaperoned, alcohol and drug free celebration held the evening of graduation.
  • Staff Appreciation: Many events throughout the year to demonstrate our gratitude and support for teachers, administrators and staff. 
  • Scholarships: PTSA historically has provided 3-6 students with $2,000 scholarships towards college admissions of their choice.
  • Reflections: Students create and submit original works of art in response to a theme. The theme for 2024-2025 is “Accepting Imperfection.” Click here for more info WA State Reflections Art Contest
  • Volunteers: PTSA coordinates the general school volunteer opportunities. Visit this site to apply or renew your volunteer application
  • Bi-annual $10-$50,000 teacher/staff grants. Science supplies, library books, professional writers working with your students in their language arts classroom, instruments and more!
  • FUNdraising. Winter Direct Appeal and Spring Bash (save the date: Saturday April 26, 2025, at the Ballard Elks). These events generate the much-needed funds to support grants, staff appreciation, scholarships, speakers, and more. 
  • Advocacy. During the Washington state legislative session WSPTA will share information on bills related to PTA’s positions. 

JOIN or renew your 2024-25, school year PTSA membership today. All are welcome and highly encouraged. Please know you do not need to volunteer to join. Membership fees and numbers support local and state PTSA resources and a paid membership allows you to vote!

Get involved today. There’s nothing like the look on your high schoolers face when you first share that you’re on a first name basis with Principal Hunt. Seriously, it sends a message that school and your child are important. And bonus, the work is incredibly rewarding. Check out BHS PTSA Site for information and open positions (Vice President, SPREE, Social Media, Membership and Advocacy). All are encouraged to partner by co-chairing!

Join us at a PTSA Board Meeting and mark your calendars for the General Meetings too!

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to reach out at I look forward to meeting and working with you continuing the PTSA community goodness. 

Kind regards,
Kim Flin, acting PTSA President 

Reminder! If you registered/joined in prior years, you will still need to renew your membership for every school year.

Instagram Grid of Principal and Volunteers text on the bhs.ptsa instagrm

BHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Team
Welcomes Back Teachers & Staff

The Ballard HS PTSA welcomed our teaching staff back into the building!

Thank you to our Staff Appreciation Coordinators and Ali S. Kim Flin, Tamara W. Jay C. Dawon L. Martha L. Megan D. Becky A. Cara H. Cynthia K. Missy H. Kimberley M. Wendy M. Tyler V. Victoria V. Catherine M for all supporting and organizing amazing treats for the BHS Staff.

Follow updates and read all about it on the BHS PTSA Instagram at @bhs.ptsa.

Thank You to ALL the Parents That Helped Out During the First Week Of School. We Could Not have Done it Without YOU!

We had a fantastic volunteer turnout for the first week of school, with parents/guardians checking out more than 1500 laptops, plus helping with picture days, the lunch payment system and assigning lockers! Thank you so much!

Beaver Thank You Card
Thank You card with note of thanks and image of Beaver
Thank you card and appreciate notes from the Ballard HS Teachers and Staff

Thanks again to all of the Parents/Guardians who assisted with library needs, photo days, laptop distribution, lunch support and general needs during the start of school! Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community. Thank you to all that signed up so fast when the PTSA Volunteer Coordinator posted the Sign Up Genius too! Email PTSA Volunteer Coordinator Joy Das Gupta if you would like to be on an On Call As Needed List at

PTSA Weekly Newsletter & Communication

Beaver Head Text Ballard HS News PTSA

The BHS PTSA Communication Team: Tracy Pitman, and Diane Taylor all help to get information out in various ways to the BHS Community via the PTSA Newsletter, Instagram, Facebook Accounts, and information posted on the School Website and PTSA Webpages. The BHS PTSA Weekly Newsletter is a PTSA member volunteer-run informational newsletter that is emailed to subscribed families with important information for families and students as well, including sports, clubs, performing arts, community news and more! View current & past PTSA Newsletters. If you are not receiving the newsletter or want to add a 2nd email or a student (Personal email NOT student SPS email) Subscribe via the online sign up form or email (include your students grade & name).

New Student Orientation & BHS PTSA Membership

Principal Hunt and PTSA Volunteer
Principal Abby Hunt and Victoria Watson PTSA Volunteer. Thank you to Ellen & Jinoo too!

Become a Member of the BHS PTSA, and become a partner in your student’s education.
The PTSA is you, me and all of the parents/guardians, students and staff dedicated to the educational development and success of all students. The PTSA membership is open to anyone concerned about the education, health, and welfare of our youth and is a way to show your commitment to working with teachers and the school administration to build a better future for the next generation.

  • We help families stay informed and connected to the school community.
  • We plan school-wide celebrations, parent education and staff appreciation events.
  • We raise much needed grant money for academic, enrichment and extracurricular activities.

PTSA Membership Chair OPEN this could be you!

PTSA Supported Events in Prior Years

Staff & Teacher Appreciation

Thank you Ballard HS families for all your contributions to make this week successful!

As part of Staff Appreciation Week, our PTSA team and volunteers spiffied up the staff lounge and stocked it with new plates, glasses, mugs, supplies and utensils. They also added a new microwave and airfryer! There are now magazines, games and puzzles for staff to enjoy and the kitchen and lounge area are stocked with cookies, crackers, snacks, granola bars, and a lot of candy. There is also sparkling water in the refrigerator. The work stations now have all kinds of office supplies too. We hope everyone loves the refreshed lounge!

Thanks to everyone who contributed items, and PTSA Staff Appreciation Chairs Lisa Vanderford Anderson and Lisa Willis for coordinating and facilitating, and volunteers Martha Obenhauer, Michelle Peters, Sydney Willis and Kelly Mazzola for helping make the magic happen!

School Nurse Day May 8, 2024

Blow Horn: Text Thank You. Beth and Karen

We’d like to shout out a special thank you to School Nurse Beth Guynes, BSN RN, and Ballard Teen Health Center’s Karen Boudour, ARNP, for providing health and wellness services with compassion and care! We are so grateful for you both, and celebrate you today, on School Nurse Day.

The Ballard Teen Health Center (BTHC), a partnership with Swedish Medical Center, has served Ballard High School Teens since 2002.

There are more helpful resources on the School Nurse page and you can learn more about the BTHC online too on the Teen Health Center page.

Spring PTSA Grants Help Programs
Around School

Your PTSA Donations at Work
At its spring meeting the Ballard PTSA Grants Committee approved more than $20,000 in grants.

The Grants process is the culmination of your BHS PTSA donations at work. Our online annual Direct Appeal fundraiser as well as our Spring Gala, all help garner funds for needed classroom support. The Grants Committee, in turn, hosts two application and selection process meetings, in October and March, to give grants to projects that earn merit. The Grants Committee could not fund Teacher and Staff requests without the generous support of our Ballard HS PTSA members and the donations made to our PTSA Fundraising efforts.

Here’s what was funded for this round:

  • World Language: World Language convention at the University of Washington for four teachers (and payment for four substitutes)
  • P.E.: Two badminton sets
  • Performing Arts: Baritone saxophone and stands
  • Social Studies: UW Misinformation Day field trip transportation
  • Library: Cricut maker and design supplies
  • Social Studies: Human Geography training and accommodations
  • Language Arts: Common Lit
  • Theatre: Macbeth Performance by Professional Actors

Thank you to the Grants Committee, coordinated by co-chairs Libet Wallblom and Nancy Wesche ( 

Occupational Therapy Month Thank You!

Flowers and Hands

As Occupational Therapy Month comes to a close, and Speech Language Pathology Day is upon us May 18, we want to take the time this spring to recognize Ballard’s incredible team of therapists offering special services for Beaver students. This includes Occupational Therapist Graham Foster, Speech Language Pathologist Cindy Nitz, Physical Therapist Jen McLeun, and Vision Assistant/Braillist Susan Johnson.
Thank you for all you do!

TuesD Chambers with flowers in the Library. Text: I love being a school librarian.

Happy Librarian Day

In gratitude to the worlds best librarians (in our humble opinions) on School Librarian Day!

Many Thanks to Ballard HS Teacher-Librarian, Ms. Chambers and Ms. Bowman!

Now everyone raise a book or two in their honor!

PTSA Fundraising Gala Wrap Up Slam Dunk! Thank You!

Thanks to all who gathered for the PTSA Gala/Dinner Fundraising Event on Sunday night at Block 41! The March Madness-themed bash was a slam dunk of amazing support for Ballard PTSA and building needs! Thanks to Carol Cheyne and her team of volunteers who made the magic happen!

Tables and chairs and parents at Gala Dinner Event.
Gala Dinner Collage. Folks dancing, eating, group photo and desserts

Thank you to all of our attendees, and to those who purchased tickets for teachers. We are incredibly excited to welcome nearly 170 people to the event. With the March Madness theme, there was Pop-a-Shot fun, lovely and creative items up for bid in the silent auction, a wall of pretzels and liquid refreshments to wash it all down, delicious barbecue chicken, Beecher’s mac ‘n’ cheese, and a bevy of baked goods to ogle over on the Dessert Dash table. (And that was before the fun of bidding with the always entertaining Stephen Kilbreath!)

Early totals are in and we’ve raised $80,000 to help with our mission to support students and staff, including $20,000 toward this year’s raise the paddle for Ballard High Building Pride. 

Basketball in air above tables. Text: BHS Gala Fundraiser and Hartman Logo

Not too late to still Raise a Paddle for Ballard High Building Pride. Please consider donating online to support our amazing custodian Young and to help make our building the best it can be. Thank you again to all of our volunteers, donors and sponsors. 

BHS PTSA Gala Committee Chairs: Carol Cheyne, and Laura Kitchel;

Thank You BHS Staff For All You Do!

Cupcake and plant collage on tables in the staff lounge

The PTSA Staff Appreciation Team put together a St. Patrick’s Day surprise for the staff today with mini St. Patrick’s Day cupcakes from Cupcake Royale, a shamrock plant and a greeting reading “We Struck Gold with With Teachers & Staff Like You.”

Thanks to the Staff Appreciation Team of Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Lisa Willis for their kind and creative celebration!

Staff Appreciation is just one of the ways the PTSA gives back at Ballard HS. Thank you BHS Staff!

PTSA Winter General Meeting Recap Feb.

PTSA Meeting in Library with Speaker
PTSA Meeting in Library with Speaker

Thanks to the group of parents and guardians who joined us for our Winter PTSA General Meeting.

Thanks also to our speakers, licensed therapists Charlie Delavan and Caleb Visser, who reminded parents to honor teens’ subjective experience of the world, and to practice mindfulness.

Refer to Additional Resources, Book List and More!

Happy Valentines Day Treats to Staff!

Valentines Collage. Card, Table with candy, flowers, and cookies

The BHS Staff Appreciation Team dropped off Valentines candies for all the staff Wednesday, Feb. 14. and generated a BIG Thank You from all the Ballard HS Staff top for the array of treats in the Staff Lounge from the BHS PTSA!

Thank you again to both our Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs, Lisa Wilis and Lisa Vanderford-Anderson, for their creative efforts to honor our staff and also to the BHS families that contribute to the BHS PTSA funds that help make this all happen.

PTSA Membership Drive Update!

BHS PTSA Membership Chair and Counselor Gail Olson Laing with PTSA Logo tote bag
Deborah Frieze and Gail Olson Laing

Congratulations to Ballard HS Counselor; Gail Olson Laing (on the right), winner of the PTSA Teachers and Staff Membership Drive raffle!

Gail won a Ballard PTSA swag bag full of all things to create a great movie night. Thank you to our teachers and staff who help create an inclusive and supportive community for all students.

Thank you as well to our BHS PTSA Co-Membership Chairs: Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Deborah Frieze; 

Thank You BHS Counselors!

Gift bags and cards for staff.

Our BHS PTSA Volunteer Staff Appreciation team put together these beautiful gifts (self care theme!) to honor our counselors Feb. 9, 2024 for National School Counselor Week! They delivered Cupcake Royale and a Journal, Lavender candle, lip balm, and a beautiful message of: “A bag full of love, sunshine, and self-care to brighten your day as you always brighten the lives of Ballard students.

Thank you again to both our Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs, Lisa Wilis and Lisa Vanderford-Anderson, for their creative efforts to honor our staff and also to the BHS families that contribute to the BHS PTSA funds.

PTSA Fun at Prospective Families Night

Bucky with Karla and Victoria at the BHS PTSA table.
Bucky, Karla Rava, Victoria Watson

Thanks to everyone who visited the PTSA table and said hello at Prospective Families Night!

Whether you’re new to Ballard or a longtime Beaver family, you can learn more about the Ballard PTSA and how to get involved in support of BHS students and staff on the BHS website.

Thanks to President Karla Rava and Family And Community Engagement Chair Victoria Watson for engaging new and prospective Beaver families at our table, handing out PTSA tote bag shoppers, and hanging with Bucky!

Staff Appreciation Education Support Day

Mugs, Cards, Gifts for Staff

The PTSA Staff Appreciation Team distributed festive coffee mugs and cards in November to staff members in celebration of Education Support Professionals Day.

  • Administrative Secretary Cal Hartmann and Assistant/Athletic Secretary Bethany Nielcen in the Main Office; Attendance Secretary Alice March; Counseling Secretary Carol Bristol; Registrar Erin Hayes; Fiscal Specialist Jana Pitman; Library Assistant Britta Bowman.

The mugs were accompanied by handwritten cards that included a package of Extra gum: “The difference between ordinary and EXTRAordinary is just a little ‘EXTRA’ Thanks for all you do. – Ballard PTSA.” 

“Cal helped us pass around in person and everyone seemed both surprised and delighted,” said Appreciation Co-Chair Lisa Willis. Thanks to both our Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs, Lisa Wilis and Lisa Vanderford-Anderson, for their creative efforts to honor our staff!

Senior SPREE

BHS PTSA Logo, Bucky the Beaver with Megaphone and SPREE Candy Rolls 2024

Senior SPREE has been a Beaver tradition for more than 30 years! SPREE is an all-night party hosted and chaperoned by BHS PTSA Parents and Staff, in collaboration with the professional graduation party company, Grad Nights.

Past venues include the Family Fun Center, the Hard Rock Cafe and the Pacific Science Center. Activities have included a game show, hypnotist, arcade games, water bumper cars and more!

Senior SPREE Co-Chairs: Shelby Reynolds;
Darcy Greene; Learn more on the SPREE page and Follow Us! For behind the scenes SPREE fun, follow @BHSspree on Instagram

Ballard Student SCPTSA Finalists Advancing to State

PTA Flowers with images of camera, dance, musical notes, paint brush

Congratulations to the following Ballard HS students who submitted works for the Ballard PTSA Reflections program.

They shared entries inspired by this year’s theme, “I Am Hopeful Because …“ Learn more on the PTSA Reflections page.

Music Composition

Dance Choreography

  • Ruby James Madden: “Chosen Family

Thankful for PTSA Closet Clean out Helpers

Kim F. Gloria K and Victoria PTSA Volunteers
Kim Flin, Gloria Kruzner, Victoria Watson

Before the long holiday weekend, Ballard PTSA decluttered their school storage closet that was in serious need of some Marie Kondo-type love.

Thanks to PTSA VP: Kim Flin, PTSA Newsletter: Gloria Kruzner, FACE: Victoria Watson and student Sara W. (behind the camera) for their assistance!

And special thanks to Assistant Custodian Earl Hutson for all the supplies and encouragement. Now we can more easily access our staff appreciation table decor, signs and meeting materials! 

Fall Grants Help Staff Support Students

Paper, Science symbol, basketball, Calculator, Ruler

At its fall meeting the Ballard PTSA Grants Committee approved more than $28,000 in grants for needed items and support in the following areas:

  • Ceramics: Pug mill (clay recycler)
  • English Language Arts: 200 copies of “There, There” by Tommy Orange
  • Gay Student Alliance: Button making, art supplies and printing
  • Library: Pride books, vacuum
  • Mathematics: Three sets of calculators
  • Multilingual: Microphones
  • Science: Corning Scholar Hot Plates, Magnetic Stirrers
  • Social Studies: Funds to help the Mock Trial Team participate in competitions. Also 10 microphones.
  • Talisman: Publishing 7 issues of the student newspaper

Thank you to the Grants Committee, coordinated by co-chairs Libet Wallblom; and Nancy Wesche; The PTSA has two committee meetings, in the fall and spring, for reviewing and awarding teacher grants each school year.

Fall PTSA Board & General Meeting

Drug Prevention & Health Services Resources

Thanks to all who attended our Fall General Meeting and special thanks to speaker Lynnet Mitchell, Healthy Schools Coordinator for Seattle Public School’s Prevention and Intervention Department.

Mitchell provided a fentanyl awareness training and substance abuse prevention strategies. In addition to Mitchell’s presentation, Principal Abby Hunt shared information about the school’s wellness resources, including our Counseling team and Teen Health Center. Members also approved the 2023-24 PTSA Budget and Standing RulesMitchell also provided each attendee with a dose of naloxone for their own homes.

Complete Update & Resources on the PTSA Featured News

Digital Filmmaking Program Gets New Camera Equipment

John Tipton and Steven Bradford.

Ballard’s Digital Filmmaking program students have recently benefited from community support. Over the summer the program was very generously donated a Sony F55 by Emmy winning cinematographer John Tipton. The Ballard High School Foundation also helped connect Educational Foundation of America (EFA) Board Member and Ballard graduate Sven Huseby ’61 with Digital Film Teacher Steven Bradford regarding a $10,000 grant opportunity for the award winning program.

With grant monies received both from EFA and the Ballard PTSA, Digital Film teacher Stephen Bradford reports the program was able to buy professional feature film grade tripod, lenses, and accessories for its new camera, increasing opportunities for student learning and creativity.

This summer, the program also announced it had six official selections for the All American High School Film Festival, screened at AMC in Times Square. Congratulations to Ballard’s Digital Filmmaking students, and happy that PTSA grants are assisting your creativity this fall!

PTSA Staff Appreciation Team Shares Gratitude

The PTSA Staff Appreciation Team has been busy!

A & W Rootbear cans on table with straws in a cup.

Thanks to co-chairs Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Lisa Willis who set up a “put together a root beer float” bar for all BHS staff to celebrate Homecoming Week.

They also provided handwritten notes and chocolates to all custodial staff for National Custodian Week.

PTSA Membership Drawing Winner Selected

Seat Cushion, Cap and Ballard Beaver Bag.

Congratulations to PTSA member Megin Edwards! One of the 170 PTSA members who have signed up so far this year, Megin was automatically entered in our BHS Beaver Gear drawing.

Her name was picked by our Membership Chair Deborah Frieze and Lisa Vanderford-Anderson at our Fall General Meeting!

Not Too Late! Consider still becoming a member we need your voice! Teacher, parents, students too: Sign up for an Annual PTSA Membership

Thank You! For Your Support of the BHS PTSA Academics Fund!

Graphic for donations or fundraising, a hand reaching out to receive money

Thank you again for your generous support to Direct Appeal. Over 165 parents, grandparents, and neighbors have given $52,360 to the annual Ballard HS PTSA Fundraising Direct Appeal this year. The BHS PTSA Academic Fund received an additional $17,844 in corporate matching contributions from your employers. Thank you for making those connections and thank you to your employers.

In total, you helped the PTSA raise $70,204, all of which will support academic programming, and it’s just in time as the PTSA Grants Committee will be awarding grants in the next month.

Thank you for your care and commitment. We couldn’t do it without you.
~ Kristin Anderson, Direct Appeal Chair – Ballard High School PTSA

Curriculum Night & BHS PTSA

PTSA Table with Karla and Victoria.
Karla Rava and Victoria Watson

The BHS PTSA had a table set up (with gift totes too!) to encourage everyone in the Ballard HS community to become a Parent, Teacher, Student Association member. Thanks Karla Rava PTSA President and Victoria Watson Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Volunteer.

If I become a BHS PTSA Member, do I have to go to meetings? No, but we hope everyone will attend our General PTSA Meetings, where a paid membership allows you to vote! Our first General Meeting of the school year will be on Oct 17, 2023. If I become a member, do I have to volunteer? No, joining and becoming a paid member of the BHS PTSA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer, we appreciate the parent/guardian and community help and support, but volunteering is not required. 

Become a PTSA Member/or Renew Today

Bites & Ballots Candidate Forum on Education

Bites & Ballots A Candidate Forum on Education with images of people meeting

Interested in learning about candidates for the upcoming City Council and Seattle Public Schools Board Elections? Attend Bites & Ballots: A Candidate Forum on Education on Tuesday, Oct.10, 2023 at 6 p.m. at Rainier Avenue Church, 5900 Rainier Ave. S.

Bites & Ballots is a public, free and accessible event for parents (bring your family) to share a free meal with Seattle School Board and City Council candidates. This is your opportunity to meet local candidates up close and personal and ask them your questions about schools directly! Learn more watch and register for next year!

BHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Team
Welcomes Back Teachers & Staff

Tables in the hallway welcoming back staff with lunch items.

The Ballard HS PTSA welcomed our teaching staff back into the building with a delicious coffee and pastry spread, followed by lunch prepared by Ripe Catering.

Thank you to our Staff Appreciation Coordinators Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Lisa Willis at for organizing and putting on this amazing event!

Parent Volunteers in the BHS Library by shelves of supplies.

Thank you for the BHS Library Support

The BHS Library and Librarian TuesD Chambers appreciates all the PTSA Volunteer support and help in the library to help all students! Thank you Ballard HS Parents/Guardians you are the best!

Thank You to ALL the Parents That Helped Out During the First Week Of School

Parent Volunteers Handing out Laptops

Thanks to the Parents/Guardians who assisted with library needs, laptop distribution and general needs during the start of school!

Volunteering is a great way to support your student and school community.

Thank you to all that signed up so fast when the PTSA Volunteer Coordinators posted the Sign Up Genius too!

Email PTSA Volunteer Coordinators Joy Das Gupta & Jen Wenrick if you would like to be on an On Call As Needed List at

Examples of Some PTSA Supported 22-23 Events

Earth Day Cleanup

Thanks to the families, individuals and students who gathered on Earth Day morning 22-23, helping to clean up and pick up litter around campus.

PTSA families and students cleaning the BHS Campus
Gloria Kruzner, Diane Taylor and Victoria Watson

Grants Help Staff Support Programs Around BHS

PTSA Grants at Work. BHS Staff at UW MisINfoDay event

The PTSA Grants Team approved more than $22,000 in grant requests at the Spring Grants meeting. Grants to staff included:

  • Crafting Supplies for Library MakerSpace;
  • CommonLit Reading Platform and Writers In The Schools program for English Language Arts;
  • Eight Racketball Paddles (combining with last year’s grant request for rackets to make a full set for one class) and 50 MasterLock padlocks for P.E. classes;
  • Super8 Film Processing Tank for Digital Filmmaking;
  • Transportation for 100 Social Studies students to attend MisInfoDay at the University of Washington (photos from this year’s event c/o @beaverreadersbhs);
  • Arts Supplies for World Languages’ Visual Projects;
  • Yamaha NP-12 Keyboards for Performing Arts;
  • LabQuest Devices for Chemistry/Physics;
  • Pocket Constitutions for American Government students

Thank you for your donations to help fund PTSA Grants. Thanks also to Grants Chairs Libet Wallblom and Nancy Wesche for all their efforts coordinating the Grants process!

PTSA Supported Events in 22-23!

Staff Appreciation May 2023
Flowers in pots on a table.

The PTSA showed lots of love & appreciation to our BHS teachers & staff!

Text: Thank You Ballard Teachers and Staff. Photos of staff at coffee cart

To kick off Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, our teachers and staff enjoyed the complimentary coffee cart sponsored by the PTSA on Monday morning! Later in the week there were succulents and flowers too! And… the amazing lunch provided by Ripe Catering and a Online Thank You Card too!

Collage of Thank You with a Flower pot with heart.

Thank you for supporting PTSA so we can share our gratitude!

Earth Day Cleanup

Thanks to the families, individuals and students who gathered on Earth Day morning, helping to clean up and pick up litter around campus.

PTSA families and students cleaning the BHS Campus

Special Thanks

PTSA Families Cleaning Up! Earth Day!

One resourceful crew spent time removing invasive ivy that was choking a tree in the southwest courtyard. Thanks to the Department of Neighborhoods for providing tools, gloves, garbage and recycling bags. Ballard Rotarians shared even more volunteer opportunities with attendees at their information table. Special thanks to Victoria Watson and Tanya King for coordinating the effort! There may be more of these efforts to come, stay tuned for future opportunities.

Join the BHS PTSA for 23-24 
Reach Out to our Nominating Committee

Reach out to our PTSA Nominating Committee and Victoria Watson at if you can help out.

PTSA Zoom Meeting Faces
  • Vice President
  • PTSA Weekly Newsletter Co-Editor
  • PTSA Social Media Chair
  • PTSA Memberplanet Website Editor
  • Legislative Liaison/Advocacy Chair

BHS parents/guardians consider a role on the BHS PTSA!

In Gratitude to Our Fundraising Gala Chairs

Carol and Deb
Deb, Auctioneer Stephen Kilbreath, Carol

A special thanks to PTSA Fundraising Gala Chairs Carol Cheyne and Deb Fitzpatrick, and their entire volunteer team, for planning this special community event! We are so appreciative!

Stay tuned for the 2024 Gala date. We hope some of you will help plan next year’s event as some of our key committee members, including Deb Fitzpatrick, are graduating. 

Please get in touch to find out more:

Thank you Deb and Carol! You’re the best!

Gala Fundraising Dinner

Thank You!

Collage of parents and staff at the Fundraising Gala.

big Thank You to all of our fundraising volunteers and our donors for an epic evening for Ballard HS! Thanks to the always engaging auctioneer, Stephen Kilbreath, FOODZ catering for rocking the breakfast for dinner theme, Block 41 for the gorgeous venue and our PTSA Volunteer Molly Sousley who supported the fabulous Dessert Dash!

In addition a thank you to our two fantastic Masters of Ceremony Laura Lehni, ASB Advisor and ELA Teacher & David Furman, Special Education Teacher who kept the love going the entire night, sharing student messages of hope and support. 

Extra special thanks to PTSA Gala Coordinators Carol and Deb for all their hard work!

Spring 22-23 Grants Help Staff Support Programs Around BHS

PTSA Grants at Work. BHS Staff at UW MisINfoDay event

The PTSA Grants Team approved more than $22,000 in grant requests at the Spring Grants meeting. Grants to staff included:

  • Crafting Supplies for Library MakerSpace;
  • CommonLit Reading Platform and Writers In The Schools program for English Language Arts;
  • Eight Racketball Paddles (combining with last year’s grant request for rackets to make a full set for one class) and 50 MasterLock padlocks for P.E. classes;
  • Super8 Film Processing Tank for Digital Filmmaking;
  • Transportation for 100 Social Studies students to attend MisInfoDay at the University of Washington (photos from this year’s event c/o @beaverreadersbhs);
  • Arts Supplies for World Languages’ Visual Projects;
  • Yamaha NP-12 Keyboards for Performing Arts;
  • LabQuest Devices for Chemistry/Physics;
  • Pocket Constitutions for American Government students

Thank you for your donations to help fund PTSA Grants. Thanks also to Grants Chairs Libet Wallblom and Nancy Wesche for all their efforts coordinating the Grants process!

Special Education Guide Released

Thank you BHS PTSA for hosting Janis White, SSEPTSA at the BHS PTSA Board Meeting and for sharing the Special Education Just Released Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools. 

Another resource for Ballard HS families is the BHS Special Education & Disability Students Resource & Exchange on Facebook. Our Ballard HS PTSA was able to provide a $500 donation to the Seattle Special Education PTSA to help offset fees in the creation of this helpful resource!

Special Education Guide (available in 10 languages)

Thanking our amazing PTSA Staff Appreciation team that appreciates our BHS Staff

Food and candy on a Staff Table

Happy Valentines Day from our PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Michelle Peters who surprised our Ballard High School Staff with treats!

Thank you!

Thank You BHS Counseling Center Team

Wrapped Candy Bars

In celebration of National School Counseling Week, our PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Michelle Peters who thanked our BHS Counselors & Support Staff Team with cards and treats!

We are so grateful for our all of our Counseling Center Support Staff at Ballard HS! 

Meet Them on the Counseling Center Dashboard

Bucky’s Home For the Holidays

Bucky the beaver with gift boxes

Thank you for all the donations of GC’s to Bucky’s this year!

Bucky’s Ballard High School Home for the Holidays which is a partnership between the Ballard HS PTSA, the Ballard High School Foundation, the BHS Teen Health Center and Ballard High School Staff and Students.

Affectionately known as “Bucky’s”, the intent of this partnership is to provide donated gift cards that will be given to Ballard High School community families in need of financial assistance, to help with food and household essentials during the two week Winter Break and to help celebrate the holiday season.

Thanks to families who brought gift card donations to the Main Office or gave online to help support Bucky’s Home for the Holidays. The “Bucky’s” program shares gift card donations with identified BHS families to help make their holidays brighter. Special gratitude to Ballard PTSA FACE co-chair Victoria Watson and Graduation Success Coordinator Ross Humphries. We are also indebted to our partners: the Ballard High School Foundation for their generous donation and facilitating an online gifting option; the Ballard HS Main OfficeBHS Counseling Center; as well as the BHS Teen Health Center

Thank You Direct Appeal 22-23 for Academics

Student with face shield, with Camera and at lighted board

Once a year, the BHS PTSA raises funds to support academics. This is the only donation request that goes to support academic materials, curriculum, technology, extra teaching support, and enrichment opportunities. We know that you get a lot of requests for funding, but this may be the most important donation you make.

Blkpatch Fundraiser

Blkpatch Kit backpack and bandaids in skin tones and health items
Blkpatch Culturally Inclusive First Aid Kits

BHS PTSA supported raising money for culturally inclusive first aid kits and a 40-minute training to each Rainier Beach High School student before Winter Break, when many students won’t have access to health care and emergency services through schools. The program hopes to expand to provide a kit to all Seattle School District students as fundraising increases. Ifrah Abshir is a Rainier Beach High School and University of Washington graduate who formed Blkpatch to improve health equity for students. 

The Ballard PTSA DEI Committee supports this effort and invited Ifrah to present the project at the November 2022 BHS PTSA Board meeting after hearing her present at the Lincoln High School DEI Committee meeting. The BHS PTSA offered a donation of $250 toward the effort as well as additional ideas for online fundraising channels for the project. To donate money to support this Fundraiser for Bilpatch Kits through Paypal, send and email to Ifran Abshir at: For more information, you can reach out to Ifrah directly via email at or direct message @blkpatch/Instagram.

BHS PTSA Receives Membership Growth Awards

PTA W Mountain Logo
22-23 Platinum PTA Membership Growth Plaque

Happy to hear from WSPTA Membership Director Amanda Cabana: “Congratulations, your PTA has achieved continuous growth of 2 years. This is a huge achievement and should be celebrated as such!” This means our current membership of 230 has grown at least 20 percent from last year.

The WSPTA also awarded Ballard High School PTSA its Platinum Membership Growth Award for the 22-23 school year. Thanks to Membership Chair Lisa Vanderford-Anderson for all her efforts promoting participation in the BHS PTSA! And thank you to our members for signing up and supporting our efforts! Renew or get your PTSA Membership!

Teacher Support Grants 22-23

These Teacher Support Funds provide for teacher needs per requests of teachers and are used at the discretion of the principal. These monies help support smaller teacher and staff requests (typically less than $500) that can be funded immediately. The Fall 22-23 PTSA Grants Team awarded nearly $22,000 for enrichment activities around the school building. Thank you to Grants Team Coordinators: Nancy Wesche and Libet Wallblom for all their efforts organizing the Fall Grants Disbursement!

Some Grants Disbursed

  • Special Education Sensory Lab furnishings and equipment;
  • Classroom over-the-head headphones and reproducible history curriculum;
  • One year trial of Common Lit Assessment Service for English/Language Art program;
  • Pickleball equipment for PE classes;
  • Sexual assault awareness workshop presenter for Health classes;
  • Pentominoes, geometry paper, and sturdy classroom compasses for Geometry students;
  • Button-making supplies for library fun and student representation;
  • LED lighting kits for Digital Filmmaking program;
  • Diverse mystery/horror genre library books for Beaver Readers;
  • Ink Journal printing;
  • Funding for Black Student Union field trips and supplies; and Polynesian Student Union field trips and cultural outfit fabric.

Homecoming Game Time Snacks for BHS Staff & Teachers

Collage of Food Snacks in the Staff Lounge

Homecoming Game Time Snacks for our amazing BHS Teachers & Staff ! ~ Special thanks to the creative & thoughtful PTSA Staff Appreciation Volunteers too! Lisa Vanderford-Anderson & Michelle Peters who made sure our teachers had plenty of snacks to keep them fueled for Friday’s Homecoming Game.

Thanks to the following parents for donating tasty eats and beverages for this spread in the staff lounge! Jodi Coren, Christiana DelloRusso, Diane Jackson, Tia Keenan, Cynthia Kemp, Tanya King, Rebekkah Madden, Kelly Mazzola, Shannon Moynihan, Heather Muwero, Melanthia Peterman, Michelle Peters, Shelley Rousseau, Ellen Saltsman, Carolyn Sherman, Jennifer Wallace and Victoria Watson

Thanks also to Volunteer Coordinator Tanya King and her cleanup team of Ann Langford-Fuchs, Jo Langford-Fuchs, Shelley Rousseau and Gloria Kruzner for helping to tidy up the Commons following Saturday’s Homecoming Dance.

Thank You Back to School Volunteers!

Parent Volunteers at Laptop Distribution

Finding out we were headed back to school 15 hours before Wednesday morning’s “go time” meant flexibility on the part students, staff and all our parent/guardian volunteers.

A special thanks to Volunteer Coordinator and the many (50+) group of volunteers who showed up to help with back to school projects around the school. Your support benefits our entire school community!We Appreciate YOU!

PTSA Staff Appreciation Volunteers

Back to School Treats Table with sandwiches and coffee

Thank you to the Staff Appreciation Volunteers for 22-23; Lisa Vanderford-Anderson and Michelle Peters who treated BHS Staff on their first day back! There was some amazing breakfast items with Starbucks coffee and pastries. 

Later in the day there was a tasty lunch service from Ripe Catering with sandwiches too! 

Special Education Guide Released

Thank you BHS PTSA for hosting Janis White, SSEPTSA at the BHS PTSA Board Meeting and for sharing the Special Education Just Released Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools. 

Another resource for Ballard HS families is the BHS Special Education & Disability Students Resource & Exchange on Facebook. Our Ballard HS PTSA was able to provide a $500 donation to the Seattle Special Education PTSA to help offset fees in the creation of this helpful resource!

Special Education Guide (available in 10 languages)

Family And Community Engagement (FACE)

The Family and Community Engagement (FACE) committee engages in a variety of activities to foster awareness of both the needs and resources in the Ballard High School community. This has included facilitating guest speakers addressing topics such as suicide awareness, supporting students and families during the COVID-19 crisis and college prep and other career pathways. 

FACE volunteers help facilitate and coordinate the Weekend Food For Kids program, sponsored by the Ballard Food Bank. This program helps ensure our BHS families in need have sufficient food on weekends.  The FACE committee also helps coordinate BHS’s Bucky’s Holiday Giving program which is designed to assist our families who may not have the financial stability to enjoy the holiday season as much as many BHS families. BHS PTSA FACE Volunteer Victoria Watson,

PTSA Building Leadership Team (BLT)

The purpose of the Building Leadership Team (BLT) as stated in its by-laws is “to promote and facilitate the collaborative decision making process which affects academic achievement, and to advise and consent on building management issues.” Specifically, the BLT oversees the facilitation and development of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP), school-wide professional development plan, and the school’s budget. Questions? Email PTSA Building Leadership Team (BLT): Karen Morse;

Learn more on the Ballad HS Building Leadership page.

Passive Fundraising Programs

Passive fundraising programs are easy ways to support BHS academics and PTSA initiatives while you do your back to school shopping!