Ballard High School

High School
BHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

PTSA Fundraising

PTSA Fundraising Overview

We raise money through fundraising events such as our annual Fall Direct Appeal Campaign and Spring Auction and dinner. Simply becoming a member also supports every student in the school and a way to contribute. The BHS PTSA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3). If you donated to the BHS PTSA, your donation is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law, BHS PTSA Tax ID #91-1303069. Want to help us fundraise? Contact us to learn more.

Ballard High School PTSA stands out due to the level of support of our Mission Statement “Create an inclusive, supportive community that cultivates a tradition of excellence for all students.”

How is the Money Used?

The money we raise is targeted to general usage for things like fulfillment of Teacher Grant requests, Scholarships; general assistance for students in need; and The PTSA also gladly supports other Ballard High School booster organizations by paying for emails, paper, printing and auction software, as well as other support tools.

Fundraising Supports Many Programs

Is your hand still cramped from writing checks? Are you confused about all of the different organizations that are asking you for money? Thought you already gave to that booster club? Yet another auction, really? The fact is, you are going to be asked for money in this day and age at any school in the state of Washington. It can be overwhelming! We realize what seems like constant asks for money can leave you confused, very shortly after school starts every year.

We hear it every year: “I thought I already gave to the PTSA”, or “I already signed up for the PTSA”. We at the Ballard High School PTSA thought it might be useful to understand all of the great organizations we have at BHS that need, and will ask for, your support.

All of these organizations deserve your money, and we encourage you to decide on your own, equipped with the below knowledge, about where to put your dollars. With it in mind you’ll be asked for some class fees, you’ll likely have to pay for field trips and other extracurricular activities, and maybe even a trip somewhere around the world.

Ballard HS PTSA Fundraising

  • The Ballard HS PTSA – That’s us! Our primary focus in the PTSA is to make a great school even better. We work to cultivate an excellent educational environment for all Ballard High students through family and community engagement, advocating that all students have access to the resources, tools and support needed for the best education possible. While certainly, most of our support goes towards academic improvement, we help out all over school: athletics, performing arts, and through community outreach. Look around on our site here for more general information.
    • Historically Every year, we hold two main Fundraisers:
      • 1. Direct Appeal – Money For Academics
      • 2. BASH – our Dinner Fundraiser in the Spring
    • Direct Appeal – In the Fall, historically we do a direct mail campaign for your dollars, The Direct Appeal, with which we really put a focus on “Money For Academics”.
    • BASH – In the Spring, we hold our annual party Gala biggest Bash of the year. The auction money also goes into academic support, with some of those funds possibly saved for the next year. Funds from both Direct Appeal and Auction is spent at the school by funding direct teacher asks through a grant program managed by a committee of parents, students, and staff. Of course, all revenues raised also support PTSA operating expenses.
    • Become a PTSA Member. The larger our membership the more voice for the National PTA. Reminder need to renew each year.

During the Holidays

  • Buckys Home For the Holidays: Refer to more in the ASB section below.
    • Bucky’s Home for the Holidays is a program run in partnership between the Ballard Teen Health Center, Ballard High School Staff and Students, the Ballard High School PTSA, and the Ballard High School Foundation. Sponsored by the PTSA, Bucky’s Home for the Holidays is intended for our families that do not the financial stability to enjoy the holiday season as much as many BHS families.

BHS Organizations That May Ask For Money

  • The Athletics Booster Club – The Ballard HS Athletics Booster Club (ABC) works very hard to support athletic programs at our school.
    • Most of their funding comes from athletic teams conducting fundraisers to benefit their sport. The Booster Club hosts or partners with team parents to host events to build their general fund, along with Beaver Gear sales membership sales. If you see Beaver Gear on sale at events at school, be sure to buy some! Or, purchase a membership to the club and support your athletes!
  • The Ballard HS Performing Arts – The Ballard Performing Arts (BPA) supports Ballard HS Music, Choral, and Theatre programs – some of the best in the city!
    • Historically Performing Arts has a Gala Dinner and Auction every year during Fall and now does a Direct Give Campaign instead, and also raises money through various other fundraisers such as an Annual Spaghetti Dinner- a BHS tradition for decades.
    • In addition, candy sales, coffee sales, Escrip, and sales at concerts of CDs, bakes sales, and other merchandise.
    • Also a Mattress Sale and Goodwill Truck donation call outs.
    • BHS Performing Arts also provides sponsorship opportunities for all Performing Arts students to be able to participate in all activities and trips.
  • Ballard HS ASB – Historically our Associated Student Body (ASB) students help gather items during the holidays.
  • Ballard High School Foundation – The Ballard High School Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization with a mission to support the students, faculty and administration of Ballard High School and enrich the school’s programs and activities so that Ballard High School will be a world-class learning center for the benefit of the Seattle Community. The Foundation is made up mostly of our great alumni, but will appeal to BHS families from time to time.
    • Historically the Ballard High School Foundation holds several fundraisers every year, including The Annual Dinner Of Champions and Golf Classic and Auction including the Performing Arts Dessert Dash. The Breakfast Of Champions, an Opening Night Gala for the yearly musical. The BHS Foundation also conducts a direct appeal campaign near the end of every year.
    • Ongoing programs, such as the Graduation Assistance Impacting the Needs of Students (GAINS program
    • During the School Year 19-20 with the COVID-19 pandemic the Ballard High School Foundation formed a partnership with the BHS PTSA and the Ballard HS School to create Ballard Cares to support school families adversely affected by the pandemic.

How You Can Help

The Ballard High School PTSA fundraises to close the funding gap at our school, but schools shouldn’t need to do so in order to deliver basic academic and social needs to our students. We can change this by advocating and voting for increased funding for schools at the national, state and local Seattle level.

How You Can Help. Learn more here on how you can easily get involved. For broader context, please read the Seattle Council PTSA Take Back PTA Resolution.

The BHS PTSA fundraising typically represents an amount equivalent to 3% of the overall budget for BHS, which mainly comes from state and local levy (property tax) funding.

Passive Fundraising Programs

Passive fundraising programs are easy ways to support BHS academics and PTSA initiatives while you do your back to school shopping!

  • To participate at Fred Meyer stores, link your Shoppers Card card to the BHS PTSA (code MJ933). Once your card is linked, all you have to do is swipe your Shopper’s Card while paying for your purchases. More info: Community Rewards.

Direct Appeal, Corporate Matching, Gala, and Grants

PTSA Direct Appeal

In the fall, historically the BHS PTSA does a Direct Mail campaign for your dollars, The Direct Appeal. The Direct Appeal focuses on “Money For Academics”.

A very simple, direct appeal for money. No nonsense, just write a check and support your school. Funds go directly towards our Fall and Spring Grant requests and supporting BHS teachers and staff.

What is Direct Appeal?

Direct Appeal is a direct email appeal for your generous donations. We start the Direct Appeal campaign in the Fall, and run through near the end of the year typically in December. No nonsense, no event to attend, nothing to bid on, no tickets to buy. Just a direct, simple appeal for money. That’s it.

Please consider giving your family and friends an opportunity to make a donation to BHS. We look forward to hearing from you!

How do we determine how funds are used?

The Ballard HS PTSA has a Disbursement Process that is used to determine which grant requests will be funded. You can read a detailed description or this process on the PTSA Disbursement Process Tab below.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Remember! Corporate matching gifts are an easy way to magnify the impact of your contribution. If your employer has a matching gift policy, please fill out and send your employer’s matching form to our PTSA Treasurer;

Corporate Matching Helps Your Gift To The Ballard PTSA Go Further!

Do you know about corporate matching? Many companies in the Seattle area have corporate matching programs, which means that when you make a donation to a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit (like the Ballard High School PTSA), the company will match the amount of that donation, anywhere from 50% to 100%! All you have to do is let your employer know that you’ve made a donation, and would like your company to match it.

In previous years we have had between 12% and close to 20% of our Direct Appeal revenues, for example, come from corporate match dollars! That is thousands of extra dollars for the Ballard High School PTSA to use to help cultivate an excellent educational environment for all Ballard High School students.

We included a list of companies below that we know have these programs now or in the past. Check that list to see if your company is on it, and let us know if your matching company is missing — we’d love to add them to the list.  Ballard HS PTSA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible (Ballard High School PTSA Tax ID #91-1303069). Questions? Contact the PTSA Treasurer;

Some Companies That May Offer Corporate Matching Programs

Adobe Systems Incorporated
Alaska Airlines
American Express Company
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Amgen Inc.
AON Corporation/AON Inc.
Assurant Employee Benefits
AT&T, Inc.
AT&T Mobility, LLC
Bank of America Corporation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Boeing Company
BP America, Inc.
Caterpillar Inc.
Chevron Corporation
Cigna Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
CITGO Petroleum Company
Citigroup Inc.
The Coca Cola Company
Corning Incorporated
Costco Wholesale
Darigold, Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fannie Mae
Gap Inc.
GE Foundation
Getty Images
General Mills Inc.
The Gillette Company
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Goodrich Corporation
Hasbro, Inc.
H.J. Heinz Company
Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company
HP Compaq
Intermec Foundation
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co
John Hancock Funds, LLC
Johnson & Johnson
Kimberly Clark Foundation
Kellogg Company
Keycorp, Key Bank Foundation
Levi Strauss & Co.
LexisNexis Group
Liberty Mutual
Macy’s, Inc.
MasterCard Worldwide, Inc.
Mattel, Inc.
Maytag Corporation
McDonald’s Corporation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Mitsubishi International Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Nintendo of America, Inc.
Northern Trust Company
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Inc.
Philip Morris International Inc.
Pitney Bowes Inc.
Polaroid Corporation/Primary PDC
PopCap Games
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Quote Wizard
RBC Dain Rauscher Corp.
RealNetworks Inc.
Russell Investments
Safeco Corporation
Sara Lee Corporation
Shaklee Corporation
Sony Corporation of America
Spiegel, Inc.
Subaru of America, Inc.
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Time Warner Inc.
The Toro Company
Union Pacific Corporation
United Parcel Service, Inc.
U.S. Bancorp
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Verizon Communications Inc.
Vulcan Materials Company
Washington Dental Service
Wells Fargo & Company
The West Group, Inc.
Whirlpool Corporation

PTSA BASH Dinner Fundraiser

The Ballard High School Dinner, is a Ballard HS Community event with an evening of great fun and entertainment and raising funds! Funds are directed via requests of the PTSA board. All revenues raised also support PTSA operating expenses.

History of the BASH

The annual spring fundraising event, known as the BASH was the brainchild of Dick Lee, Class of 1961 and became an annual event beginning in 1990 sponsored by the Ballard High School Foundation.

The BHS PTSA became involved in the BASH in 1999 and began sole sponsorship in 2002. Between 2002 – 2016 to support academics and enrichment at Ballard High School.

PTSA Grants

The Grants process is the culmination of your BHS PTSA donations at work. Our online annual Fall Fundraiser, Direct Appeal, as well as our Spring Gala, all help garner funds for needed classroom support. The Grants Committee, in turn, hosts two application and selection process meetings, in October and March, to give grants to projects that earn merit.

The Grants Committee could not fund Teacher and Staff requests without the generous support of our Ballard HS PTSA members and the donations made to our PTSA Fundraising efforts.

Some years the BHS PTSA reaches out at the beginning of the school year to support the BHS Teachers and Staff.

Teacher Support Fund

Recognizing that teachers are the foundation of education at Ballard High, the PTSA started a Teacher Support Fund in 2001. The fund is used for small grants to help individual teachers purchase supplies and equipment needed to teach effectively. This quick reaction fund allows our teachers to get what they need promptly, without hassle and without spending their own money on classroom supplies. The Principal fields requests for these monies fund and reports periodically to the PTSA Board on how monies have been used.

What do Teacher Support Fund Monies Get Used For?
The Teacher Support Fund has been a very successful program. Most years, parents contributed a total of more than $10,000. The funds have been used for a variety of small purchases, including:

  • Erasers for classroom whiteboards
  • Dictionaries for the classroom of a first-year teacher
  • Compasses for a Special Ed project
  • Book on Instructional Strategies
  • Single book needed for a science class
  • Novels for Language Arts and French classes

When you donate to the Ballard High School Teacher Support Fund, you can be assured that your money is targeted for that specific purpose.

Additional PTSA Fundraising Information

The Ballard High School PTSA Disbursement Process

Curious about how we spend a good deal of the money we raise? Of course, we have operational costs- but by far, most of our money is allocated to fulfilling grant requests as we strive to make a great school even better.

While “Disbursement Process” sounds awfully dry, it is important to understand that we do put a lot of thought into how to invest your dollars, and we’d like to tell you a little bit more about that. Read on, and contact us if you have any questions.

Grant Requests

Every Fall and Spring, a committee is formed to review grant requests from staff and students. Historically the Grants Committee is made up of:

  • PTSA president/co-presidents
  • Fundraising chairs
  • Three parents-at-large, chosen because they are parents of students involved in a wide variety and range of programs and activities
  • Principal
  • Two teaching staff, appointed by the principal
  • Two or three students, consisting of the ASB President and the junior class president or their designees

Upon formation of the committee, the PTSA president will appoint a chair. The chair’s primary responsibility will be to coordinate the disbursement process in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the PTSA board, and to moderate Grants Committee meetings.

The PTSA receives very specific requests for grants from teachers and staff. These requests can be for anything ranging from scientific equipment to musical instruments and everything in between! Request for grants are submitted via a very detailed grant request form.

Grants Committee Meeting

A date for a Grants Committee will be agreed upon, at which Ballard High School teachers and staff present their requests to the Grants Committee. Following teacher presentations, the Grants Committee goes through all of the requests again and makes decisions, based on on the guidelines below, in response. Staff are formally notified of Grants Committee decisions shortly following the meeting.

This is one of the most rewarding parts of our job, and is a date we all look forward to! The feeling of meeting with Ballard High School staff, and being able to fulfill in a very tangible way, our Mission Statement, ensuring that teachers, families and students have access to the resources, tools and support they need for the best education possible, is one that is hard to describe. Watch our calendar for the next Grants Committee date!

PTSA Disbursement Guidelines

The primary goal for use of the PTSA funds is to enhance academic programs at Ballard High School. The disbursement committee will make every effort to distribute the funds fairly and equitably. The committee will avoid use of these funds to support items that are clearly within the core funding responsibilities of the district and state (e.g., salaries, textbooks). Requests for non-academic materials and activities are welcome, but will be considered based on the criteria below and funds available.

Distribution will be based in consideration of the following:

  • Does the request enhance and support materials or activities that strengthen the academic program* at BHS?
  • Does the request serve a broad spectrum and/or large number of BHS students?
  • Will the request for an activity or program require ongoing annual funding support in order to continue?

We do our best to stick to the above guidelines, and we invite you to join us to help.

What do these grants get used For?

A few examples of grants from previous years:

  • Fulfilled requests for classroom supplies to World Language, History/Social Studies, Science, and Proyecto Saber departments
  • Gave Joe Schmidt a SMART Board that benefits and enhances class for all Math students
  • Completed a set of new Health textbooks for Tami Reese. Health was using 20+ year old books!
  • Funded an entire collect (1o sets of 33) of classroom text “They Say / I say: Moves that Matter in Academic Writing” for the English/Language Arts department
  • Provide a portable sound system to the Music department to accompany students at various touring venues
  • Funded an additional phase of revamping lighting in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center with remote controlled LED lighting, obviating the need for students to be climbing ladders to control lights, and modernizing the department with equipment that is up to date and relevant
  • Proyecto Saber: provided money for Parent Night Spanish outreach, multi cultural club Union Latina Retreat, Field Trip Bus to El Centro, supplies for Dia de los Muertos Altar, and $200 for attendance fees for 4 students to attend CASHE Conference at WSU
  • Doubled up on requests from Special Education benefitting 200 special needs students at BHS, allowing for the purchase of Full Executive Function Curriculum SMARTS Full Access Licenses and Teacher Licenses, and “Essentials for Algebra“
  • Granted materials to support a multi-week pinhole photography project in Physics and Astronomy classes- a proven unit for years in these classes

Ballard High School is a dynamic learning institution with a solid core of programs offering many unique opportunities to our students. If we want Ballard HS to continue to offer our students a complete education to prepare them for their future, we need to step up and help our staff and teachers.

Support Ballard High School Families for the Holidays


Having started originally by the Ballard High School ASB, Bucky’s Home For the Holidays has a wonderful tradition of providing support to Ballard High School families for several years now. Your gift helps assure that Ballard High School families who need a little help have a wonderful holiday season!

Bucky’s Home for the Holidays is a program run in partnership between the Ballard Teen Health Center, Ballard High School Staff and Students, the Ballard High School PTSA, and the Ballard High School Foundation. Sponsored by the PTSA, Bucky’s Home for the Holidays is intended for our families that do not the financial stability to enjoy the holiday season as much as many BHS families.

How Bucky’s Home For The Holidays Historically Worked

Classrooms were assigned a Ballard High School family.  Only information given about families: how many members there are, the genders of all kids living in the household, the ages of all members and sizes for clothing and shoes as well as interesting facts or hobbies that are in the family. All information about these families remains anonymous. Cardboard boxes were placed around school, in which items are gathered, and gifts are wrapped and presented! This is a fantastic program that that BHS PTSA is proud to be a small part of. In later years Gift Cards were donated and collected by the Main Office for the Bucky’s committee to distribute to families in need.

How your donations are used | We put your donated dollars to very good use!

Ballard High School PTSA stands out due to the level of support of our Mission Statement. The money we raise is targeted to general usage for things like fulfillment Teacher Grant Requests- see the list below; for ongoing programs, such as the Ballard High School Foundation Graduation Assistance Impacting the Needs of Students (GAINS) program; and The PTSA also gladly supports other Ballard High School organizations by paying for emails and auction software, other support tools, and other items.

A few examples of how your donations support the already academic rich learning environments at Ballard High School are as follows:

  • Fulfilled requests for classroom supplies to World Language, History/Social Studies, Science, and Proyecto Saber departments
  • Gave Joe Schmidt a SMART Board that benefits and enhances class for all Math students
  • Completed a set of new Health textbooks for Tami Reese. Health was using 20+ year old books!
  • Funded an entire collect (1o sets of 33) of classroom text “They Say / I say: Moves that Matter in Academic Writing” for the English/Language Arts department
  • Provide a portable sound system to the Music department to accompany students at various touring venue
  • Funded an additional phase of revamping lighting in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center with remote controlled LED lighting, obviating the need for students to be climbing ladders to control lights, and modernizing the department with equipment that is up to date and relevant
  • Proyecto Saber: provided money for Parent Night Spanish outreach, multi cultural club Union Latina Retreat, Field Trip Bus to El Centro, supplies for Dia de los Muertos Altar, and $200 for attendance fees for 4 students to attend CASHE Conference at WSU
  • Doubled up on requests from Special Education benefitting 200 special needs students at BHS, allowing for the purchase of Full Executive Function Curriculum SMARTS Full Access Licenses and Teacher Licenses, and “Essentials for Algebra”
  • Granted materials to support a multi-week pinhole photography project in Physics and Astronomy classes- a proven unit for years in these classes

Ballard High School is a dynamic learning institution with a solid core of programs offering many unique opportunities to our students. If we want BHS to continue to offer our students a complete education to prepare them for their future, we need to step up and help our staff and teachers.

How do we determine how funds are used?

The PTSA has a Disbursement Process that is used to determine which grant requests will be funded. You can read a detailed description or this process on the PTSA Disbursement Process page.

Other Ways To Support Your School

Remember, corporate matching gifts are an easy way to magnify the impact of your contribution. Other ways to support your school are by becoming a BHS PTSA member, and advocate, or a volunteer all help to close that funding gap.