Ballard High School

High School

Service Learning Resources

Service Learning Information 

The Service Learning Contact is Carol Bristol and she can be reached at the email: She updates and maintains the monthly Service Learning Opportunities for students. In addition she is available to help students find options that suit their interests. 

Current Service Learning Opportunities

Service Learning

Students refer to these listings for Community Service Opportunities.

Service Learning Opportunities

Service Learning Requirements

One of the graduation requirements for Seattle Public Schools is 60 hours of Service Learning for all students. Service learning is giving time, without pay. Students may not be paid or earn credit for their hours. Service Learning allows students to learn and to apply academic, social and personal skills through activities and is important in helping build a resume for college, learn leadership, apply for jobs or other opportunities including scholarships. Students make a difference and address authentic community needs. As part of service learning, students are asked to reflect and report on their experiences.


Important Service Learning Reminders: Service Learning involves learning, benefiting the community and a written reflection. Service Learning must be work that is unpaid, and your supervisors must be an adult. If you have any questions, see the Ballard HS Service Learning Contact or your Counselor before you start your Service Learning.  

  • Who can sign my Service Learning Documentation Form? A supervisor or site contact must sign your SL Documentation Form. A family member or peer cannot sign your Service Form.  
  • Where do I turn in my Service Hours Documentation?  Fully completed SL documentation can be emailed to Carol Bristol at Be sure to attach your completed Service Learning Documentation Form (both sides) and attach any paperwork (letters, certificates, etc) given during your Service Learning and make sure paperwork is signed. Maybe keep a copy for your records as well.
  • When is the SL Documentation due for Graduating Classes to earn the Above and Beyond Service Learning Award (240 or more hours). Seniors must complete and turn in a Service Learning Form TBD. If students (seniors) already have 240 or more hours turned in, they do not need to do anything else in order to receive the award. Hours beyond the required 60 do not appear on The Source. To keep track of SL hours beyond 60, contact Carol Bristol at:
  • When is the Academic Awards Night?  TBD
  • The Ballard High School Graduation Ceremony: TBD

Summer Hours

Summer hours that students complete that meet the service-learning requirement can be counted toward the 60-hour graduation requirement, except for incoming freshmen who can claim only 15 service learning hours in the summer before they start at Ballard HS.   


Students should only participate in an opportunity they feel is safe to them. BHS only shares these postings and does not endorse any of these businesses.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

Email me with tips on information you would like located here or better ways to support your searches on the Ballard HS website. Diane Taylor, BHS Website Editor at  Thank you!