Ballard High School

High School
Counseling Center Dashboard

Scholarship Bulletins

Scholarship Bulletins | Naviance

Review the SPS Scholarship Bulletin as well as Naviance. Additional posted Scholarships opportunities available are sorted by month due.

Spotlight Scholarship!

$6,000 Scholarship Opportunity for Incoming Freshmen at the University of Washington July 15

The WA Beta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon offers $6,000 in scholarships to incoming male freshmen students at the University of Washington who embody excellence in academics and extracurricular activities. The application deadline is July 15, 2025 — applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to begin the interview process. Applicants must be enrolled or intend to enroll full-time at the UW for the Fall 2025 Quarter, and the application can be found oun our website. 

Scholarships are not necessarily posted in due date order.

The Renton Regional Community Foundation April 8

The Renton Regional Community Foundation manages a number of scholarship funds. While some of their funds grant their scholarship money directly through a specific school or institution, many of their scholarship funds make their awards through their own Scholarship Committee. The Rehe Bill Boehlke Scholarship: Bill worked for both the Seattle Seahawks and the Seattle SuperSonics as a creative member of their communications departments. In memory of Bill, his family established this scholarship fund in 2020. The scholarship is open to high school seniors in the state of Washington who are pursuing a career in digital communications, including social media and video production. Awards range from $1,000-$5,000.  Learn More and Apply.

University-Ballard Lions Foundation April 15

The University-Ballard Lions Foundation Scholarships ($1,000 tuition) are open to all Ballard seniors regardless of race, cultural ethnicity, religion or gender. The senior must be ac accepted to an accredited school of higher education or vocational/technical school. Pick up an application in the Counseling Office. Applications must be mailed by April 15, 2025.

Ballard HS Foundation Scholarship Opportunities Due April 21

Golden Beaver with cap and tshirt with B Icon with Logo

Completed application packets are due April 21, 2025 to the Counseling Center or email Carol Bristol at:, or mail to Ballard High School, attention Carol Bristol, 1418 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117, or have the BHS Main Office put in Carol Bristol’s mailbox.

Annual P.E.O. Scholarship Due April 21

P.E.O. with daisy flower Logo

The Professional Employer Organization (P.E.O.) scholarship is offered to high school women graduates. The amount of this scholarship varies from a minimum of $1000.00 – $2500. The completed application form must be accompanied by the following items included in the application and returned to the P.E.O. Chapter G Scholarship Chairman. Students that are eligible to receive a scholarship may choose to attend a college, university, community college or trade school. Determinations will be based on merit, need and school involvement. Pick up an application in the BHS Counseling Office. P.E.O. Chapter G.

Asian Pacific Community Fund Scholarships April 21

Note, not all BHS students will qualify for every scholarship listed, so please read the eligibility qualifications before applying.

The Asian Pacific Community Fund (APCF) is excited to announce that our 2025 scholarship applications are now open! We are offering over $400,000 in scholarship funding to high school seniors in their support of higher education. Application Deadline: Monday, April 21, 2025, at 11:59 PM PDT. Scholarships Available: Please visit our website and view the attached scholarship flyers below which your students may be interested in. Eligibility: We have several scholarship opportunities available for students who fit these criteria: HS Seniors or First-Year College Students, Plan to attend a U.S. Accredited 4-Year College/University or Community College in Fall 2025, Have a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 2.5, Household income at or below County Low Income Level, or demonstrated financial need.

Seattle Assistance League May 2

Summer Enrichment Scholarship

With Enrichment Scholarships, qualified students in grades 4-11 can explore their unique talents and interests. They gain new skills in leadership, outdoor survival, music, art, computer science, sports, or journalism, just to name a few.

  • Maximum scholarship awarded will be $500
  • All camps/programs will be considered, with the exception of those with a religious affiliation
  • Applications must be postmarked (or emailed) by May 2, 2025

If interested, please contact: You can also find an application on on the Seattle Assistance League website.

Angels Wings Foundation (AWF) Scholarship Due June 13

AWF has a rich history of funding schools and orphanages, supplying healthcare, and supporting various social services for children in Thailand, as well as supporting educational opportunities for Thai students in the United States. They believe their scholarship would be of great interest to the community of Thai students at Ballard HS. This unique scholarship is one of the only of its kind for the Thai community and is AWF Founder and President Porntip Bui Simon’s way of honoring the unique heritage that we should all take pride in. Applicants must have at least one Thai parent to qualify for consideration. The application deadline is June 13, 2025.

Please visit the Angels Wings website to learn more or review and complete an application. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email; Amelia Williamson;

BigSun Scholarship June 19

The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to continue to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. We are offering an annual scholarship to a deserving student. All student athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in or what their capacity in that sport is. Deadline is June 19, 2025 and the Amount of Award is $500.00

The successful applicant will be a high school senior or be attending a post secondary institute and currently involved in some sport at that institution or in the community. Please visit our website at bigsunathletics to learn how to apply.

All applications must be submitted through our online common application. Students can review specific eligibility requirements and apply directly through our scholarship page.

The College Investor

Laptop with Email Icon Envelope. Text: The College Investor

The College Investor site lists several scholarship search engines and details the benefits of them. The best college scholarship search websites make it easy to find and apply for the legit scholarships that you have a real chance of winning. View the 10 Best College Scholarship Search Websites from The College Investor on the link below.

University of Victoria Canada

Seniors: Are you applying to the University of Victoria? Talk to your school counselor to learn more about the three $15,000 CAD scholarships that are available to Ballard HS seniors. If you qualify, it would lower the cost about 50% for you as an International student. Canadian citizens or dual citizens do not qualify for this scholarship.

SPS Scholarship Opportunities Begin Here for Seniors

Seattle Public Schools logo

Thousands of scholarships are available to seniors and go unclaimed every year! Multiple Due Dates

Student Scholarships logo with Lion has been providing scholarship information to students and scholarship management services to companies since 2003. They have the largest collection of Scholarships. Below you will find a list of Scholarship Programs available to students. More than 495 Individual Scholarships will be distributed through these Programs.

Largest Collection of Scholarships on the Web. Logo with blue and white boxes is a student scholarship platform. They have recently announced new scholarships for Black and African American students and would be interested in receiving applications from Ballard High School students. All students should have the opportunity to pursue higher education and the career of their dreams. It’s our mission to make college accessible for all students by eliminating student debt.

Army ROTC Program Scholarships

The University of Washington’s ROTC program is now accepting applications for seniors interested in 4-year full tuition scholarships. We would love to offer your students the opportunity to be a part of the University of Washington’s deep and rich history. The Army ROTC is a program that allows you to attend college and earn a degree while simultaneously completing requirements to commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Army. ROTC is not an alternative to getting a college degree nor is it something students do in lieu of college.

Students who are interested in applying for the ROTC scholarship or would like to learn more about the program or UW please contact us at . Visit our Army ROTC Scholarship page to apply.

Applications & Additional Information

All applications are available in the Counseling Center or can be downloaded. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Carol Bristol at or stop by the Ballard HS Counseling Center.  

Disclaimer: BHS only shares these postings and does not endorse any of these businesses.

District Updates

Scholarships for SPS Students

A group of eight students hold large checks while confetti falls on them

Scholarships are a type of grant (monetary gift you do not have to pay back) for students to use in paying for after high school training and college programs. Scholarships are available for students as early as elementary school and continue through graduate school.

Federal and State programs provide over 46 billion dollars in student aid. Private companies, community organizations, civic groups, foundations, and religious organizations provide an additional 3 billion dollars in scholarships.

Finding Scholarships

A scholarship database can be found in Naviance (all SPS 6th-12th grade students have 24/7 access to Naviance) as well as some of the following resources. You should never pay for access to scholarships you find online.

Share a Scholarship

Are you aware of and/or sponsoring scholarships that are not in our Naviance list? Fill out the form below to add your scholarship to Naviance for all SPS students to access.