Thank You BHS Families! PTSA Fundraising To Support Academics
Summary : Donate Giving Tuesday!
The BHS PTSA Academics Fund for the 24-25 School Year!
Thank You For Helping Us Reach our School Goal!
Thank for your donations supporting the Ballard High PTSA Academics Fund for the 2024-2025 School Year! Thank you so very much! Over 229 parents, grandparents, students, friends, and neighbors have given over $65,503 to Ballard High PTSA Academics Fund. I say “over” because that total does not reflect all of the employer match we’re anticipating. Thank you for connecting us with matching funds and thank you to your employers. These funds will allow the PTSA Grants Committee to award additional academic programming grants in the spring. Thank you for your care and commitment. We couldn’t do it without you.
Kristin Anderson, Direct Appeal Chair – Ballard High School PTSA
Thank you for supporting our students, our teachers, and our staff. We couldn’t do it without you. So far, parents, grandparents, and neighbors have taken us to our goal – that is something to be thankful for.
Where your donation goes: For most math classes, this includes a graphing calculator for in-class and at-home work. Thanks to your donations, the library will have 30 additional calculators for students to use/check out this year.
With gratitude! Kristin Anderson, Direct Appeal Chair – Ballard High School PTSA; All donations are tax-deductible (Ballard High School PTSA Tax ID #91-1303069).
Thank you for your generous support!
Your donations will make it possible for the grants committee to fund a range of requests this school year. One of those grants will fund amps for each of the band classrooms so students can get right to playing and learning (vs finding and moving amps between each room).
Why Direct Appeal?
The BHS PTSA strives to support all staff, teachers, and students. To do this, we need money. Direct Appeal is straightforward. There is no event to attend, nothing to bid on, no tickets to buy so check this one off your to-do list.
How are the Funds used?
Your contributions are crucial and allow the PTSA Grants Committee to purchase books, technology, equipment, and supplies for classrooms and the library.
For example, in the past academic grants supported expanding the Horror section in the library – a specific request and presentation that came directly from Ballard HS students. How perfect is that this Halloween season?
Over the last several years, your donations made it possible for the PTSA Grants Committee to fulfill some of the following teacher and staff requests:
- Pocket Constitutions for American Government students
- Full set of calculators for Geometry classroom
- Clay recycling Pug Mill
- Talisman: Student Newspaper, publishing funds
- Books for Pride Club
- Lab Equipment for Chemistry/Physics
- Library Vacuum & MakerSpace supplies
- English Literature Materials
- Digital Filmmaking Equipment
How Much Should I Donate?
Our Ballard HS PTSA Budget Goal is to raise $75,000, all of which will support Academic Programming for over 1,600 students during the current 2024-25 school year. Meeting this goal is critical to closing the funding gaps that directly affect our students. Please donate what you can. No amount is too small; all donations are greatly appreciated.
Direct Appeal is Simple
- Contribute what you can. All donations are greatly appreciated.
- Ask your employer if they do Corporate Matching. How fun would it be to double your gift?
- Donating online is preferred, and checks are accepted. Make payable to “BHS PTSA”, write “Direct Appeal” in the memo line, and mail it to BHS PTSA, PO Box 17912, Seattle, WA 98127.
We greatly appreciate your support!
Kim Flin, President: Ballard HS PTSA
Sylvia Crum, Secretary: Ballard HS PTSA
Victoria Van, Treasurer: Ballard HS PTSA
Kristin Anderson, Direct Appeal Chair: Ballard HS PTSA
If you have any questions at all, please email Kristin Anderson, Ballard High School PTSA Direct Appeal Chair at To learn more about the BHS PTSA visit our webpages: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Legislative Advocacy, PTSA Fundraising, PTSA Volunteer Opportunities, What Does the BHS PTSA Do.
All donations are tax-deductible. The Ballard High School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) entity, Federal Tax ID #91-1303069.
About the Ballard High School PTSA
The Ballard High School PTSA is an educational enrichment and advocacy group that emphasizes cultivating an excellent education environment for all Ballard High School Students. We do this through family and community engagement, advocating that all students have access to the resources, tools and support needed for the best education possible.