Current Volunteer Opportunities
Can Help Out?
Just Announced!
Parents/Guardians Donations Needed for:
March Educator Appreciation Self Care Bar
Let’s show our Ballard High School Educators some love the time of year they appreciate it most… The Month of March! No days “off” + budgeting = time to show some extra TLC… On Wednesday, March 26 we’ll set up a Self Care Bar for the staff to “shop” at before their early-release Wednesday meeting.
Donations must be received by 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26. Drop marked items in office, shop on Amazon or throw some cash our way… Either way sign up to help donate!
Low on time or cash?? Send a hand written note with words of affirmation, encouragement or a card – those are GOLD and so appreciated! Questions? Contact Ali Schlameus at:
Volunteer Needed!
- PTSA Newsletter Editor needed!
- We are seeking someone to share or do any part of this this important role! If interested, please contact
Parent Volunteers Needed for Ongoing Library Support
We would like to invite interested parents to volunteer for a weekly 2 hour shift to support our wonderful library!
Parents are needed with book displays, checking out books and shelving returns, as well as supporting student usage during lunch time. Parents must be an approved volunteer with Seattle Public Schools. Weekly shifts start Monday, Sept 9. Refer to the Sign Up for additional information.
Want To Be On Our On Call List?

If you would like to be on our list for when help is needed?
Have questions or need more information about Volunteering at BHS, please contact Joy DasGupta at
Please note that SPS requires all volunteers to complete their volunteer approval process before you can volunteer. Complete the forms needed on our Volunteer Paperwork page and email us if you have any questions at all at to Joy DasGupta Thank you!
Open Roles Always Needed in the Library
Email Librarian TuesD Chambers at with any questions or other days and times that you might be available as well.
Ballard HS Library Service Learning Opportunities During the School Year
Students have earned Community Service Learning hours for:
- Shelving books, processing books, week books, fixing shelves, help clean the library, make book displays
- Computer maintenance
- Reading to 2nd grade students for Reading Buddies
- Creating online tutorials
- Making scrolling PowerPoint
- Makerspace craft, projects for lunchtime, organizing Makerspace
- Create book posters on Adobespark
- Create Rubik’s Cube murals
- Read first chapters aloud for Youtube channel and Schoology theme Picture Books
- Become a Library Leader
- Create Book Collections
Reach out to Ms Chambers at for specific details. Visit the BHS Service Learning page for school information and forms.
Thank you BHS Families For Your Support!
In addition to becoming a Ballard HS PTSA Member, volunteering is a great way to support your student. Already a volunteer? Great! Thank you! Not a volunteer yet? Learn more about how to become a volunteer at our school.