Performing Arts
Ballard Performing Arts

Ballard Performing Arts Overview

The Ballard Performing Art (BPA) Music and Theatre Department is lauded throughout the Northwest and beyond for its high level of musical and performance excellence and supported by the parent run Booster Club.
Ballard HS provides one of the most complete high school music programs in Seattle – offering instruction in voice, wind and string instruments spanning jazz to classical. The Theatre Program consistently presents best-in-class plays and musicals.
The Ballard HS Music Program has gained regional and national acclaim for its outstanding ensembles and inspired performances. The Music Program includes over 300 students who participate in three concert bands, two concert orchestras, one concert choir, two treble choirs, percussion ensemble, two jazz bands, one jazz choir, fiddle ensemble and multiple chamber ensembles. We also offer piano and guitar classes as well. Performances are held in the Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center.
Performing Arts Winter Concert Series Dec. 2024
During the Orchestra and Choir Concerts, the Concert Choir, Advanced Chorale, Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra, and select members of the Wind Ensemble and Percussion come together to present Handel’s Messiah a Full Orchestral and Choral Collaboration.
Watch more on the BPA YouTube Channel.
BPA Marching Band in Portland Parade June 2024
“Early June, the band participated in the Portland Floral Parade (formerly the Rose Parade). The weather was beautiful, and the band looked sharp! Even the announcer noticed!
Ballard Performing Arts (BPA) Newsletter
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- Please use our BPA Sign Up page to subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter on our new WIX platform. Also, please add this email address to your safe senders list:
Ballard HS Performing Arts Staff
We are fortunate at Ballard to have four top-rate musicians/coaches/teachers who work to provide the highest level of music making opportunities for our students.
Music & Theatre
Daniel Valdez (Director of Orchestras), Jay Gillespie (Director of Bands), Courtney Rowley (Director of Choirs) and Miller Shor (Director of Theatre) are caring individuals who have high standards for the Music and Theatre department and high expectations for every student involved in the program. Read more and hear from the BPA Directors below.
The top music ensembles have typically traveled to festivals and performances across the country and have won multiple awards and recognitions for their high level of music-making.
Highlights include Concert Choir and Advanced Chorale’s performance at Carnegie Hall for the Nationals for Top Choirs Festival, Chamber Orchestra’s performance at the National Orchestra Festival in Tampa, Jazz Band’s participation in Lincoln Center’s Essentially Ellington Competition, and the Wind Ensemble’s performance at the 2017 International Music festival at Carnegie Hall.
Typically each year, Ballard’s Music and Theatre programs combine to produce a full-scale musical theatre production. In recent years, Ballard’s musicals with Director of Theatre Shawn Riley, have been nominated for over 20 awards from the 5th Avenue High School Musical Theater Awards, including Best Overall Musical, Best Chorus, and Best Vocal Direction, and winning in the categories of Best Costumes (Urinetown, 2014 and Bye Bye Birdie, 2012) and Best Orchestra (Cabaret, 2011).
Refer to the BHS Course Catalog for more information on courses offered as part of the Ballard Performing Arts.
BPA Booster 23-24 Board Members!
- President: Cynthia Kemp;
- Vice President: Stephanie Skinner
- Treasurer: Jay Jameson
- Band Reps: Karen Morse, Phyllis Fletcher
- Choir Rep: Tara Roth
- Theatre Rep: Edie Bishop
- Webmaster: Gina Craig
- Fundraising Chair: Stephanie Skinner
- Newsletter: Michelle Peters
- Direct Drive: Stephine Skinner
- Volunteer Coordinator: Brooke Van Eyk
- Social Media: Catherine Burke
Performance Highlights
- Marching Band Drill Down
- Hot Java Cool Jazz “When You’re Smiling” with Jazz 1
- Collage Concert (All Groups)
- Special Holiday Musical Edition
- Holiday | Vocal Jazz Caroling
- Virtual ReadingTrifles
- Virtual Performance Greater Tuna
- Class of 20 | Senior Graduation Virtual Performance “For Good“
- Year In The Life Of A BPA Band Student (Banding Together)
- BPA Theatre Musical | Les Misérables
- Damn Yankee Video and Photos
- Carmina Burana 2015 Vimeo
- BPA Choirs, Orchestra & Bands | Carmina Burana 2019
- Encore Performances
Subscribe to the Ballard Performing Arts YouTube channel where all our performances are uploaded!
Ballard Choirs
Interested in learning more about Ballard’s incredible Choir Program? Concert Choir and Advanced Chorale will hopefully be traveling to New York City to perform at Carnegie Hall again! Find out more by watching this video put together by current and former choir students. Email Ms. Rowley at if you have any questions.
Ballard Music Alumni
Ballard Music Alumni have attended many of the nation’s most prestigious performing arts schools and universities, including Manhattan School of Music, Berklee College of Music, The University of Michigan, Northwestern University, Oberlin College, The New School (NYC), The University of North Texas, Stanford University, The University of Oregon, The University of Washington, Cornish College of the Arts, Westminster Choir College, and Pacific Lutheran University.
Jean Smart Actress a Ballard HS Alunni
Get Connected!
Who We Are and Our Mission
The Ballard High School Performing Arts Booster Club (BPAB) is a non-profit organization of families, guardians, and community members committed to maintaining and cultivating a tradition of excellence in the band, choir, orchestra, and theatre programs at Ballard High School. In partnership with the directors, we work to provide high-quality education and performance opportunities for all students.
If you are not receiving the school PTSA & BPA Weekly Newsletter sign up and select your Graduation Class and BPA Group to receive up-to-date information on programs, special events, meeting dates, fundraisers, and general information throughout the year.
You can find links on the Ballard Performing Arts website to Facebook, Instagram and YouTube