Social Media
Ballard HS Social Media Accounts
Social Media Management
Twitter Accounts are maintained and managed by a combination of advisors and students and are not all updated on a regular basis and do not necessarily represent the views of the school.
Instagram Accounts are maintained and managed by a combination of advisors and students and are not all updated on a regular basis and do not necessarily represent the views of the school.
Primary Accounts
Associated Student Body ASB
- Instagram: Ballard ASB: @ballardhighasb
- Instagram: Student Life: @ballardstudentlife
Ballard Athletics
- Instagram: @ballardathletics
Ballard HS PTSA
Official account of the Ballard High School PTSA
- Instagram: @bhs.ptsa
Ballard High School Library
“The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” ~ Albert Einstein
Refer to the BHS Library webpage for more information about what is happening.
- Twitter: @BeaverReaders
- Instagram: @beaverreadersbhs
Grade Level Accounts
- Class of 2025: @ballardhsclassof2025
- Class of 2026: @ballardclassof2026
- Class of 2027: @ballardclassof2027
- Class of 2028: @ballardclassof28
Ballard Performing Arts
Theatre, Bands, Orchestras, Choirs and Jazz
- Facebook: ballardperformingarts
- X (Twitter): @BHSMusicDrama
- Instagram: @ballardperformingarts
- YouTube: Ballard Performing Arts
- Vimeo: Ballard Music
- Flickr: Ballard Performing Arts Albums
Ballard High School’s Digital Filmmaking Program
Seattle Public Schools
Athletic Accounts
Ballard High School Athletics
Ballard Pride Football
- Twitter: @BallardHSPride
Ballard Boys Hoops
- Twitter: @BallardBBall
Ballard Boys Soccer
- Instagram: @ballardsoccer
Ballard Girls Flag Football
- Instagram: @bhs_girlsflagfootball
Ballard Girls Soccer
- Instagram: @ballardgirlsoccer
Ballard Girls Basketball
- Twitter: @ballardcoach
- Instagram: @ballardhs_gbb
Ballard Golf
- Instagram:
Ballard Slow Pitch
- Instagram: @ballardslowpitchsoftball
Ballard Beaver Tennis Squad
- Twitter: @luvmeansnothin
Ballard Tennis
- Instagram: @ballardhighschooltennis
BHS Track and Field/XC
- Twitter: @ballardtrack
BHS Girls Swim and Dive
- Instagram: @bhsgirlsswimanddive
Ballard Volleyball
- Twitter: @ballard_vb
- Instagram: @ballardvolleyball
Ballard Cheerleading
- Twitter: @BallardHSCheer
- Instagram: @ballardcheer
Ballard High School Unified
Partnership between Ballard HS and Special Olympics of WA. Basketball, Robotics & Soccer
- Twitter: @BallardUnified
- Instagram: @ballard_unified
Activities and Club Accounts
Ballard Strength
Strength and Conditioning Program. Giving students tools to stay fit & healthy long after high school
Dance Team
3A Dance Team located in Seattle | Official Instagram
Ballard High ASB
This is the official BHS ASB Instagram. ASB supports all types of events, makes school video announcements, spirit weeks and share a positive attitude and influence!
- Twitter: @BuckysBeat
- Instagram: @ballardhighasb
Club Spirit and Sports Events
Follow Us! This is the official BHS Student Life Instagram Account.
Ballard DECA
- Instagram: @DECABallard
- Twitter: @ballard_DECA
Ballard ESC Earth Service Corps
- Twitter: @bhsesc
Ballard Boys Lacrosse
- Twitter: @bhs_boyslax
Ballard Girls Lacrosse
- Twitter: @GirlsLAXbhs
- Instagram: @bhs_girlslax
Ballard High School National Honor Society
- Twitter: @BallardhsNHS
Ballard High School Viking Robotics Team
- Twitter: @FRC2928
Ballard Ultimate Frisbee
- Twitter: @BUFballard
Spree Chair
Senior Spree is the all night senior party following graduation
- Twitter: @BHSseniorspree
Questions about BHS Clubs?
Reach out to the Ballard HS Activity Coordinator, Laura Lehni at
Additional Instagram Accounts
Follow us on Instagram. Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app. Photos and videos can be posted and viewed by followers.
Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?
Email me with tips on information you would like located here or better ways to support your searches on the Ballard HS website. Diane Taylor, BHS Website Editor at Thank you!