Welcome to the BHS Library
The amazing library dynamic duo of Teacher-Librarian TuesD Chambers and Britta Bowman, assistant librarian are looking forward to another year of support from the parent group and community in fostering a culture of literacy and learning within our school community. We also want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation for the role you all play in making our library the vibrant center of learning and discovery that it is.
~ Teacher TuesD Chambers and Assistant Librarian Britta Bowman.
Follow Our Library Instagram!

Follow the Beaver Readers Ballard High School Instagram for updates. Find out all about all the great things happening in the Ballard HS Library. Check it out! Use the link below or search for BeaverReadersBHS in the Instagram app and stay connected and get involved.
What is Happening in the BHS Library
Library Olympics!
- Blow Beavers Blow – Blow into balloons and knock over the red solo cups, lined up with the breath from the balloons.
- Beaver Ball Juggling – Juggle blown up balloons across the library without them falling.
- Beaver Bingo – Library trivia and book Bingo.
- Beaver Bracelets – Make a bracelet with the beads on a paper plate.
- Beaver Cotton Bowl – Work with partner to get cotton balls into plastic bins while blindfolded and listening to your partners directions.
- Beaver Ball – Hit balloons back and forth with fly swatters. If they fall on the ground the other team gets a point.
Win prizes!
Day of the Week!
- Monday: Library Leaders | Celebrating our Top Patrons and Most Beloved Books of 2024
- Tuesday: That Dam Book Club | Read books and share
- Wednesday: Comic Book Club | Reading Transformers (image below)
- Thursday: Library Olympics | Blow, Beavers, Blow (fun games in the library)
- Friday: Pride Book Club | Starting a new book
And More!
- Self Care Book Displays
- Sweater Weather, Classic Books (created by Ms. Katrel’s class)
- Karaoke Maching
- We are getting our Karaoke machine up and running.
Free Math Tutor Available Mon – Thursday
We are so lucky to have Ballard community tutors who come to our library every week to support students. This is math tutoring for our students and it is COMPLETELY FREE! Stop by the library circulation counter and sign up!
- Where: Ballard High School Library
- When: Every Monday Through Thursday afternoon, 3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Running Start students stop by and sign up
- Who: Volunteer community members.
- How: Drop into the library after school — or, to guarantee a 20-minute session, put your name on the sign-up sheet.
Peter Seitel
Peter has been a long-time Ballard HS tutor and is looking forward to the new school year. He had a career as a Geologist and Geophysicist before becoming an IT consultant and small business owner. He is available to assist students with all Math courses- from Algebra to AP Calculus and first year Physics. He can also assist with ACT or SAT practice.
Take the BHS Library Survey!
Let us know how you would like to get involve.
What do you like to do.
How the library can support you in your search for happiness.
Take the BHS Library Survey Today!
Evergreen Teen Book Awards
Favorite Young Adult Book
Winner! Iron Widow, by Xiran Jay Zhao Evergreen Books: Love in English, by Marie E. Andreu, Firekeeper’s Daughter, by Angeline Boulley, Skin of the Sea, by Natasha Bowen, Code Name Badass: The True Story of Virginia Hall, by Heather Demetrios, You’d Be Home Now, by Kathleen Glasgow, Perfect On Paper, by Sophie Gonzales, Before We Disappear, by Shaun David Hutchinson, The Initial Insult, by Mindy McGinnis, The Girls I’ve Been, by Tess Sharpe
Library Clubs 24-25
Reading Buddies to 1st Graders Online
New! Reading Buddies meet at 8:10 a.m. on Wednesdays. The group reads picture books to first-grade students online at Magnolia Elementary in Ms. Meck’s class. Beaver Reader Reading Buddies earn Service Learning hours as well. They read online in the library Book Club Room. Questions? Email
Clubs That Meet at Lunch
- Library Leaders meet on Mondays. Service Learning hours available.
- That Dam Book Club meets every other Tuesday. Students meet in the Makerspace and can read whatever they want and talk about it. They have been meeting with Lincoln High School in a dual book club of Evergreen book titles.
- Comic Book Club meets on Wednesdays in Mr. Lee’s classroom.
- 3D Printing Club and Architecture Club meet Wednesdays in the Library.
- Garment Club meet Thursdays in Ms. Carlson’s room using Library Makerspace sewing machines.
- Pride Book Club meets every other Friday.
Ballard HS Clubs
Clubs are a great way to get involved. Ballard HS has over 75 clubs available for students! If you can’t find a Club that fits your interests, start your own!
Parent Volunteers in the Library Always Needed and Appreciated
The BHS Library and Librarian TuesD Chambers appreciates all the PTSA Volunteer support and help in the library to help all students! Thank you Ballard HS Parents/Guardians you are the best! Sign Up Today!
Parent volunteers are needed to help in the Ballard Library by signing up for regular weekly shifts during the school day. This is a great opportunity for parents who are able and interested to come 2 hours a week at the same time each week. Help our fantastic librarian Ms. Chambers with checking in books, book displays, re-shelving and other special projects! Questions? Email Ms. Chambers;
Please note that SPS requires all volunteers to complete their volunteer approval process before you can volunteer. Complete the forms needed on our Volunteer Paperwork page and email us if you have any questions at all at to Jen Wenrick and Joy Das Gupta Thank you!
Service Learning Hours Available & More
Students! Hang Out & Read in the Library