Ballard High School

High School
Student Life

Online Student Handbook

Student Handbook

September 17, 2024

Dear Students,

The number one goal of Ballard High School is the academic achievement for all of our students. Students, parents/guardians, and staff work together to promote a safe and secure learning environment.

This handbook is intended to support the success of each student at Ballard High School. The information included in this handbook will be useful over the course of the coming school year. Of most immediate importance will be the information regarding academic expectations for graduation, student behavior at school and the requirements governing attendance. Policies and procedures are subject to change. Notification of any changes will be communicated to students, parents, and guardians.

Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns you have about the contents of this online handbook to your student assigned Counselor or Assistant Principal. By working together, we can realize our goal of success for every student at Ballard High School.

~ Principal Hunt

BHS Student Handbook

View the attached PDF or the info below for all students.

BHS Student Handbook

Online Student Handbook 24-25

The information is updated as it becomes available. Policies and procedures are subject to change. Notification of any changes will be communicated to students, parents, and guardians. This is not a static page; it may grow and change over the school year. We will add and or delete event dates as needed.

Paper-copies of the Student Handbook are available outside the Main Office and in the Counseling Office.

BHS Daily Hours

School Hours: 8:50 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
Wednesdays: 8:50 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.

BHS Attendance Policy

Alice March, Attendance Secretary,

The laws of the state of Washington require regular attendance of all students enrolled in the public schools. It is the responsibility of the student to make up missed class assignments/tests for excused absences. Classroom assignments may be requested directly from the teachers if the student is going to be absent more than three school days. Please allow twenty-four hours to process a request.

Attendance Guidelines for In-Person School

Attendance at school is required so that students will be able to:

  • Participate in oral presentations
  • Participate in all classroom-based physical activities
  • Participate in class discussions and in-group work
  • Receive verbal instructions concerning new concepts and review of previous concepts.
  • Participate in lab activities
  • Collaborate in group activities
  • Hear and respond to guest speakers and outside resources (films, video presentations, etc.)

Definition of an Absence

Absences may affect the grade and credit earned for a course depending on each teacher’s syllabus.  Each student will receive a copy of the course syllabus. The following Seattle School District definitions apply to students of all ages:

Excused Absences

It is the student’s responsibility to make up work for excused absences, school-related absences such as field trips, or suspensions. The teacher’s syllabus will explain the makeup policy for that class.

  • Unplanned absences are excused when your child’s personal illness or injury, or the illness, injury or death of a family member, prevents your child from attending school.  The school may require a note from your child’s doctor before excusing those absences if your child is absent due to illness or injury for an excessive number of days. Ballard High School requires a note from a parent or guardian to excuse any absence within 3 days of a student’s return to school from any absence.
  • Planned absences are excused when you submit a request to the principal or assistant principal at least three school days before the start of a planned absence, usually for a family trip of short duration, doctor or dentist appointment, or religious or other special, one-time event. However, long-term absences or a succession of long-term absences may affect whether your child will be promoted and/or earn credit for graduation. Absences for longer than twenty consecutive school days may result in your child being dropped from school enrollment.
  • Absences due to short-term discipline of your child are excused on District attendance records unless your child is under court order to attend school without additional truancies or behavior problems.

Unexcused Absences

  • All other absences are considered unexcused, including absences caused by the student or parent oversleeping, student missing the bus, transportation problems, student needed for babysitting, student job requirements, etc.
  • Absences by long-term suspended or expelled students for whom space is available in the reentry program, but who do not enroll and attend, are unexcused.
  • Students entering a class more than 10 minutes after the tardy bell will be counted as an unexcused absence.

Procedures Regarding Excused Absences

To excuse an absence, the student must present a written note stating the reason for the absence to the Attendance Office within 3 school days of returning to school. A late written excuse does not remove an unexcused absence from the records. Please send a written note or email to

Note: Students living on their own need to contact their administrator to establish the procedures to be followed regarding attendance. All work missed due to excused absences must be made up as determined by the classroom teacher.

Definition Of a Tardy

A tardy is defined as a student entering a class after the tardy bell has sounded.  Unexcused tardies must be recorded in the teacher’s roll book and on the Attendance Office forms.

  • Tardies may affect your course grade and credit.
  • Students entering a class without a note from a staff member or parent more than 10 minutes after the tardy bell will be counted as an unexcused absence.

Early Dismissals

Students must present a written note to the Attendance Secretary on the day of the appointment or get permission from their administrator prior to leaving school. Early dismissals will not be excused after the fact.

  • Late Arrivals: For late arrivals to school, a written excuse from parent/guardians is required within 3 school days. Students with written excuses should report directly to the Attendance Secretary. Students without written excuses should go directly to class. Students late to periods 2-6 need to get a tardy pass from an administrator or security specialist to be admitted into class.

Pre-Arranged Absences

A school sponsored pre-arranged absence form will be provided to the student from the appropriate advisor/sponsor. Pre-Arranged Absences/School Initiated – Activities such as field trips require a pre-planned absence form. Students should obtain a pre-arranged absence form from the teacher in charge of the field trip to notify their teachers of their absence and arrange for makeup work, if required.  The pre-arranged absence form should be completed and returned to the teacher three days prior to the absence.  The teacher informs The Attendance Office about the Field Trip, so students can be excused.

Pre-Arranged Absences/Parent Initiated – Students who knowingly will be absent two or more days should obtain a Pre-Arranged Absence Form available in the Attendance Office or on the Attendance page to notify their teachers of their absence and arrange for makeup work, if required. The “Pre-Arranged Absence Form” needs to be completed and returned to the Attendance Office three days prior to the absence.

Compulsory State Attendance Law – “Becca” Bill

Parent/guardians of children at least eight years old and less than eighteen years old must have their children in school on a full-time basis or in an approved home instruction program. If a student has seven (7) unexcused absences within a month, or ten or more unexcused absences within a school year, the School District is required to file a petition in juvenile court directed toward the student, parent/guardian or both. The Seattle School Board has approved the 2024-2025 school calendars. The calendar was developed and negotiated in cooperation with all of the bargaining groups representing Seattle Public Schools employees. The calendar is structured to provide a full week of instruction following Spring break and before the beginning of the spring SBAC testing period. The calendar also provides specific dates that will be used as make-up days in the event that inclement weather necessitates school closures.

Counseling Department Information and Recommendations

Students can make appointments to meet with their counselors several ways, either via the Book An Appointment page or via their counselor’s Schoology page. Be sure to select the counselor that is assigned to the part of the alphabet that correlates to your last name and use your school email address when booking. Appointments are scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.


  1. If you need an unofficial transcript, please email Ms. Bristol; to request one.
  2. If your application is on Common App & Coalition platform, add your School Counselor to your profile on the platform. Your school counselor will send your transcript for you directly through that platform (depending on the school – i.e. UW does not require a transcript).
  3. If the first two options do not apply, request your transcripts through Naviance. Visit the district Naviance page if you want to know more about Naviance.

Late Arrivals/Early Dismissals

It is strongly recommended that ninth and tenth grade students take a full schedule of six classes.  Eleventh and twelfth grade students may choose late arrivals or early dismissals so long as they meet graduation credit requirements. Please review this with your counselor with the 24 credit policy. No empty periods are allowed in the middle of a student’s daily schedule.

Grading System

Grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+ and D indicate credit earned in a class. An E grade indicates course failure and results in no credit earned. If a student wishes to take a class for a Pass/No Pass grade, this must be requested by the fifth week of the semester and may be chosen for only one course per semester. Students who are withdrawn from a class after the fifth week of the semester will earn an “E” on their transcript for that course unless the withdrawal is due to a move to another school.  Classes dropped after the 10th day of the semester but before the 5th week of the semester will result in a “W” on the student’s transcript. Incompletes are rarely given and must be completed within six school weeks of the end of the grading period or the Incomplete will become an E grade. All classes earn .50-semester credit, with the exception of TA (teacher assistant) positions, which earn .25-semester credit. This may affect students needing 24 credits for graduation.

Percent (%) grading scale: A =93-100, A- =90-92, B+ =87-89, B =83-86, B- =80-82, C+ =77-79, C =73-76, C- =70-72, D+ =67-69, D =60-66, E =50-59

Grading Practices

Ballard High School staff are committed to:

  • Grading students based on academics, not participation, attendance, or behavior.
  • Providing effective progress monitoring through updated grades and Source information at least every other week for all students.

Grading Requirements

Per SPS policy, we will continue to utilize an A-E scale. However, SPS leadership will require the following 3 grading practices that promote equity and our long-term effort to move towards a competency-based grading system. For information related to a specific course, please refer to that teacher’s course syllabus.

  1. Communication: SPS educators will provide biweekly check-ins with students and families for students at risk of earning an Incomplete, No Credit, or a failing grade. 
  2. Redemption: SPS educators will allow retakes and assignment revisions to the extent possible. 
  3. Minimum Grades: SPS educators will not give any grades lower than 50% on any assignment or assessment even for a missed assignment.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Semester report cards can be viewed on the Source at the end of each semester. Semester grades are posted to the official transcript. Mid-term progress reports are issued at the middle of each semester. These grades are for information only and are not part of a student’s final transcript. However, senior year mid-term grades may be used as part of the college admission process, even though credits are not yet posted to the final transcript. “D” and “E” grades are reported halfway through each quarter.

Weighted Class Rank

Class rank is an indicator requested by some colleges and universities, scholarship programs, and some employers. A weighted class rank system is intended to recognize students who take more rigorous academic courses. These include courses designated as Honors (H), Advanced Placement (AP), College in the High School (CIHS) and Running Start (HRS). Honors courses earn a half weighting point; AP, CIHS, and HRS courses earn a full weighting point. The weighted ranking process does not affect the GPA. The highest attainable GPA is 4.0 (WAC 180-57-050). Valedictorian(s) and Salutatorian(s) are based on cumulative weighted rank as of 1st semester senior year.

Ballard High School Valedictorian/Salutatorian Policy

Ballard’s Valedictorian must:

  1. Have the highest weighted Class Rank after the first semester of the senior year. Additional courses taken beyond the six-period day will not be counted towards the calculation of the student’s Class Rank for purposes of determining Valedictorian, except in the case of Running Start courses, for which all credits through fall quarter of senior year will be counted.
  2. Have been a full-time student (six classes each semester) on Ballard’s campus, including Running Start courses, all four years.
  3. Have no “E” or “N” grades on the transcript.
  4. Have no “P” grades.
  5. Have no Teacher or Office Assistant classes on their transcript.
  6. Students cannot be full time Running Start students and be eligible to be Valedictorians.

Ballard’s Salutatorian(s) must:

  1. Have the second highest weighted Class Rank after the first semester of the senior year. Additional courses taken beyond the six-period day will not be counted towards the calculation of the student’s Class Rank for purposes of determining Salutatorian, except in the case of Running Start courses, for which all credits through fall quarter of senior year will be counted.
  2. Have been a full-time student (six classes each semester) on Ballard’s campus, including Running Start courses, for at least three years.
  3. Have no “E” or “N” grades on their transcript.
  4. Have no “P” grades other than a Study Abroad experience.
  5. Have no Teacher or Office Assistant classes on their transcript.
  6. Students cannot be full time Running Start students and be eligible to be Salutatorians.

Class Standing

A minimum of 24.00 credits are required to graduate. Students must meet the graduation requirements of their “Class of” designation, as assigned in grade 9. This is never altered regardless of the year of actual graduation (i.e., early or late completion of graduation requirements).

High School Credit for Middle School Courses

High School credit is available for some pre-approved middle school courses. Some examples of this include Spanish, French, Japanese 1, and Algebra 1. See your counselor for more details.

Making Up a Required Course

To graduate, students must pass all required courses. If a student fails a required course, they generally must expect to take that course through an afterschool or summer school credit retrieval program if available, or through an accredited program outside of Ballard High School.

Course Fees

We believe students should be able to take courses of their choice regardless of their ability to pay course fees. While course fees do support Ballard’s ability to offer high quality programs, they are not required and are not connected to student grades.

Athletic Eligibility

In order to play on a school sports team, students must have earned a grade point of 2.0 or higher in 5 subjects during the previous semester of school.  Continuing eligibility will require a student athlete to earn no less than a 2.0 grade point average in five subject areas (2.5 credits) as reported on their current report card on the Source. TA classes, lab assistants and PE waivers cannot be counted as one of the five classes for eligibility.

NCAA Athletic Eligibility

Students interested in participating in college athletics after high school need to be aware that additional academic courses are required for eligibility and not all courses are approved for NCAA eligibility. Student athletes must also register with the NCAA Eligibility Center, preferably during their junior year. Visit the NCAA Eligibility Center website and see the Athletic Director or your BHS Counselor for more information.

Academic Deadlines

Seattle Public Schools Internet and Computer Use Agreement

Use of the Seattle Public Schools network is a privilege. You must read and agree to follow the network rules below to use your network account. The Seattle Public Schools makes available to students to access to computers and the Internet. Through the Internet students may have access to databases, Web sites, and sometimes email. Students might also publish online. Students are expected to use computers and the Internet responsibly and for school related purposes only. Every student will be asked to click ACCEPT after reading the agreement on their initial log on to the Seattle School district computers.

Use of the Seattle Public Schools network is a privilege. Violations of conditions of use may result in that privilege being taken away in whole or in part by school district personnel. All other related student policies are applicable and other consequences including suspension or expulsion may follow. Please review the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” pamphlet available outside the Main Office or on the SPS website.

As a condition of my right to use the Seattle Public School Internet service, I understand and agree with the following:

  • I will use computing resources responsibly.
  • I will use the Internet and other computer resources for academic activities only.
  • I will only play educational games authorized by my teacher, instructor, or librarian.
  • I will follow the guidelines for printing set by my teacher or school.
  • I will only save material in my folder appropriate for educational use.
  • I will not transmit or deliberately access obscene, indecent, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise offensive material in any form.
  • I will use computing resources safely.
  • I will not give out my name, picture, address, e-mail, or any other personally identifying information online.
  • I will only access chat rooms, bulletin boards, blogs, or post to an Internet site with explicit teacher permission.
  • I will not share my password with others.
  • I will use computing resources respectfully.
  • I will not deliberately attempt to harm or destroy data on any system on the network or internet.
  • I will not damage computer equipment or alter computer settings.
  • I will not alter other students’ files.
  • I will use computing resources in a manner that respects the intellectual property of others.
  • I will not install, store, or distribute unauthorized copyrighted software or materials.
  • I will turn in work that I have created myself. If I borrow or copy material from other sources, I will properly cite those sources.
  • I understand that:
    • I am responsible for what is done on my computer account.
    • School district personnel have the right to review any material sent, mailed, or accessed through a District computer or District provided network account.  School district personnel have the right to inspect all material stored on a District computer. By accepting these terms and conditions, students waive any right to privacy or confidentiality to material that was created, sent, accessed, or stored using a District computer or District provided network account.  
    • District personnel can edit or remove any material that it believes may be unlawful, obscene, indecent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable.
    • The district does not promise that the functions of the internet service will meet any specific requirements you may have, or that the Internet service will be error-free or uninterrupted.
    • I cannot use computing resources to violate district policies, federal and state laws.
    • District administrators have the final say on what constitutes a violation of internet policies. Those violations include but are not limited to all bulleted points in this agreement.

Student Work Honesty & Plagiarism Policy

Students are expected to be honest about what is theirs: ideas, writing, work, and the representation of themselves. To this end, Ballard High School is adopting this policy to ensure that student work is indeed their own so that teachers can know how best to meet the needs of their students and to be able to assess their progress in their education. Honesty is: Doing your own work, crediting others’ words, pictures, facts or ideas, keeping your eyes on your own work, and using electronic sources with integrity. Engaging in dishonest practices may lead to consequences for the student including, but not limited to:

  • requiring the student to complete a revision/retake   
  • closer monitoring of future assessments until trust is restored  
  • research consequences for cheating in “the real world”
  • withdrawing a different privilege or responsibility    
  • restitution in the form of an apology 

The Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools

These rules supplement the rights and responsibilities, limitations and due process accorded each student enrolled in the Seattle School District. Students are responsible for adhering to all the rules and responsibilities as stated in The Basic Rules of Seattle Public Schools pamphlet located outside the Main Office or on the SPS website. Violations of these regulations will result in disciplinary action.

Appropriate Behavior

Students on the school grounds, at school events, or on the way to or from school, involved in behavior which is not acceptable will be subject to disciplinary action (Examples: drug and/or alcohol use or possession, profanity, fighting, cheating, and hazing/bullying.)  Disciplinary action may include the loss of the privilege to participate in school activities such as athletics or dances, including prom, and participation in graduation. 

Alcohol and Drugs

The use of any alcoholic beverage or illegal drug is strictly prohibited at Ballard HS. Any possession, use or sale of alcoholic beverages or drugs on school grounds, at school functions, or on school transportation is prohibited at all times. This includes possession of drug paraphernalia. Any student found in possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or a school-sponsored activity may be excluded from future activities including such activities as athletics, prom, etc.

Anti-Harassment Policy – Bullying, Hazing, Intimidation

Seattle Public Schools prohibit “Harassment, intimidation and bullying.” This means any intentionally written message or image (including those that are electronically transmitted), or verbal or physical act causing harm to another student. These include, but are not limited to acts shown to be motivated by race, creed, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, economic status, gender, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, pregnancy status, marital status, physical appearance, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or other distinguishing characteristics, when an act:

  • Physically harms a student or adult or damages the student’s or adult’s property; or
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education or the adult’s work environment; or
  • Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational or work environment; or
  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school or work place.

Nothing in this section requires the affected student or adult to possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation or bullying.

Bullying, Hazing, Intimidation, or similar activities are forms of harassment and possibly assault and will be dealt with accordingly. Engaging in harassment will result in appropriate discipline. Retaliation against any person who makes or is a witness in a complaint is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. Persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.

Complaint Process – Informal

Reports may be made to any staff member. Informal remedies may include:

  1. An opportunity for the complainant to explain to the alleged harasser the nature of the complaint either in writing or face-to face;
  2. A statement from a staff member to the alleged harasser that the alleged conduct is not appropriate and could lead to discipline if proven or repeated or; 
  3. Informal complaints may become formal at the request of the complainant, parent/guardian, or if the District believes the complaint needs to be more thoroughly investigated. 

Formal Discrimination & Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures

Information on the Seattle Public Schools Discrimination Complaint Procedure and the Sexual Harassment and Complaint Procedure may be found on the Ballard High School website under Resources and Safety and Wellness. Paper copies of both of these documents are available outside of the Main Office.

Ballard High School Info & Policies


Students are expected to know and follow the attendance regulations as listed in the Attendance Policy and Procedures for Ballard High School. 

Cell Phones and Other Such Devices

These items lead to disruption and shall not be used during regular school hours.  They must be turned off and put away during instructional time, unless approved by the teacher. This policy also applies to hallways during instructional time. Teachers and staff will follow a common classroom protocol of red (no phones), blue (limited teacher directed phone usage) and green phone usage (for audio support with teacher direction) during the day. Laser pens, electronic games, or other gambling devices, etc. are not allowed in school. The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of these items.

Dance Rules

Freak dancing, offensive and/or obscene dances are prohibited in accordance with Seattle School District policy. Violations of this policy include but are not limited to students exceeding the 45-degree rule and inappropriate touching. For most dances, students are allowed to bring one non-Ballard guest if a completed Guest Request Form is turned in to the Activity Coordinator the Wednesday before the dance and approved by administration. Dancers responsible for any action that causes potential harm to others or to the DJ’s equipment will be asked to leave the dance. Inappropriate behavior may result in the loss of the privilege to attend future school activities such as dances/other extracurricular events.

School based Behavior Intervention

Students may be assigned in house reflection time by staff and administration for infractions of the school code of conduct. Failure to engage in this process may result in the student receiving other appropriate disciplinary action.

Dress and Appearance

Please review the Seattle Public Schools Student Dress Code approved by the Seattle School Board on July 10, 2019.  


Elevator use is intended for students and staff with physical limitations, injuries or to move heavy equipment. Other students are prohibited from using the elevator without prior approval by the nurse, security or administration. Only students given a key are allowed to use the elevator. The key is given to students who have exceptional circumstances that make climbing or descending stairs challenging. Temporary elevator keys can be granted through the nurse.


Students are responsible for all books, lockers, school equipment, other instructional materials issued to them, and all school related incurred charges. Such fines are expected to be paid prior to final withdrawal from school, sending transcripts, participation in athletics, forwarding of records, annual distribution, graduation ceremony, and/or diploma. A record of fines is maintained in the fiscal secretary’s office. The library maintains the records of textbooks and library books. Fines incurred from a previous school may also be included. Fines may be paid in the fiscal office during the school year before school, during break, or at lunch.


Gambling of any kind is not allowed in school.

Good Neighbor Policy

Ballard High School students are expected to respect the property of our neighbors and community. This is particularly important given the access to the community during lunch. As members of this community, it is imperative that our students treat the entire community as their home.

Hall Behavior

Hallways are to be clear and quiet during class time. There is to be no loitering in the halls or on school grounds when classes are in session. Students must have a pass (RED plastic hall pass, a BLUE “Student Permit”, or a WHITE “Request to Report slip) when in the halls during class time. Students with a late arrival should plan to arrive five (5) minutes before class. Students with early dismissals (such as seniors with no sixth period) are to leave the building before the tardy bell rings. All students must leave the building by 15 minutes after the last bell unless they are participating in an adult supervised activity.

ID Badge Policy

The administration at Ballard High School urges all staff and students to wear or carry their ID card. 


The Ballard High School Library strives to be a welcoming and integral part of a student’s learning experience at Ballard High School. The library is open before and after school and during lunch. Teachers bring their classes in to do research, use computers and checkout library books and textbooks throughout the school day. Visitors are welcome although they do need to go to the Main Office first to obtain a Visitor’s pass.


Lockers are not secure. Therefore, students are advised not to place their valuable items (wallets, purses, etc.) in their lockers. Contraband items are not to be placed in lockers at any time. Students are responsible for all items that are stored in their assigned lockers. Students must not share lockers. Lockers may be opened by school administration at any time.

Open Campus

All students will be permitted to leave the school premises during their lunch period without written authorization so long as they respect the neighborhood community around the school, do not create a public nuisance, and do not engage in any criminal or civil misconduct. Students who leave assume the responsibility for returning on time for class. Students may not visit other school campuses without authorization of Ballard High School administration and the authorization of the other school’s administration. Salmon Bay School and Park as well as other schools are off limits to all students during school hours. 

ORCA Cards

Students no longer need ORCA cards to ride on public transportation in Seattle. Given that all students under 18 ride free on Metro Transit, there are no longer ORCA cards provided by the district or the school. As a result, students are expected to use public or private transportation to get to school unless they have a specific bus accommodation through Special Education services.

Parking Policy

There is no student parking anywhere on campus. Students who have parked on campus without permission will receive a large sticker on their car. Additionally, their car’s information will be recorded. Parking in spots marked POOL may result in your vehicle being towed without warning by the Parks Department.

Random Locker Searches

Students with lockers in which contraband or weapons are found are subject to suspension or expulsion and their parent/guardian will be contacted immediately.

Search and Seizure

Searching of belongings and seizure may occur whenever there is a reasonable suspicion of student involvement in controlled substances or weapons.

Skateboarding and Riding on Scooters

Both skateboards and scooters are both prohibited on school grounds. They may be confiscated if used on campus.

Student Drugs/Alcohol Usage

Drug and Alcohol usage and use of tobacco products are prohibited on the school campus. Any use of illegal substances on campus leads to school-based consequences including the potential for school exclusion. Tobacco products and other paraphernalia in a student’s possession are subject to confiscation. Drug and alcohol treatment is a necessary part of a return to school plan for school exclusion due to the use of narcotics or alcohol.


Students will be issued textbooks for their registered classes. Many, but not all, departments will issue textbooks from the Textbook Room located by the library. You are responsible for the return of those textbooks to the issuing teacher or to the Textbook Room when this course is finished, when you change your schedule, drop the class, or withdraw from Ballard High School. The student is responsible for the care of checked out books. If it is lost or stolen, the replacement price will be charged. Textbook prices are available on request. Damage is assessed on an individual basis. Destruction of a barcode in any book is $5.00. Students must not loan or give their books to anyone else. It is the obligation of the student to write their name in the front of his/her textbooks and protect them from rain or other damage. Report the loss of a textbook to the issuing teacher or Textbook Room/Library. Another textbook for the subject may not be issued until the replacement price has been paid.


For security reasons, students are advised not to bring large sums of money or expensive items such as cell phones or I-Pods to school. The school and individual teachers cannot be responsible for such items.


Students are expected to respect the property of the school keeping it free from litter and refraining from destruction and/or defacing property, including graffiti.


Seattle Public Schools has a no tolerance policy with regard to weapons of all kinds. Student possession or use of guns (loaded or not, operable or not, “real” or not), knives of any length (including pocketknives), pepper spray, laser pens and other weapons and objects capable of causing bodily harm will, in almost all cases, result in suspension or expulsion from school. Jewelry, apparel, and accessories that can be used as weapons are prohibited. Having a weapon for “protection” or “by accident” or “because somebody handed it to me” (and it was not turned in immediately to the office or school staff) is not the sort of mitigating circumstance that will avoid suspension or expulsion.

Seattle Public Schools- Standard Discipline for District Offenses

The complete list for standards and Exceptional Discipline for District Offenses can be found online on the district website: Family Resources > Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Can’t Find What You Are Looking For?

Email me with better ways to support your searches on the Ballard HS website. Diane Taylor, BHS Website Editor at  Thank you!