Ballard High School

High School
Student Life

School Dances

Ballard School Dances

Floral background. Text: Spring Tolo
ASB Spring Tolo Dance
Spring TOLO Dance March 22, 2025 Pier 66 From 7 – 10 p.m.

Don’t Miss the Spring Tolo Dance at Pier 66 (2225 Alaskan Way) on Sat, March 22 from 7 – 10 p.m. Tickets Online Only.

Read Complete Dance Details

Guests Form Information

All Guests MUST attend the Spring Dance with the Ballard Student Named on the Hard Copy Guest Form. Guest Forms must be completed and submitted to Mr. Fort by end of day on Wed, March 19, 2025.

Follow updates on the ASB @ballardhighasb and Student Life @ballardstudentlife Instagram.

Senior Prom May 31, 2025

Senior Prom will be at the Columbia Tower on May 31, 2025. Tickets will be sold starting April 28. Watch for more details to be posted soon!

Follow the ASB student updates on Instagram @ballardhsclassof2025

ASB Cards

Bucky Beaver Student ID Card GHS Beaver Head Logo 2023-2024
Student ID Card / Activity Card

Your Student ID card becomes an Activity Card when you have paid the ASB fee and have a sticker to update on your Student ID Card.

Parents/guardians may pay the ASB fee via SchoolPay on the Source. Activity cards (stickers) to put on the Student ID cards are sold daily during lunch in the Activity Center (AC). Please bring exact cash or a check payable to Ballard HS.

Reminder: All BHS students can purchase a ASB Card as paying the fee allows students to receive free admission to BHS Athletic home games. Students who pay the activity fee will also get a discount on school dances. Parents/guardians may pay via SchoolPay on the Source

Dance FAQ

How much does it cost to go to a dance?

Dances have a range of prices; a dance like homecoming has a lower ticket cost (prices usually starting around $10), while a dance like prom has a higher ticket cost (around $50).

Price is dependent on location of the dance and when the student buys the ticket as ticket prices increase each week; the prices also differ between whether a student has an ASB card or not.

When is the dance and how will I know?

Information advertising the dance will be posted on school posters, in the daily bulletin, the Ballard ASB Instagram page, and on the school website.

Parents inquiring about the date and time can always call the main office as well (206-252-1000). Ballard dances begin at 8 p.m. and finish at 11 p.m.

When can I buy a ticket?

Tickets are always purchased in advance, at the school, at lunchtime or after school in the Activity Center. Ticket sales start two weeks before the week of the dance, and end the Monday the week of the dance. Cash and checks are accepted. Tickets are never sold at the door.

Can I bring a guest (non-BHS student)?

Guests are allowed at Ballard High School dances. For your guest to be able to go to the dance:

  • The Ballard HS student must obtain a guest permission slip in the Activity Center ticket window.
  • The guest must have an administrator from the guest’s school sign the slip, acknowledging that the guest does not have any reason to not be allowed to attend.
  • The permission slip must be delivered back to the school if the student wants to be able to purchase the guest’s ticket.

Anything else I need to know?

  • Large bags are not allowed to be brought into the dance.
  • Student ID must be presented by all students
  • Once you leave through the exit doors, you cannot come back in to the dance.
  • Any student under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will be subject to the Seattle School District Disciplinary Code. A parent or guardian will be called to pick the student up at the dance.
  • Any student dancing in a way considered inappropriate by an adult supervisor can and will be asked to leave for the evening.
  • Bare feet are never allowed at a dance. • Doors close at 9:30pm.
  • No refunds on dance tickets.

Dance Behavior Expectations and Rules

The following rules for behavior have been established by the ASB and Building Leadership Team at Ballard High School.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in disciplinary action, including possible removal from participation in 2025 commencement ceremonies, or other applicable school sanctions. In the case of a student being sent home, there will be no refund of the ticket price.

  • All students MUST have current photo ID.
  • All Students and belongings are subject to search for entry.
  • NO REFUNDS on dance tickets
  • Doors close at 9:00 p.m. (dance is from 7:00-10:00 p.m.)
  • No backpacks
  • No non-medical masks 
  • All school rules and sanctions apply to the event.

Specific Dance Rules

  • Lewd or obscene behavior will not be tolerated.
  • This dance contract serves as your first warning. Subsequent warnings will result in dismissal from the dance and possible future dances.
  • Dress and appearance must not present health or safety problems, or cause disruptions. Non-medical masks and toy weapons are not allowed.
  • Students who appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance will be subject to an evaluation that may include saliva test strips. Parents of students found to have used or have in their possession, and/or under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance will be called to come to the dance as soon as possible to take charge of their student(s).
    • Only students who were the original purchaser of a ticket may enter the dance.  Tickets cannot be resold, traded, or given away.  Tickets and student ID must match at the door.
    • Guest tickets must match the guest name on the guest register at the door.  Photo ID is required.
    • You are responsible for your behavior and conduct at the dance, as well as that of your guest. Please help to make Ballard dances safe and enjoyable for all students who attend.

By purchasing your ticket for your student, they agree to abide by the Dance Behavior Expectation & Rules.