Associated Student Body (ASB)
Ballard High School ASB

We, the students of Ballard High School, establish the ASB Constitution for the purposes of guiding student government and the activities program; to create a unified community; and to enhance communication and cooperation amongst the students, staff, and administration.
We believe that students should have the opportunity to become involved in representative student government and have a voice in making decisions.
Mission Statement
We as Ballard High Schools Associated Student Body are committed to Respect, Compassion, Transparency, Equity, and Stability for the 2024-25 School Year.
ASB Cards | Student ID 24-25
All students who tryout/participate in a Ballard athletic team or are in the BPA Marching Band are required to pay an Activity Card Fee for $35.00.

All BHS students can purchase a ASB Card as paying the fee allows students to receive perks to games. Parents/guardians may pay via SchoolPay on the Source Students should talk to their Counselor if interested in a scholarship.
IMPORTANT! Your Student ID card becomes an Activity Card when you have paid the ASB Fee and either get a sticker or a stamp on your Student ID Card.
Students ASB Activity Cards (Fee) in the Main Office
Activity Cards are the Student ID Cards with either a ABS Sticker or printed stamp on the Student ID. ASB Card fees can be paid daily during break, lunch, and after school in the Main Office. Please bring exact cash or a check payable to Ballard HS in the amount of $35.00.
Pay the ASB Fee for Activity Card on School/Pay on the Source
- Logon to the Parent Source/SchoolPay
- Verify that you are on the correct student account
- If the ASB Fee option is not displayed on SchoolPay, check the payment history to see if the ASB Fee has already been paid.
- Open the History menu in the upper right portion of your screen
- Select Items Purchased. SchoolPay will provide a search menu
- Select the date range and student, and click the Search button
ASB Clubs
Visit the ASB Clubs page for a listing of current ASB Clubs and additional information about how to start a ASB Club at Ballard High School. Ballard HS has over 75+ clubs available with events! If you can’t find a Club that fits your interests, start your own!
All forms are available in the office or from Ms. Lehni.
ASB Officers 24-25
- ASB President – Nina Ando
- ASB Vice President – Piper Obenauer
- ASB Secretary – Alexa Seeman
- ASB Treasurer – Carina Mazzola
- Senior Class President – Unfilled Position
- Senior Class Vice President – Owen Willis
- Senior Class Secretary/Treasurer – Zoe Thompson
- Junior Class Ambassadors – Sabi Yoon, Mae Piercy,
- Sophomore Class Ambassadors – Alessa Iliakis, Ivy Toppenberg, Piper Carlisle
- Freshmen Class Ambassadors– Hanzo Watanabe, Jack Rees, Gus Lundeen
- Advising Arts Director – Audrey Mayo
- Athletics Liaison – Kylianna Meyer
- Clubs Coordinator – Lauren Zamberlin-Eidelman
- Community Outreach Advocate – Helen Scott
- Digital Marketing Managers – Sydney Willis
- Link Crew Commissioners – Zach Jamir, Tommy Fewel, Zirahuen Herrejon-Crutcher, and Ronan Manning
- Racial Justice Advocate – Unfilled Position
- Student Senate Representative – Audrey Papineau
- Video Producer – Cove Brammer
Always Serving Ballard
ASB Constitution Posted Soon!
District Updates
Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds
Publication of Information
Required per RCW 28A.325.050
An Associated Student Body (ASB) is a formal organization of students, including sub-component or affiliated student groups, formed at each public school within Seattle Schools. The programs of the ASB are any optional, noncredit, extra-curricular activity conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an ASB, during or outside regular school hours, within or outside school grounds and facilities and conducted with the approval of the school district or under the official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act on behalf of an ASB or sub-component group. ASB programs and activities must be of a cultural, athletic, recreational or social nature benefitting the ASB.
Money generated or collected, including fundraising proceeds, in conjunction with ASB activities, is public money which must be deposited into the ASB Fund. ASB public money may only be used for optional, noncredit, extra-curricular events and activities of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.
Posting of the following reports ensures compliance with RCW 28A.325.050 (and ESHB1109). This information is not representative of a school’s full fiscal and/or athletic activity.
Questions regarding the posting of the ASB reports may be directed to:
Chris Johnson
ASB, Trust Analyst
Fund Balance Reports:
- Fiscal Year 2023-24 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2022-23 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2021-22 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2020-21 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2019-20 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2018-19 ASB School Report
- Fiscal Year 2017-18 ASB School Report
ASB Activity Card Data