Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements Overview
High School and Beyond Plan
The State of Washington requires all students to create a High School and Beyond Plan. Seattle Public Schools expects students entering grade 8 to begin to develop a 5-year plan including 4 years of high school courses, resume or activity log, and post high school career and college goals. The plan should be updated over time as the student develops high school plans. School counselors and staff help students develop their individual plans in the district approved tools. Additional Graduation Requirements and information by graduation year and details are located on the district site.
Service Learning
Seattle Public Schools requires students to complete 60 hours of service learning before graduation.
WA State History
Most students who completed middle school in the state of Washington met the WA State History requirement in middle school. If you attended a private middle school or a middle school out of state, please contact your Ballard counselor about how to meet this grad requirement.
PE Competency Test
Students must earn credit for physical education (PE) courses unless excused per RCW 28A.230.050. Students may be excused from PE (but not Health). Students who are excused from PE, upon the completion and approval of a PE waiver submitted to their counselor/administrator at Ballard, must still “demonstrate competency/mastery in the knowledge portion of PE in a district-approved written assessment that is aligned to Physical Education K–12 learning standards.” (WAC 180-51-068). The PE Competency exam is only required for 2nd semester seniors who did not take and pass a PE class while a student at Ballard.
Required Credits
24 credits are required for graduation earned from the below list of approved courses. The credit requirements are minimums both in terms of total credits required for graduation and for credits in the various subject areas. SPS graduation requirements meet most college entrance requirements for WA State schools. Some colleges may require additional courses. Visit the district Graduation page for any updates or changes.

Graduation Pathways
For the most current and specific information re: Graduation Pathways, please visit the OSPI Graduation Pathway website. Work with your Ballard HS Counselor to ensure you are completing the requirements correctly for whichever pathway you choose.
As of Jan. 8, 2024