Ballard High School

High School
BHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

PTSA Volunteer & Educator Awards

Ballard HS PTSA Awards

PTSA Awards Categories

Golden Acorn and Outstanding Educator Awards Logo

Golden Acorn Award

A Golden Acorn Award (school or community volunteer) is presented by a local PTA or council to a school or community volunteer in recognition of her or his dedication and service to children and youth. It recognizes volunteer service “above and beyond” a particular job description. Since the beginning of this program in the 1930s, more than 54,000 Golden Acorn Awards have been presented to volunteers throughout Washington state.

Outstanding Advocate

The Outstanding Advocate Award (volunteer or school staff) was established in 2004 by the WA State PTA to recognize an individual for his or her advocacy and commitment in helping to create strong policies relating to the health, welfare, safety and education of children and youth.

New! Outstanding Student Advocate Award

In 2011, Washington State PTA created the Outstanding Student Advocate Award (student) to recognize student PTA members who have made significant contributions through leadership and service in their school and community.

Outstanding Educator Award

The Outstanding Educator Award (educator not limited to a teacher may be defined as a teacher, assistant, specialist, support staff, administrator or community member) is presented to an individual who has made significant contributions in their community to enhance the educational outcomes of all children or youth.

Award Recipients

School Year Outstanding Educator Golden Acorn Outstanding Advocate New! Outstanding Student Advocate
2023-2024Daniel ValdezGloria KruznerKelsey FatlandTaiya Fletcher

1995 – 2023

School Year Outstanding Educator Golden Acorn Outstanding Advocate
2022-2023Trevor Holmgren,
Kristina Katrel,
Cindy Peterson,
Young Wong
Carol Cheyne,
Carrie Wallace
Brian Duncan
2021-2022Sophiana Banholzer,
David Furman,
Jay Gillespie
Rachel Hart Rios,
Jeannette Chen
2020 – 2021  Joe Bushek,
Jan Drabek,
TuesD Chambers,
Vanesa López Madrid,
Sonja Petersen 
Linda Jweinat Honorary Lifetime Membership: Carolyn Stalter 
2019 – 2020 Robin Dowdy,
Marie Lassley,
Robyn Maddess
Heather Bioren
Outstanding Advocate: 
Richard “Dick” Lee 
Honorary Lifetime Membership: 
Mara Lim
2018 – 2019Kira Franz-Knight,
Nell Niewiadomski,
Melissa Baron
Mara Lim
Jenny Peters
Joel Niemeyer
2017 – 2018Sachiko Smith,
Timothy Stedman
Sharon and Jeff Parker Diane Taylor
2016 – 2017Matt Lawrence,
Jack Thompson
Diane Taylor, Mike & Jill Hansen None
2015 – 2016 John Foster,
Brittany Newell
Pam Dundas,
Lori Bjorklund

Outstanding Advocate: Demian Godon
Honorary Special Award: Lisa Fitch
2014 – 2015Michael Broom,
Oana Rus,
Shelley Vertucci
Kim Flin,
Ivan Lysene,
Jenny Thomson
Heidi Bennett
2013 – 2014 Debbie Arthur,
Lorie Buob,
Joe McColskey,
Eric Muhs
Lisa Fitch,
Sue Verduin,
John Verduin,
Ron Wang
2012 – 2013  John Nygaard,
Ed Herbert,
Shawn Riley 
Torii Guettler,
Sue Rauda,
Kathleen Marks,
Doug Brownlee 
2011 – 2012  India Carlson,
Sandy Jensen 
Betty Brownlee,
Patti Kost, Ted Inkley 
2010 – 2011  Ted Nutting,
Sooz Stahl
Shawn Burkland,
Sue Daley, Sue Redman 
2009 – 2010  Julie Chapman,
Alicia Hale,
Courtney Rowley,
Megan Vogel,
Jill Zawatski 
Kathy Bowen,
Diane Darling,
Suzanne Matchett,
Cindy Peterson 
2008 – 2009 Debbi Bower,
Dewey Moody,
Craig Nielsen,
Michael Smith 
Jerri Harden,
Mark & Nancy, Ellen Elster,
Lori Hingten
2007 – 2008  Michael James,
Matt Lawrence 
Michael Smith,
Jim Vatn,
Patty McVicker 
2006 – 2007   NonePhil Brockman,
Cindy Richter-Juarez,
Lyn Porterfield,
Mary Wong 
2005 – 2006   NoneCarol White,
Donna Dwyer-O’Connor,
Vivian Belcher,
Toni Bukowski
2004 – 2005  None Ann Farr,
Debbie Geddes 
2003 – 2004  Charles Chinn,
Penny Pagels 
Susie Wyman,
Sue Gregor,
Lorna Hamill,
Rita Lambert 
2002 – 2003   None Laurie Ford,
Diane Steen,
Shelagh Bradley,
Mary Kay Olson
2001 – 2002   NonePaul & Pam Plumis,
Peter Maier 
2000 – 2001   NoneJosie Cleveland  None
1999 – 2000  NoneMichael & Mary Banks,
Christopher Angelos,
Melissa Baar
1998 – 1999  NoneGrayce Mitchell,
Carbina Resendez 
1997   None Ann Bowden, None
1995   None Randal Anderson,
Janice Blair

Congratulations to PTSA Community Award Winners!

PTSA Volunteers with awards.

The Ballard PTSA awarded several community members at its year-end meeting. Congratulations to Orchestra director Daniel Valdez who received the Outstanding Educator Award.

While Dan couldn’t join us at the meeting, we love this photo of him above receiving a giant bouquet of appreciation from his Chamber Orchestra students at their final performance. Ballard Performing Arts Booster President Kelsey Fatland (top left) was honored as Outstanding Advocate.

Also, pictured with PTSA President Karla Rava, ASB Vice President Taiya Fletcher received the PTSA’s first Student Advocate Award; and Gloria Kruzner received the Golden Acorn Award for Outstanding Volunteer.

PTSA Awards 22-23

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PTSA Awards 19-20, 20-21

Outstanding Educator, Golden Acorn, Outstanding Advocates 17-20