Ballard High School

High School

AP Art Studio Summer Assignments

Summary: Create a Blog on Edublogs

AP Art Studio Homework

Ballard HS AP Studio Art Teacher
Contact: Mrs. O’Neill at
Students! You can also pick up an AP Studio Art Packet in the BHS Main Office during the summer hours.
NoteStudents are not assured a place in an AP class until they receive their schedule in September.

Welcome to AP Art Studio

A big portion of your work for AP Art Studio will be for you to complete your summer homework. You will be creating an Edublog that will allow you to design your site, add content and projects throughout the year and this summer. Use the instruction sheet (below) to help you create your Edublog.

The summer Edublog will help you prepare for your yearlong AP course. You will need to define the following terms as they relate to the Principles and Elements of Art. 

You are also welcome include samples of each of the criteria. (All definitions will be turned in as a document or slide show. Your Choice.)

Define Terms

I. Define the Following Terms

  • Hue
  • Tint
  • Saturation
  • Complementary
  • Primary colors
  • Secondary Colors
  • Analogical colors
  • Monochromatic
  • Achromatic
  • Warm
  • Cool
  • Relative

Define the following terms as they relate to the Principles of Art

  • Leading lines
  • Rule of thirds
  • Framing
  • Repetition with variation
  • Contrast
  • Dominance/ center of interest
  • Balance
  • Symmetry
  • Radial Symmetry
  • Asymmetry
  • Unity/Harmony

Define the following terms and give samples as they relate to the Elements of Art

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Value
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Size and scale
  • Positive and negative space

Other Requirements –
For Summer Homework To Be Turned In

II. Gallery Visits: Using the list provided, visit one museum or gallery, and write about your experience. What/Who did you see, what did you like about the work, how was the work displayed, and did they have descriptions or titles to their work. Please turn this in as a word document or PFD when we get back to school.

III. Online Learning: Using the provided worksheet and information below, check out a few of the learning sites. Choose a minimum of one new technique either with shooting or editing your photos to do over the summer. This will be due at the beginning of the school year.

IV. Shooting Assignment: It would be great for you to return in a minimum of 30- 50 photos to your Edublog. These can be of any genre that you would like. Landscape, nature, animals, people or portraits, street, architecture, abstract, macro, etc.

Gallery Visits

Seattle is home to several galleries and museums that showcase photography. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Seattle Art Museum (SAM): SAM often features photography exhibitions alongside its extensive collection of other visual arts. Keep an eye on their rotating exhibits for photography-focused shows.
  2. Frye Art Museum: While the Frye Art Museum primarily focuses on painting and sculpture, they occasionally host photography exhibitions as well.
  3. Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW): PCNW is a non-profit organization dedicated to photography education and exhibition. They regularly showcase contemporary photography by local and international artists.
  4. G. Gibson Gallery: This gallery specializes in contemporary photography, showcasing both established and emerging photographers. They feature a diverse range of photographic styles and subjects.
  5. Greg Kucera Gallery: While not exclusively focused on photography, this gallery occasionally features photography exhibitions alongside other visual arts.
  6. Gage Academy of Art: Gage Academy occasionally hosts photography exhibitions as part of their rotating exhibitions. They also offer photography classes and workshops for aspiring photographers.
  7. Henry Art Gallery (University of Washington): The Henry Art Gallery often includes photography in its contemporary art exhibitions. They feature works by both emerging and established artists.
  8. Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP): MoPOP occasionally features photography exhibitions as part of its rotating exhibits, often focusing on pop culture and music-related themes.
  9. Seattle University’s Hedreen Gallery: This gallery frequently showcases photography exhibitions alongside other contemporary art forms. They often highlight works by emerging artists.
  10. Winston Wächter Fine Art: This gallery represents a diverse group of contemporary artists, including photographers. They feature exhibitions that explore a range of photographic styles and themes.

Before planning your visit, it’s a good idea to check the respective websites or call ahead to confirm current exhibitions and opening hours, as they may vary.

Online Learning Resources For Photography Techniques

There are numerous online resources available to learn photography techniques, from beginner basics to advanced skills. Here are some popular websites that offer tutorials, articles, and courses on photography:

  1. Digital Photography School: This website provides a wide range of photography tutorials, tips, and techniques for photographers of all skill levels. They cover topics such as camera settings, composition, lighting, and post-processing. 
  2. Photography Life: Photography Life offers in-depth articles and tutorials covering various aspects of photography, including camera gear reviews, tips for beginners, and advanced shooting techniques.
  3. YouTube: YouTube is a treasure trove of photography tutorials and guides. Channels like B&H Photo Video, Adorama, and FroKnowsPhoto offer instructional videos on everything from camera basics to advanced editing techniques.
  4. This site has tons of information on camera equipment to learning different aspects of photography.
  5. CreativeLive: CreativeLive features live and on-demand photography classes taught by leading photographers and educators. They cover topics such as composition, lighting, portrait photography, and business tips for photographers.
  6. Phlearn: Phlearn specializes in Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials, offering step-by-step guides to editing techniques, compositing, retouching, and more. They cater to photographers and digital artists looking to enhance their post-processing skills.
  7. The Art of Photography: This website and YouTube channel, hosted by photographer Ted Forbes, offers insightful discussions on photography theory, history, and technique. Forbes covers a wide range of topics, from camera gear reviews to creative inspiration.
  8. offers a variety of photography courses taught by industry professionals. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced photographer, you can find courses covering topics such as composition, lighting, and photo editing software.
  9. Outdoor Photography Guide: For photographers interested in landscape, wildlife, and outdoor photography, Outdoor Photography Guide offers tutorials, tips, and inspiration for capturing stunning outdoor images.
  10. Adorama: This is a great site with tons of education video and inspirational photographer videos.
  11. this has tons of free tutorials and articles.

These websites offer valuable resources for photographers looking to improve their skills, whether you’re a beginner just starting out or an experienced photographer seeking to expand your knowledge.

Shooting Assignment | Creating a Blog on Edublogs

Creating a blog on Edublogs for your AP Photography class is a great way to showcase your work and keep everything organized. Here’s a step-by-step guide for signing up and setting up your blog with the required pages:

Step 1: Sign Up for Edublogs

  1. Go to Edublogs:
    1. Open your web browser and go to Edublogs.
  2. Create an Account:
    1. Click on the “Sign Up” button.
    1. Fill in the required information: username, email, and password.
    1. Click on “Create a Blog.”

Step 2: Set Up Your Blog

  1. Choose a Blog Title and Address:
    1. Choose a title that reflects your AP Photography class, e.g., “AP Photography 2024 – [Your Name]”.
    1. Choose a blog address (URL) that is easy to remember, e.g., “[yourname]”.
  2. Select a Theme:
    1. Choose a theme that suits your photography blog. You can customize it later.
    1. Click on “Next Step” to proceed.

Step 3: Create Essential Pages

  1. Access the Dashboard:
    1. Once your blog is created, you will be taken to the dashboard. This is where you can manage your blog’s content.
  2. Create Pages:
    1. On the left-hand menu, click on “Pages” and then “Add New.”
  3. About Me Page:
    1. Title: “About Me”
    1. Content: Write a brief introduction about yourself, your interest in photography, and what you hope to achieve in the AP Photography class.
    1. Publish: Click “Publish” to make the page live.
  4. Portfolio Page:
    1. Title: “Portfolio”
    1. Content: Explain that this page will showcase your best photography work. You can upload photos by clicking on “Add Media” and selecting your images. This will be done later as we add project.
    1. Publish: Click “Publish” to make the page live.
  5. Inspiration Page:
    1. Title: “Inspiration”
    1. Content: Once class starts, you will be required to find inspirational photographs to help choose themes and styles to your photography projects as new assignments come up. This will be done once class starts.
    1. Publish: Click “Publish” to make the page live.
  6. Summer Work Page:
    1. Title: “Summer Work”
    1. Content: Here is where you get to practice taking photographs, try to shoot what interests you but also see if you can get some samples of photography that you are not as comfortable with. Ideas: Landscape, nature, animal, portraits, still life, architecture, street, documentary, abstract, macro and more. The more photos you have the better you will get.
    1. Publish: Click “Publish” to make the page live.

Step 4: Customize Your Blog

  1. Appearance:
    1. Go to “Appearance” on the left-hand menu and select “Customize.”
    1. Here, you can change the site title, tagline, colors, and layout to better fit your style.
  2. Add Widgets:
    1. Go to “Appearance” > “Widgets.”
    1. Add useful widgets like a photo gallery, recent posts, or a calendar to enhance your blog.
  3. Menu:
    1. Go to “Appearance” > “Menus.”
    1. Create a new menu and add your pages (About Me, Portfolio, Inspiration, Vocabulary, Summer Work) to the menu.
    1. Save the menu and assign it to the primary location.

Step 5: Regular Updates

  1. Adding Posts:
    1. Use the “Posts” section to add regular blog posts about your photography projects, experiences, and any updates.
  2. Updating Pages:
    1. Keep your Portfolio, Inspiration, Vocabulary, and Summer Work pages updated with new content as you progress through the course.

Step 6: Share Your Blog

  1. Share the URL:
    1. Share your blog URL with your me when we get back to school.


  1. Sign Up for Edublogs:
    1. Create an account and set up your blog.
  2. Create Pages:
    1. About Me
    1. Portfolio
    1. Inspiration
    1. Summer Work
  3. Customize Your Blog:
    1. Adjust the appearance and add widgets.
  4. Update Regularly:
    1. Add posts and keep your pages current.
  5. Share and Engage:
    1. Share your blog URL.

By following these steps, you’ll have a well-organized and visually appealing blog to showcase your photography work and projects throughout the AP Photography course.

Note: Students are not assured a place in an AP class until they receive their schedule in Sept.

Contact: Mrs. O’Neill at

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