Ballard High School

High School
Get Involved



PTSA Mission Statement


Create an inclusive, supportive community that cultivates a tradition of excellence for all students

Who We Are

* Become a Member * Volunteer * Donate *

Become a BHS PTSA member, advocate, or volunteer. Donate to help us close the funding gaps. Visit the Volunteer Opportunities to see how you can help out at Ballard HS no matter how big or small. The BHS PTSA is run by volunteers that donate their time to help promote and support the social, emotional, and academic well-being of all students. You can make a difference!

2023-24 PTSA Board & General Meetings Schedule

Come to a PTSA Board or General Meeting

Parents, Staff sitting at PTSA Meeting.

The BHS PTSA Board meeting are held on a Thursday of the month, unless noted differently below. Please email: BHS President Karla Rava for Board meeting location and/or Zoom link at if you would like to attend.

PTSA Board & General Meeting Dates

  • May 9: Board Meeting from 6 – 7 p.m.
  • June 13: Board Meeting from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
    • BHS PTSA General Meeting Awards & Voting New Board at 7 p.m.

PTSA Roles Needed for 2024-25

We Need You!

PTSA Board Members 2023-24

Executive Committee

Executive Board

Standing Committee

Meet Some PTSA Members

Karla Rava
Karla Rava PTSA President

PTSA President Karla Rava It was wonderful meeting so many of you at the new family information night. As a parent of an incoming 9th grader, I’m also excited for this next big step. Between Principal Abby Hunt, the counselors, teachers, and all the support staff, we are really positioned for success at Ballard High. 

If you have any questions about the PTSA, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our Mission is to, “Create an inclusive, supportive community that cultivates a tradition of excellence for all students.” ~ Karla Rava;

Kim Flin
Kim Flin PTSA VP

PTSA VP Kim Flin Why PTSA? I believe being involved at my kids school emphasizes that school is important while reinforcing they matter and are supported. Bonus about being involved at BHS, I’m more informed and get to know a wider circle of families and teachers. I have two boys; BHS Sophomore, Ramon and BHS 2015 graduate, Isaac. I was active at BHS with my oldest in many areas, football, PTSA, SPREE, GALA and many fundraising activities. I’m excited to be an active BHS PTSA again and support where needed.
Note: Kim was a PTA Golden Acorn Volunteer recipient in 2014-15!

At the April PTSA Board meeting, Victoria Van was voted in as PTSA Treasurer.

Victoria Van
Victoria Van

Victoria, along with her family, recently became a part of our community, with her daughter embarking on her journey as a freshman at BHS. “As a recent Seattle transplant, Ballard High School was a leading factor in us choosing our neighborhood in our new city. Doing our research from afar, seeing all the activities the school does for its students, staff, and educators we felt confident and excited to send our daughter to BHS,” she said.

She also shared why she decided to volunteer with the PTSA. “I joined the PTSA with the hope to connect with the other like-minded members of our school,” Victoria said. “I volunteered because I wanted to show my commitment to our school and to ultimately contribute to making our school great. I can’t wait to see what we all do together.”

Welcome Victoria! Her contact email is

Gloria Kruzner
Gloria Kruzner

Hello, I’m Gloria Kruzner, parent of a senior (and a BBHS 2017 alum, ahem!), and the PTSA Newsletter Editor. I joined the PTSA because I’ve enjoyed volunteering at my kids’ schools over the years, and although I usually purchased a PTSA membership, I never really attended a meeting. A chance posting that I did on the Friends of Ballard Facebook (go Botany Plant Sale!) led to me being asked to edit the newsletter. Which led to attending those dreaded meetings! But, I’ve come to find out they are actually really fun (especially online – !) and it’s great to see all the focused work on behalf of our students and staff. I love learning more about our community and bringing information to you every week throughout the school year in the newsletter. As one who was hesitant to sit at the table, let me know what I can do to make the PTSA more accessible for you! We want all our voices represented on our team. Reach out at Go Beavers!

Become a BHS PTSA Member (not necessary to be a volunteer)

Why Become a Member of the PTSA?

PTSA Board Members

We encourage everyone in the Ballard HS community to become a Parent, Teacher, Student Association member. If I become a BHS PTSA Member, do I have to go to meetings? No, but we hope everyone will attend our General PTSA Meetings, where a paid membership allows you to vote! If I become a member, do I have to volunteer? No, joining and becoming a paid member of the BHS PTSA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer, we appreciate the parent/guardian and community help and support, but volunteering is not required. Reminder! If you registered/joined in prior years, you will still need to renew your membership for every school year.

Benefits of Being a Member of the BHS PTSA

The Ballard High School PTSA supports students and teachers through:

  1. Twice yearly teacher grants
  2. Advocacy efforts (voter forums, newsletter advocacy updates)
  3. Parent-education meetings
  4. Volunteer support
  5. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee meetings, programs and outreach
  6. Staff appreciation events
  7. Family And Community Engagement (This includes the Bucky’s Home for the Holidays gift card donations for BHS families who could use assistance; campus cleanup efforts; and partnership with the Ballard Food Bank’s Weekend Food for Kids program)
  8. Weekly newsletters and social media communications

Anyone who supports Ballard High students, staff, and families is welcome to join the Ballard High PTSA and volunteer to support our endeavors. The PTSA is your opportunity to be engaged in your student’s education … and build relationships with other families in the community. This includes everyone our name implies (Parents, Teachers, and Students), as well as alumni, grandparents, extended family members, community members, and more! 

The more members we have, the more we can fulfill our mission. Your membership not only gives your voice a vote at our general meetings, but our total membership numbers also affect the number of seats we are allowed at the WSPTA Fall Legislative Assembly and the number of submissions available for our students to participate in the annual PTA Reflections Arts Program. Thank you for your support!

Reminder! If you registered/joined in prior years, you will still need to renew your membership for every school year.

Pay or Renew your BHS PTSA Membership Fees

Ballard HS PTSA 2023-24 Standing Rules

  1. The name of the PTSA unit shall be known as the Ballard High School, Seattle Council Local Unit Number 6.15.460.
  2. This unit was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Washington on March 13, 1985. It is also tax exempt under IRS Code 501(c)(3).
  3. The membership service fees of this unit shall be $10 per adult. For Student/Staff membership service fees shall be $8. For a two Parent/Guardian (not including students) membership service fees shall be $20. For a Community member service fees shall be $10. The Ballard High School PTSA may offer full or partial membership subsidies to persons requesting them in accordance with the Membership Subsidy Policy, which shall be reviewed by the membership annually.
  4. The nominating committee shall be elected on or before March 31.
  5. The elected officers of this unit shall be: President(s), Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall comprise the Executive Committee. Officers shall be elected by May 15.
  6. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers, Principal, and chairs of the Membership, Volunteer, and Legislative Committees, FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Chair, as well as representatives to the Building Leadership Team. Each member of the Executive Board shall have an individual or co-chairs vote.
  7. All officers and Executive Board members shall be current PTSA members.
  8. General membership meetings of this unit shall be held at least three (3) times per year, beginning in September. Executive Board meetings shall be held monthly beginning in September.
  9. Voting delegates to the Seattle Council PTSA shall be the President and three authorized delegates.
  10. The standing rules shall be adopted annually by a majority vote at the Fall General PTSA Meeting. The standing rules may be amended at any regular general membership meeting by two‐thirds (2/3) vote, or if fifteen days notice is given, by a majority vote.
  11. The budget of this unit shall be approved by the membership at the last general meeting of the prior fiscal year in May. (Fiscal year starts July 1 and ends June 30.)
  12. Authority is given to the Executive Board to reallocate funds within the approved budget without vote of the general membership.
  13. Parliamentary authority shall be “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.”
  14. The quorum for this unit shall be one member more than half of the Executive Board members.
  15. This unit shall be an affiliate of the Seattle Council PTSA, the Washington State PTA, and the National PTA. This unit shall follow the guidelines and by‐laws of the Washington State PTA, where they are not inconsistent with the standing rules.
  16. When necessary or as a normal order of operation, BHS PTSA may conduct relevant business via app or web based video service and allow online voting tool and/or by mail for election of the nominating committee, officers and approval of annual budgets.

PTSA Weekly Newsletter – Stay in the Know

The BHS PTSA Communication Team: Gloria Kruzner, and Diane Taylor help get information out in various ways to the BHS Community via the PTSA Newsletter, Instagram, Facebook Accounts, and information posted on the School Website. The BHS PTSA Weekly Newsletter is a PTSA member volunteer-run informational newsletter that is emailed to subscribed families with important information for families and students, including sports, clubs, performing arts, community news and more! View PTSA Newsletters

If you are not receiving the newsletter or want to add a 2nd email or a student (Personal email NOT student SPS email) Subscribe via the online sign up or email (students grade & name).

Follow and Connect With Us!

Follow us on the school’s PTSA social media sites. Facebook: BallardHighPTSA and Instagram: @BHS.PTSA

The Ballard High School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) entity, Federal Tax ID #91-1303069